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Saraya Starr

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Everything posted by Saraya Starr

  1. valerie Inshan wrote: Reposting another spring vanity. Beautiful pic Val, you look absolutely gorgeous in that And you inspired me to drag my own Kimono from the depths of my inv :smileyvery-happy:
  2. Tay Lane wrote: Saraya Starr wrote: Definitely a bad girl Really like those tattoos on you. Thankies Saraya, we all know that good girls, are just bad girls, that have not been caught yet. :womanwink: Absolutely Tay
  3. At Ambrosia today..was a bunny theme going on :smileyvery-happy:
  4. UncommonTruth wrote: Beautiful Valerie. I love the mist making everything softer. Like a story, the second one makes me hope that your love wanders out and finds you, pulling the pillows and cloth off the table to make a little nest with you on the ground where you keep each other warm. :heart: Jesica~Cute bikini, that purple looks good on you. :matte-motes-smile: Nimue~ Wow, hotness! :smileyhappy: Cinn~ Lol thanks. I haven't thought of a slogan, I might steal yours :smileyvery-happy: Saraya~ Your picture gives me that same feeling as Val's. Wistful and a little yearning, wondering who it is you daydream about. You're stunning. :matte-motes-smitten: Tay~ Gorgeous, I love that outfit and the color is perfect on you.:smileyhappy: All~ Thank you for the compliments, they're sunshine to the vain :smileylol: Aww thankyou Uncommon, that is a lovely thing to say
  5. Tay Lane wrote: Definitely a bad girl Really like those tattoos on you.
  6. valerie Inshan wrote: Saraya Starr wrote: UncommonTruth wrote: Alot of dancin goin on around here, looks like everyone's havin fun :matte-motes-delicious: I found this gorgeous sim today, I look soo many pics there lol, here's one with me in it Wherever you go Uncommon, I think you always outshine the scenery I couldn't agree more Saraya. But this applies to you too. :smileyhappy: Although it is officially spring today, I found my sim in the fog this morning. Everything suddenly looks so eerie... Aww thanks Val I love the look of your sim, eerie yes, but also beautiful
  7. UncommonTruth wrote: Alot of dancin goin on around here, looks like everyone's havin fun :matte-motes-delicious: I found this gorgeous sim today, I look soo many pics there lol, here's one with me in it Wherever you go Uncommon, I think you always outshine the scenery
  8. Randall Ahren wrote: A mininster? Well he most likely prefers it missionary style. Is his jacket mesh? I like it. I'm so vain now, I don't even notice the women anymore. :matte-motes-big-grin: Today I'm 800 days old. Went to the Rez Club last night for a pre-celebration with an old friend. You've seen her before, but she always has a different look. I hope this photo will satisfy Wiki's request for something with less clothing. I'm wearing a fishnet shirt. I forgot to wear my matching leather pants though. My bad. This dance is called Dontcha. Mmm, yes, that definitely calls for leather
  9. Thinking about my day and wondering what to do first...
  10. Domitan Redenblack wrote: *Just tried to pan around the stump holding Ctrl+Alt* Hmmm... too much time in SL do you think? :matte-motes-sunglasses-3: Lol Domitan, I find myself doing the same thing at times :smileyvery-happy:
  11. Ceka Cianci wrote: This is kind of for Val or anyone else with a sim.. i found the coolest thing..i was wanting to do a series of images from the suckerpunch movie.. for those that don't know what that is ..here ya go hehehe Aaanyways...i was thinking of building a bunch of sets and tearing them down as i do each set of picks ..but then realized..that's starting to cost tons of money and take tons of time.. then i found this..the tiny little green dot in the red circle is where i am standing..and below the big globe is my sim lol it's a 512 globe which sits 256m outside of each side of my sim..i can keep it a full sphere or make it a half sphere and drop it down to the water lever and use my sim for the landscaping for all kinds of wild worlds... here are a few of test shots i was taking for my suckerpunch series which for now i am calling it CekaPunch lol..just seeing if i could get the poses right for the shots.. i thought since you all love to take pics and love all kinds of atmospheres for them..that those of you with sims may like something like this..there are so many themes that you can do just about anything if you can find the images for the globes.. anyways..my series will look much better quality than these when i am finished..but i figured maybe it will show some of the depth you can get even with my crappy computer.. mine is called the neXXus v 3.1 512 size..they have them that will cover 6 sims at one time..i bet that would look wild lol they also have smaller ones in all kinds of sizes..the next one down from mine fits inside a sim.. i thought since i knew Val had a sim that she may want to demo one of these..i know she loves pictures of her sim..and she could do any neat sky..and also they make for neat sim surrounds as well.. kk here are the pics now that my rambling has stopped lol as i said..don't judge this quality of them.these are just test shots and not the final studio settings or buildings or quality..i hope to make them breath taking..because i really love the feel that suckerpunch gives me when i see it.. kk now done gabbing lol oh this first one was just showing one of the other scenes..they have tons and tons of them.. I love all these pics Ceka I am going to have to check this globe out.
  12. Cinnamon Mistwood wrote: Saraya Starr wrote: Enjoying a VERY early morning cup of coffee... I have been wanting to say this for a long time. I absolutely love your look and shape - beautiful, unique and classy in every photo you post and every outfit you wear. I haven't seen the thread in a while, but there was a "meet me at the stump" post several months ago. People would follow the link and take pics at the same stump and post them. This stump looks the same, but the location does not. It was a fun thread. Wow, thankyou Cinn, that is very sweet of you to say I do remember that thread, so I found it and found the maker of the stump, but it wasn't for sale, only available on her Lucky Letter board so I sat until my initial came up because I really wanted this stump The location is my own home sim
  13. UncommonTruth wrote: I want to come dance in your garden too! I love this one, joyous is a good description :smileyhappy: Saraya, what a beautiful picture of you. Serene and lovely. I'm getting a kick out of the dancing ones lol. Can't wait to see who makes Cinnamon red next :smileyvery-happy: Love, love those pics Uncommon, the first one is my favorite And thankyou
  14. valerie Inshan wrote: Saraya Starr wrote: No Val, no need to apologize for how you are feeling, we can all feel like that at times *sends you a big hug* Sending hugs back to you Saraya and all. Posting a more joyous picture this morning. Poppies are so lovely and Spring is almost here! :smileyhappy: You are looking gorgeous Val, the picture of spring, those poppies are beautiful
  15. Randall Ahren wrote: Stayed up until the wee hours being bad did you? Hope it's decaf or you're going to have trouble sleeping. Is that a collar around your neck? Yes I stayed up until the wee hours again, yes it was decaf, and no I wasn't up being bad I was being bored mostly yet again working on my sim. Did go out dancing a bit but met a few odd ones so just came home..lol And no Randall that is not a collar around my neck, it is a velvet choker
  16. Enjoying a VERY early morning cup of coffee...
  17. Randall Ahren wrote: No need for an apology to me Val. I live for questions like that. Perhaps I should apologize for not holding back in my answer. Hope you're not feeling lonely, but if you are, I would like to send you greetings from the other side of sorrow and despair. Is this heaven? Hell if I know, but this place seems like it's crammed with little bits of heaven wherever I go. From the Midsome Meadows Coffe Shop today. It's a beautiful, but lonely place. I like this pic of you Randall, and it looks like a lovely place to just sit , relax and put your cares aside.
  18. valerie Inshan wrote: Took my alt to the beach today. Just for your eyes ladies. Ya know Val, you just don't play fair :smileyvery-happy:
  19. UncommonTruth wrote: If this doesn't scream vanity, I don't know what does :matte-motes-nerdy: This is so creative Uncoommon, you look great I agree with Raven as well, you are America's Next Top Model !
  20. valerie Inshan wrote: Randall Ahren wrote: valerie Inshan wrote: How much lonely is too lonely? Great photo Val, and red is my favorite color. How lonely is too lonely? When you get so alone that suicide starts to make sense, that's too lonely. Lonely is the night when you find yourself alone Your demons come to light and your mind is not your own... You nailed it Randall. Sorry, I shouldn't have posted that. Apologiies to you all. No Val, no need to apologize for how you are feeling, we can all feel like that at times *sends you a big hug*
  21. UncommonTruth wrote: Very pretty, I think I like the blue eyes more. Are they different eyes, or color change ones? Either way, both are pretty, I just think blue or green eyes look sexy with black hair :smileyhappy: They are different eyes , I usually wear a pair of light golden brown ones, but it really depends on the outfit and hair I am wearing that day
  22. Well since Raven said it was ok to be bad, I am gonna head out and do just that
  23. Randall Ahren wrote: Me too, but I'm not so good at suppressing it. Just call me Randall the Scoundrel. *lifts a brow and stares at Randall* Ok, hmm, yeah you look a definite scoundrel And on that note, I shall not comment further cause I don't want to get into too much trouble here :matte-motes-evil:
  24. Raven1 Short wrote: Saraya Starr wrote: Randall Ahren wrote: You're looking pretty dangerous there. I can see the inner demon and it's fascinating. You've been in love, been in lust, been nice, been bad, and even been a dark elf. Which role fits the best? Honestly? I would have to say being bad fits me best, but I have suppressed it. It's just waiting to break free again, or waiting for someone to say it's ok to be bad again. It's ok to be bad. There you go lol Raven , ok now I got permission /me runs off and does ..umm, bad things....:matte-motes-evil:
  25. valerie Inshan wrote: Calling Randall. Hello? Allô? Hallo? Diga? Pronto? Mushi-mushi? 餵? हैलो? Привет? :smileyvery-happy: As you can see, I can phone AND smoke at the same time. Lol Val , You are one tough cookie
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