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Saraya Starr

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Everything posted by Saraya Starr

  1. Hippie Bowman wrote: Here are some pictures I took yesterday at Bitacora. Very nice place. Peace! Wow, Hippie! Love these pics, Looks like another place I am going to have to visit
  2. valerie Inshan wrote: Saraya Starr wrote: valerie Inshan wrote: new partner. Sexy!!! oooh.. hot one he is, yes, yes.... Hahahaha Sara!!!! Incredible what such a tiny Jedi can do to enlighthen your day! :P Lol, very true, the little guy can make you smile :matte-motes-wink-tongue: :smileylol:
  3. Kobuk Farshore wrote: Saraya Starr wrote: Got bored, went shopping at COLLABOR88 ... got a few things A house, some furniture and this black vest and pants, added the cami but can wear without, really fits well Can I vote for "without the cami"? *fully expects to be smacked upside the head* You do look lovely, Sara-- the hair as well. Who makes that vest? And... another house? Lol Ko, Just for you, a pic without the cami The hair is called Collien, it is by Emo-tions. And the vest and pants are by Ison And yeah, another house, I had not bought one in a while , it was a good deal really :smileyvery-happy:
  4. Got bored, went shopping at COLLABOR88 ... got a few things A house, some furniture and this black vest and pants, added the cami but can wear without, really fits well
  5. valerie Inshan wrote: Some final touch to my land. (Hem, will there ever be a final something here? Don't think so!) :smileyhappy: You never cease to amaze me Val, That is one beautiful house, and the land looks wonderful
  6. valerie Inshan wrote: new partner. Sexy!!! oooh.. hot one he is, yes, yes....
  7. Kobuk Farshore wrote: *hugs Sara with manic happiness* No one calls me short-stuff quite as sweetly as you. *laughs and hugs short-stuff back happily* Really did miss you Ko. glad you came back to the craziness that is SL
  8. valerie Inshan wrote: Saraya Starr wrote: Getting ready for tonight, trying for the 80's Rocker Chick look /me whistles! Woohoo! So damn sexy Sara! I bet the guys will be falling flike flies around you! Lol Val, thanks Perhaps I should keep a fly swatter handy just in case
  9. Thankyou Coby, guess I did alright with the look then :matte-motes-big-grin: And my home, yes I love it and am glad people like it as well
  10. Trinity Yazimoto wrote: Saraya Starr wrote: My home, finally finished , view from the front Oh wow.. now i see your home i m even more honored my pic is inside it on a wall.... What a pretty lovely house and place !!! On top i love the lighting of your pic ! Thankyou again, just played around with some windlight settings to get that sort of hazy look And I got that house because it so reminded me of the home I grew up in
  11. No, thankyou, Trinity I look at the picture and it makes me smile, makes the cares of the day fade away
  12. Thanks to the lovely Trinity for her gift of this lovely picture, it now hangs in my home
  13. Trinity Yazimoto wrote: Saraya Starr wrote: Getting ready for tonight, trying for the 80's Rocker Chick look Wow that's a great great look ! you look absolutely gorgeous ! and thank you for your kind works about my pics, it means a lot to me :smileyhappy: idk if its a Sakura tree, i dont even know what is Sakura tree lol.... but well yes.. as i said, it seems that trees inspire me... here is the new one i made today : and sure, ill be delighted to gift you the pic you want inworld. Im going to upload it right now and put it on the prim i use for my pics inworld. If you want, you may visit my gallery inword :https://secondlife.com/destination/petit-chat-art-gallery . Then if you see anything you would like for your walls, just im me, ill be really delighted to send them to you :smileyhappy: You are an absolute doll Trinity Thankyou for your kind words. *jumps around all excited and plans where to put her new pic* :smileyvery-happy:
  14. My home, finally finished , view from the front
  15. Getting ready for tonight, trying for the 80's Rocker Chick look
  16. Trinity Yazimoto wrote: hello everyone ! Coucou Hippie ... I wish to everyone a great sunday ! here are my 2 edited pics for today (i will probably post less pics from now on, since im going back to rl work on tuesday, so less time for photoshop ) first one is in humanoid sim again (i still have a lot of snapshots from there i havent edited) : and the second one is (of course lol) goatswood ( i have tons of snapshots from there too lol.. i really fell in love with this village) This one is a really fun memory... the guy is the back is my friend Herk.. he joined me while i was taking snapshots there and then he came at this porche. I was at the other side and said in IM rigth away "dont move ! pic ! shhh". Everytime i switch to high or ultra graphic for pics, my fps lower a lot and in goatswood i had so many lag that i was getting a 0.2 fps everytime i was using ultra graphic.. so it was long for every click to react. Herk knows it and he s usually patient. So i saved the snapshot in my hard drive but then, i wanted to post one in my feed.... so i refreshed my camera.. and clicked on "share" button... when i checked in my feed... guess what i saw ? Herk, in the meantime, had rezzed a cube on the floor ! And the box was on the pic in the feed !... So of course, i rant to him.. and what he said ? "you said "don't move", you never said "don't rezz anything".... that caused, of course, a big burst of laughter ! As usually, when i hang out with him btw..... Trinity, absolutely beautiful pics I especially love the first one, that is a Sakura Tree if I am correct? I wonder if you might see fit to selling me a copy of that, I would love to hang it in my home Truly lovely work
  17. Jackson Redstar wrote: been bizy doing more peoples... some shots Wonderful pics Jackson
  18. Coby Foden wrote: Trying out playing with avatar face... The end result came out like this: :smileysurprised: Looks wonderful Coby, very realistic
  19. valerie Inshan wrote: I'm exhausted. Got a new house (very pretty and big, for just... 84 prims!!! Full mesh!). I will post pictures when I'm finished moving in all my furtinure. In the meantime, here's what I am at... I swear Val, you are becoming like me I have lost count of the houses I have Have fun with the move and decorating your new place, look forward to seeing what you do with the place, and you look so damn adorable lugging those heavy suitcases around :smileyvery-happy:
  20. Kobuk Farshore wrote: I've been out of SL for three months doing summery things, but I'm starting to have withdrawls, sigh. I'm editing photos to deal with it lol. I miss you guys! Ko! We have missed you, Welcome back
  21. UncommonTruth wrote: Hanging out around home Thankyou Kylan You look great, love that hair you have on too, the one I have on is called Sadie , it is from Truth
  22. valerie Inshan wrote: Kylan, Sara, you ladies look incredible on those pictures! So sexy and yet so soft, very gracious! :smileyhappy: Think it's about time I post some vanity pic again... :smileywink: Thankyou Val, but we pale in comparison to you, this pic is so cool How did you do that reflection in the mirror ?
  23. It looks like a very welcoming place, I am going to have to come and visit
  24. Yes, another pic..we need to keep this thread alive
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