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Saraya Starr

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Everything posted by Saraya Starr

  1. My Peeve of the day... Getting seriously tired of the smug, condescending little witch ( I really do not mean witch ) Who shall remain nameless on this forum. They really need to get over themselves.
  2. Oh, yes I sure did, the house was shaking like crazy..has happened here before, I think I remember 3 times since I moved here.
  3. Yep, yep, end of the world as we know it I live in Vermont and there are reports that at least 20k people are traveling here to see it.
  4. LOL, yes. Everything was shaking , laying there going WTH is happening? First we get slammed by Snow, now an Earthquake! Wondering what is coming next
  5. My Peeve of the day.... People who decide what looks right or wrong in destinations in SL when that is what the destination is set up to look like.
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