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Irina Forwzy

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Everything posted by Irina Forwzy

  1. Not necessarily. If the event gives the creators the ability to sell fatpacks as well. Laws can be written with loopholes and have been for quite some time. And lawyers, if consulted on these matters look for said loopholes. Competent management doesn't exist in any corporation though. It's usually competent by the definition of the corp level. By end users incompetent depending on whom you ask.
  2. I don't mean collapse as in we the community leave. I mean it in the sense that it stops being profitable. As such SL is closed and Tilia which is the bread and butter of the financial investment companies continues. They don't need the alternative. Ample rl business have closed down without alternatives. As for events. I am ambivalent on these as well. I actually think there's a market saturation point and we are reaching that or have already surpassed it. When you have so many events that you forget their names, you've reached a level of way too much. Second, there's an elusive business there with the tenants of those sims acquiring thousands of RL cash for not much work. However, I also get that people are lazy. The majority only go to stores when it is convenient to buy something on sl. In fact, that's the whole premise of FLF, Saturday Sale, and Weekend. To get you to the store, to get you to buy the low price sale item. If you are new to the store, you'd browse things and buy a full cost item as well. Thus the store would win from your discovery. But most slrs are too cheap. They buy the 50l item, look at the other items and wait for them to go on sale too. So vendors have had to bite the bullet and have had to go into these gacha and regular events to get RL funds from us. Because of our laziness and lack of support.
  3. Perfect coding world. I know how some coders work however. I expect lag issues and glitches. More than likely with the first few machines and events. I do see a refinement eventually though.
  4. That currently happens. That's why I would go to an event with a budge of 2k. If within the first three pulls I see repeats in a store. I'd wait until I go to the actual physical store. Or if I saw the item in marketplace (say the rare) for 500 or less, I'd just get it there. I was usually noticing the pattern that the machines in the events either jammed or were being hit by multiple IPS to the point that the frequency of a rare was less in some. The same machine in a store itself with less individuals there would then give me the rare within the first four tries. How about that? And the weird thing, I repeated this logic for the last two years and it was actually working for me.
  5. You imagine that machine in an arcade with 30 people camming on a machine and trying to buy at the same time? I can smell glitches!
  6. Some people do have issues with that though. And those are increasingly pushing for legislation toward that effect. I am actually against that point. Because as much as I love taxation on corporations and I do believe on a more democratic socialistic model. I do not think we need to completely get rid of our economic model such as capitalism. Just regulate it. Yet, I too often start to see that those that want to control one part of the economic model, actually want to slowly remove capitalism. That being said, I'm fine with gachas going away. As long as creators are able to make their profit in another way. Unfortunately though, that wont be the case for many of those. They will have to then go and hit the RL market for jobs. They will also not buy from other SL merchants. Because a large segment of the buying community are those that create here. My fear, is that this is actually part of a series of moves done by LL to clean their act. And eventually if they go to the next one, which is the adult world. Which on a personal level I disagree with. It will financially hit SL to a point where it may teeter over to a collapse.
  7. Welcome to 2021. The IRS has to tax some folks because corporations are lobbying to get loopholes everywhere for them. Thus, us the little guys get screwed. (Mind you, I don't create in SL, I'm great at creating Visio diagrams and Process improvements... can't for the life of me create mesh models).
  8. That's because our Treasury is trying to tax us for it. (Laundering is also an issue they see).
  9. They will not. Some companies will also leave SL. And some creators will make less profit and eventually leave. Unless the gacha buyers were to buy fatpacks. Then maybe. But they wont. Most played 2k for one or two items, the rest were extras they could reuse if they wanted or resell to someone that actually wanted it. They will still be financially hit if they get the thrill just by shopping in sl. As many people do either way. If someone wants to buy, they will buy.
  10. Then improve them. That's what we should seek in Government. Not for it to be demolished while private enterprise that is run by the very same humans can continue to make decisions at their financial benefit. Because it is their only objective.
  11. Gift card continues to be the mechanism by which that is done. As well as more than likely online currencies. But for those that are testing the waters with small amounts, SL may be it. I don't necessarily know what vendors make. I do however know that if I could heads and I apply percentage into some of these events, my estimates are high. While in others not as much. The big players though, they used to use gift cards. Which was made me hate them with a passion at work, though I used to be their SME due to their dual nature of both a product and a payment method.
  12. In fact, as a progressive. I think alcohol and drugs can be legalized. Tax that to high-skies. And then with that tax, build rehabilitation places for said folks to go to. They want to get high, they will find a way. Then again, both sides jump on that idea. Even though it would be economically positive and will reduce addictions through the rehabilitation.
  13. By the way, no one actually seen it from an angle of money laundering. A seller can create a gacha machine. They live in country A. They are friends with someone in Country B. They are trying to pass funds from one country to the other. If you buy a no transfer item, you can't move the funds from country A to country B. But if you do, if you create a gacha machine. Folks in country B can buy the item using your own funds. Resell it in marketplace for a mark up. And move the cash toward RL accounts. Though this appears to be a crazy way of laundering, the indirectness of it makes it harder for one to trace it's laundering. They used to do that with gift cards in the US and that had to be a controlled by the Fed. Now it's harder to get larger value gift cards and if you do get one, believe that your name is in some list to review whether you are potentially laundering. (Random thought here)
  14. Also noticed most tended to be geared toward lootboxes for kids. So are they saying gachas are being purchased primarily by kids using parent's CC and passing off their accounts as adults?
  15. I think we need a middle ground somewhere with countries. I think US under protects the citizens, I think some countries in Europe overprotect. To the point their economies and their citizens are going to other European countries or the US for the entertainment aspect. But that sweet spot is just too hard to find.
  16. Those were primarily from 2018-2020. I was aiming for 2021.
  17. To buy , or when you are cleaning a portfolio up to sell. And you already know how to do it well. You streamline processes, cut the costs as much as possible, shift the P&L around a bit so it looks better. Then sell it to the other investment partner. And if you have parts of your business you want to market more but they are dependent on others, you will clean up. But this may actually mean that eventually it will not just be gachas, it will be gachas and the whole adult side of SL.
  18. Same can be said about sweets, about gaming in general, and about other aspects. So should society control everything to the point we can't do much for our own health?
  19. This is a brilliant comment none of us are taking into account. If anyone logs into SL past 2 hours a week, you are getting a dopamine reward for it. Most of us that are here 24/7 have a reason for being here and it is borderline addictive at best, fully addictive at worse. You can also game that shopping in general is a dopamine releaser. I am a shopaholic in rl, I recognized it. If I am incredibly stressed in rl, I will not overeat, I actually eat less. But then I shop more, and before I know it at the EOM I need to pay a 1k-2k bill for clothes and kitchen items. So if we are to start looking into all dopamine enhancers, then we'd have to change our whole human behavior. That being said, when litigation, portfolio cleanup due to a new purchase or a possible future purchase comes into play clean up. Or apply casino style regulations on it, in order to control some of the scripts. Simpler for SL is to do portfolio cleanup. Stay tuned because this is not the only thing that will eventually be targeted though.
  20. As I said I'm progressive, doesn't mean that I in all areas though. I have democratic socialistic ideas in most areas but in some I think they overdo it. The same with other areas. One doesn't necessarily need to believe everything in a political party, or in a political establishment. That type of mentality is what creates polarity in political establishments. That being said, I'm seeing both sides. I see the gacha creator, I'm seeing the gacha buyer. And the same mechanism that corporations, companies can be bad comes from the philosophy that they are comprised of said invidiuals that tend to have centralized viewpoints. In the event of a gacha creator, they are seeing the maximum profit, and it may be their RL livelihood. For items they can more than likely sell for X10 the gacha value, but then no one would buy them outright. Then there's those that abuse the gacha system because they create gachas with 100 pieces, that cannot be used individually or just are plainly mesh from other 3rd party websites. I get the gacha buyer, you have a 2k budget but you pass it. But here's the thing, If I want to control the gacha seller, I must also ask the gacha buyer to also control their own instincts. Both parties are to blame. Had gacha buyers not bought the gachas, then the need for gacha events throughout the grid would have gone down. But people went for them and flocked for them like bees on a flower. My take: They need to sell their gachas at reasonal prices. Small gachas 500l - 750l. Break the market, so that sellers need to align to their cost or less to compete. Those of us that played gachas and were reselling due to inventory, will understand. Those that played gacha as a business, will go out of business. Those, they should have NEVER existed. Those falsely drove up the gacha demand. As for the creators that do that, that's probably because you will see an alt of them sell their gacha items as "no copy", "transfer" at markup value to do their sales. Those are the creators by the way, that were also driving up the cost of gacha and were not here for creative, nor for financial independence. Just to acquire maximum profit from us. Shame.
  21. The one I found was about Child Safety in Brazil. If that's the one, then SL is admitting they allow children into the game that use CC. Maybe it is another one, or maybe it's making portfolio cleanup decisions in the event, that it does come to pass. Basically a preventing that strike. And they may not have had the financial resources to work on targeting this through headcounts, code, and potential changes. There are multiple angles to analyze this. I'm just used to companies doing it prior to the legislative move, as they hear through the grapevine things are not gong well for them. Or laws that give a 6 month time frame for companies to follow through.
  22. Yup. And businesses are free to do what they like, until they start to apply the same rules for things Republicans dislike. Then their both against State Rights and Business Rights. Because it doesn't suit them.
  23. Doesn't look like something in their cards. Casinos and Online gambling sites have not advocated for that yet. I mean yet, because until now gaming hasn't been on their sights in the US. What has been is online journalists and of course consumer advocates. Right now they are wounded little vultures licking their wounds from the massive loss of revenue from 2020. Second the question is: online gambling is giving you are real life asset if you win. Correct? So you are putting RL funds into a poker website, but if you win, you get an rl payment to your bank account. Loot boxes within SL are funds you are indirectly loading from a virtual account which were converted from RL, but ones that you are not getting palpable credit for. You'll never transfer a gacha item out. And the only way you do get a credit is through either being a direct seller, or a reseller (where you could eventually earn enough to pull funds out of sl). Other than that, it stays in the game. Oh I'm sure Democrats would probably go for legislating that because of the addiction issue, but not too sure about GOP. They are for de-regulation. But alright, going to bed. And let me stop talking about politics. I'm feeling like eventually this may turn into one of those old cartoons where the characters start to fight and it's a circle of smoke and feathers being thrown out of the cloud. Creeps back a bit.
  24. US hasn't moved to create this law in a Federal level. And if it's a state, it can be quickly overturned with Federal Judges if need be. Which were packed up with pro-business judges by the previous Congress. That's why I have a hard time believing it's due to US legislation. Biden and Congress will not be able to do that much through Congress since the Senate is essentially at a stalemate. Mind you, this being said sometimes the Republicans shock me. But right now it seems our Fed level is too into Covid-19, and infrastructure (which are our more pressing issues).
  25. I disagree a bit with that. I think a large part of what drew people into the gachas to begin with, was the thrill of well the chase. You pay 50l and you may get the rare, you may pay 250 and get two rares, or you may pay 2k for the rare. I meant to say people are willing to pay 2k for the chance to get the rare. But the same person sees the fatpack at 2k and they won't get it because they still think they have the odds toward them. For instance, I see a machine at Epiphany for a creator. There's only ten items and a rare. I play the machine and I get the rare on first try. I didn't need to go through 10 tries or pay 1750 for the fatpack. I underpaid for it. That is the scenario most people wish for. Some, may play four or five times and give up. At that time if the fatpack is 2500 they may just go back to play 5 more times. If they win at this point, they still underpaid to the fatpack price. I think most people don't really go for the whole set. Unless it's stores that are creating a specific thematic look. And some sets are like that but most are not 100%. They are seeking just the rare, or a second item that may be even rarer than the rare (this has happened to me). So they are unwilling to pay a large fatpack cost because to them, they will probably get that rare by the first 500. And to them, in their head, the item worth 500. Then, some may have already paid into the machine so much, that they no longer want to pay another 2k for the fatpack to get their rare. That's where the thrill of the gacha item is. Yes, there is a gambling element to it. The same as you putting a coin in a slot machine and hoping that turns into a win. The difference is that in a casino, you never, ever, ever get anything. Save maybe free hotel rooms, free cruise rooms, and free food and cocktails. But you are betting and getting 0 in return, but the thrill (and maybe a marker that you owe the casino). In a gacha you get an item, and you may stop there because you like it once you have it, or it may be a second item you want, but if your goal is a rare, and you have no self-control you will stop at nothing for that rare. Even if you have overspent. But if presented with that item, as a copy item which is unlimited and is not a gacha item; they would not buy the fatpack version. That's the peril of it. Unless of course, the vendors do consider reducing fatpacks toward figures such as 1k-2k rather than some that go over 2k. I mean, I am not the norm in gacha. If I know I want a complete set and it is in Epiphany I buy the copy. For Collab, I used to play only if I wanted a rare. And usually waited out until it was back at the store because for some reason probabilities were good for me there. But most people think they cannot afford the fatpack because they don't just want one rare from one vendor, they want 3-5 rares from multiple vendors. In order to achieve the same items in a fatpack event, they'd need to shift from maybe 10k for an event to 20k. Just for the rare.
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