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sirhc DeSantis

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Blog Comments posted by sirhc DeSantis


    I'm interested in your opinion on this.  I think mainstream accounts like yours are under-represented in this discussion.


    How interesting, would love to know what you define as 'mainstream'

    And wether I would fall into that particular pit. Judging by your general jubilant hope that the introduction of kids into the main grid will cause the banning of all adult content, I am intrigued.

    As a paying Adult customer, I can accept that sub-adults are being forced on me - I just want to be able to avoid them. Period. And that includes any communication, including, but not restricted to, random IMs and chat, seeing them skyclad on my travels (PG sim not withstanding - still a risk to me)  or even in the same group as me. Easy yes? For at least IMs I want a warning and a simple one click ability to mute them, if there is no flag to set this automatically. For groups, a notification of wether a group I am thinking of joining has kiddy members, or if one joins a group I am already a member of. As for the graphics side, just give me the option to auto-mute them. So they are grey blobs - well good, thats fine by me.

    Even better, give me a big red button that will block any interaction with non Adults and that includes their ability to purchase anything I have on sale. And before you ask, none of my stuff falls under adult - most of it would pass for PG, so what I don't want them to buy them. Full stop.

    Bring them in if you must, just keep them out of my conciousness.

  2. To Quote :  'I do not expect love, I just expect some rasonable assumptions.' Well, I think a 'rasonable assumption' is that you can pos def prepare for the first part. In buckets full. The first creator that can provide me with a way to auto eject a sub-adult from my areas has a sure fire sale on their hands. And thats on the PG parts too.

  3. Totally agree with Dilbert. I don't want them on our sim. Full stop. And agree with others about interaction : I want a flag to automatically prevent IM between myself and under age accounts (in both directions). Unless I choose to opt-in, at which point I want and expect a rigorous screening process, including full and accurate verifiable RL data (verified by a trained/internationally legal savvy Lab team) and the reasons for wanting the ability.

  4. Well some good stuff in there and some bleh.

    Display names is going to cause so many problems, so I will avoid anyone deploying it. Soon as someone comes up with a way to deny access to a parcel from anyone using this I will buy it. By the bucketload.

    I had a quick look at mesh and it looks great, should result in some fun new content and from a lowend user like myself sketchup is pretty straightforward to mess around with, so happy there. Still no news from questions asked about the status of sculpts when mesh rolls out, though (although that little point was raised on the IRC feed during Jack Ls recent appearance on treetv so may not have been raised properly yet) but frankly if there is the faintest whiff that they may no longer be supported then I will simply stop making my own and buying them from others. Not much point really.

    Increase group maximums if you like, I can't really see much point. I maxed out at 21 in 3+ years of SL and  I could shave five right now if I wasn't so lazy. So go ahead, it seems a pretty easy way to make a lot of people happy. From a load point of view I cant see it adding much overhead, at least no more than the idiotic dynamic online listing part. I mean just because I'm in the same group as someone why the hell should I care if they are online or not? Seems pointless. Group chat lag is at worst a pain and at times hilarious and I can see why fixing that is a good thing. Oh BTW can you AR an av for begging in group chat? I know its a bit of a sledge hammer approach but just wondered.

    UI improvements? Don't make me laugh. I've used them all and the worst is still LL 2.poo. End of story. Give me an option to customise it as a one off chore forever to feature the simplicity of good old 1.23 with the best of the litter from other viewers, or even better a stripped down one where I can ADD what I want rather than delete/work round the extraneous crap then I might just be swayed. And I mean oneoff - theres a TPV I don't bother with at all anymore because its default skin is crud and I do not want to go through resetting it every time there is a new rollout version. Hopefully LL will learn at least that lesson.

    As for adding bells and whistles to the dashboard thingy, who cares? Just another passing fad. By all means waste resources on it as long as it doesn't hit core, important work. And whoever it was that said that groups should be restricted to estate management etc can go whistle. Thats just silly and I have no intention of shifting my group activities out of world.

    I must be in the minority too, as I have had little or no TP problems and Inventory seems to be rather well behaved just lately. That might have been the result of finally deciding I didn't really need 2500 objects named 'Object' in there (hey I build and I make lots of sketches hahaha). Real date stamping would be nice but ah well thats my problems, not the Labs. Sim crossing is still a bit hit or miss but certainly has not deteriorated. Maybe its because I do rather like walking when I don't have anything pressing to attend to, and even then I rarely notice it when crossing between two parcels I use next to each other on adjacent sims.

    Overall I'm pretty pleased with this announcement as it seems to have enough important seitan to balance the usual promised-but-never-quite-there and but-we-didn't-want that features, so (un)steady as she goes

    And BTW I used to rather enjoy downtime wednesdays as I met some fun people on the blog. Ain't nostalgia grand. 

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