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Kyrie Deka

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Everything posted by Kyrie Deka

  1. OK now showing *again* in GUN, this nonsense. Second time today. Dudes, Knock knock already.
  2. Hi! UPDATED: Thanks to everyone who answered below (and any future recommendations for us all too!). I shortened this post up a bit too. Some details left for keywords. ISSUE: A nuisance self-replicating object on my mainland parcel, left on one of the parcels in my region, growing larger and multiplying, flashing and loud, rapidly consuming the region and lowering frame rate, blocking sky, and pushing avi as they float around and grow larger and move. Objects are huge blue or red morphing corkscrews and they grow to super-huge in size individually and float and move so that means even if I block them on my parcel they still somewhat float over from neighbors. They each have their lovely air raid siren audio too that gets louder as it grows bigger, they each flash, and they actually push avatar (land set to no-push). My auto-return is always set to 1 minute, and did not return them until I blocked the actual Owner name on each parcel. All the corkscrew-objects contain two no-perm scripts (rc, and self) and some also contain a no-perm object, others do not. I blocked owner, then blocked the object, then returned all objects. Even after I blocked it all of course neighbors had not blocked and so neighbors were still growing, and the loud air raid siren in each travels to me on my parcel from objects on neighbors parcels, and as they multiply and grow in size on my neighbors properties they each float and stack and even when blocked rain down on my property and push avatar as they fall. And that's all on the ground. You'd think way up in the sky it might be better, and thankfully no more incessently flashing loud overtaking trash up there but the lag brings the Lag Meter for the Server down to red and usually up there my framerate flies but with this going on I can only walk-in-place. Unfortunately it appears to be a very effective way to make land use unavailable actually. Presuming some might think it no biggie to just log off and go do something else, for those that actually want to help if possible what is the most proactive/protective thing we little-people-parcel-owners out here can do to mitigate/help when we see this hitting our parcels? Last time I heard someone describe this happening to them (only weeks ago) in a popup chat their sim crashed and they were down for days. My initial response: What I do have available to me is prim "owners" name by right-clicking the nuisance object. Having the owners name, I went to About Land >> Access and under blocked ADDED that owner's name. Then went to Objects tab and "refreshed" the list at bottom > saw that prim owners name was there with X prims and highlighted THEIR name (not mine!) and clicked Return Objects button. I can then again right-click the Object somewhere on a neighbor's property and choose Manage >> Report Abuse. Wished in the Abuse dropdown there was more than "...unfair..." to describe it--I see "unfair" as whining and this is more than that-Jes sayin. I pull up object Owner name's provile and I see that object Owner is not a premium member -- this in no way shocks me, and at least until this is under control I also change land settings to ADD that visiting avis have to have payment info on file. Make a mental note to maybe remove that again later--maybe. And I am putting the nuisance object's avi names here at least until it is fixed in case someone who has the EASY button up in the sky sees this and can fix quicker. Thankfully all virtual-problems are only a single button push away, even if its just the power button smiles. Owner is showing to me here with green-dot as online. Tried to get a response from Owner, but no response -- that was a *nice* thing I did though acknowledging that this could be an innocent avi account just stolen by griefer. Hesitated to put any names here because accounts hacked maybe, but primary goal is to stop the maddness and in light of no-response/until response from object owner I'm putting them here so they can be dealt with. Object name: Object Creator: Oppps Cardalines Owner: Baysu Group: angel's eyry Keywords: sim crash grief nuisance
  3. Looks like its beginning to work itself out. Thought I might share that my 4am-ish (SL time) purchase just went through to Linden balance. Presuming when the queue gets caught up I'll see the second purchase of 5000 L added to balance.
  4. What does this mean, trying to use a HUD (with no previous problems over many forced SL viewer and beta updates) and this now consistently comes up in local chat over and over. Just after forced-update in the newest SL viewer: Second Life 3.2.1 (244864) Nov 10 2011 10:33:28 (Second Life Release) Release Notes ...(Translation failed: the parameter 'appId' must contain at least '16' characters Parameter name: appId) ... Thanks! ADDED: Hiya N-thanks for answering -- it's happening in every single hud, beds... - identical error in all of them. Just did the auto update thing in regular viewer--before that 100% fine/new computer no issues happy happy joy joy--updated and bam 100% error. Tried to see if it reset any of the Preferences on me just in case it was something incredibly simple--if it did I sure can't find it, all looks the same as I always manually set it myself (and until now rocked). Not sure what to think... ADDED: Thanks everyone for responding. IT SEEMS that I was getting this error because either because my prior settings (before update) or the default settings (in new update) had the Google Translate checkbox checked in chat box/preferences. So funny that now there's a fee for Google. For anyone else in quick need: In Preferences under Chat >> Chat Translation Settings button, you can choose either Google or Bing -- quite frankly I unchecked the thing and solved the problem altogether. But if I miss it, thanks to response below, I can steal the time from doing other things and run off to get a Bing thingy and enter it in the box in Preferences. I'll only steal time away from an otherwise manic calendar to do so if/when I miss it. It was a terrible nuisance over and over in the chat box couldn't find the real chat in between all that repetitive error! Thanks again everyone for responding!
  5. [03/12/11] I repeatedly received the system response while TPing to my own property "Region full-please try again later". Adult mainland region, on a Saturday--really? Is this a common occurrence for others? Isn't this something that is foreseen and offset/compensated for before maxes are hit (on both the server side, and when apportioning off land available for sale)?
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