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Maureen Boccaccio

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Everything posted by Maureen Boccaccio

  1. Just heard that I have to get an MRI tomorrow at 12:45 SLT...so I will be a bit late.
  2. I'm so sorry for your loss...and it is our loss that we won't see you!
  3. @Akasha Sternberg: Next time you're at the Hangout, lemme know if you prefer the backdrops with or without "full bright*
  4. And speaking of Saturday....http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Allana/217/34/27 GoSpeed's tune-spinning gets everything started at noon!
  5. Saw this on the Firestorm site: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_windlight
  6. Yeah, I looked there...and I didn't see it. But it could be behind something (you know...when someone is looking in the fridge for something, and they cannot find it...you tell them it's there, but they still cannot find it...because it's behind the milk. :p).
  7. But here's a question for the class: How do I change the parcel windlight settings for the Hangout? I want to set it to midnight for Saturday's Halloween events...
  8. It's a cool effect! I didn't realize our forum avatar pics could be animated! (not that I even know what's involved )
  9. I thought my mom was going to lose her mind when my dad retired (gov't lawyer/judge). She kept calling me to ask "can't you get him a job at your law library???"
  10. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?search[category_id]=371&search[keywords]=redbone&search[maturity]=General&search =1&search[per_page]=12
  11. My bff, Kit Balogh, and I made up dance routines to many of the musical selections on that album.
  12. You've probably seen this, but: https://flairforevents.wixsite.com/secondlife/single-post/2017/09/21/Sad-November-4---Applications-OPEN
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