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Haruka Mistwood

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Everything posted by Haruka Mistwood

  1. Glad to see they marked it as "Resolved" but I'm still out my money =\
  2. Hello, I made a purchase this morning on the marketplace, after waiting about 20 minutes and the page not loading, I tried again, same issue. About half an hour ago I finally got am email stating that the items couldn't be delivered, and I wasn't charged, but if I go to my L$ transaction history the transaction is there, matching the invoice number. Marketplace says I never got my order so I can't redeliver, but the funds have been removed from my wallet. What do I need to do to get my L$ back? I've had delivery failures before, but never one I got billed for, then told I didn't lol.
  3. Thank god, I've always hated Gacha, I've legitimately seen things I'd pay normal prices for in a Gacha, but I refuse to play the slots for.
  4. I'm definitely having the same issue, when I log into my sim it's generally 5-10 minutes before every texture is loaded
  5. I kinda like seeing them zoom by my house on mainland, would be cool to see them updated with modern appearances like a taxi, or bus or something to make it a bit more 'realistic', though in SL that's subjective lol
  6. Someone rezed a few of those anti-biden signs on the road along my sim, they're a bit of an eye-sore, and in abandoned land somehow so can't return them, waiting for the AR to go through now
  7. I had the same issue, I tried to purchase an item a couple times, I got charged 3 times for it, but there's no transaction record on the marketplace, only my account home. Wasn't a huge amount of L$ so It's not a huge issue, just frustrating, seller said he didn't get the L$ or see anything pop up in their merchant home
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