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Marianne Little

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Posts posted by Marianne Little

  1. I have been slim in SL, so some of the Maitreya issues like the butt, has not applied to me. I have experimented with sizing boobs and butt up, and I have not been too happy about the results. If Lara X allow for more curvy looks, I could try to test it out.

    I would have bought Reborn already if I really wanted curves, it's just a passing thought.

    Details in the body would matter more, if I did not cover up so much. I bought Legacy Perky for that reason, for bikini and lingerie photos. I just haven't done many such pictures. So when I am dressed up, the body details are hidden. I also use a body skin that is much less detailed than the common big brands. YS & YS has much less shading and shine.

    I am considering to move on to a more detailed skin, we shall see. Maybe Lara X will inspire a new and more sexy look.

    But can we get the body soon................. like now.......?! 🫣

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  2. On 10/17/2023 at 5:46 PM, AmeliaJ08 said:

    I demo'd Legacy, it's okay... I don't really see a reason to use it instead of Maitreya though. The HUD is all kinds of terrible though imo! I really, really hate 'web' interfaces in SL HUDs that are becoming so common. They just don't work well, maybe they'll improve but no signs of it happening. Maybe I approached it wrong though, I know people say you can just learn the chat commands etc to do things and this is a nice feature I do wish Maitreya had, say switching feet positions etc... that would be good to have a chat command for and I think Legacy does.

    I was more interested in Legacy Perky though since it seemed to get wider support than Lara Petite but that has pretty much corrected itself now.

    I bought Legacy Perky in a sale some years ago. I think I was a bit brainwashed by all the "Maitreya-shoulder-haters", but when I really looked at the bodies on my sky platform, I was going hmmm... Is that so different?

    Then I saw somebody post about deformers, and I got one that bring the shoulders down a tiny bit on Maitreya. It looks natural.

    Oh well, I have wasted much more money on things I buy and don't use. I get carried away.

    The Gen X Belleza body was looking better than Maitreya. I was really tempted to buy it, it was more details I saw was different from Maitreya. But since the price was so high, I decided to wait and see how many creators that rig... and it was not many.

    The Lara X is supposed to come out before Black Friday... I had mixed up the months and thought it was Black Friday in the end of this month. Sigh, it is the next month. More waiting....


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  3. Bare Rose vendor images look bad. If I see BR outfits posted by others, it looks great. Going to Bare Rose? I can not make what I have seen match the vendor images. My brain can not compare and recognize them.

    Maybe it is because BR is using so strange skin and hair.

    Or I get overwhelmed by purple, pink, orange, green and blue when I go there. 😱

    But now I have the outfits. 😃The only thing different is that the schoolgirl outfit has added stockings. I have lots of stockings, so no problem.

    • Like 2
  4. I come to think of it, it is not only Maitreya that is dropped. I see a trend in new releases, drop all the free bodies, Belleza genX, but also M Petite, M Flat and even Legacy Perky.

    Maybe the creators has rigged for so many bodies in a hope to see more sales, but found out that they sell the same if they only rig for the popular at the moment?

    • Like 1
  5. It's about time creators get to work with the new body that is easier to rig for.

    I was in The Engine Room, and surprise surprise, some vendors did not have Maitreya size. It was only Ebody or Reborn (Is it the same body?) and female Legacy in demos I was interested in.

    I have seen clothes without the Maitreya size before, but I have not seen so many in the same event.

    I belive this would be common, if it was no upgrade for Lara. I hope the LaraX is going to keep Maitreya up as the number one body.

    • Like 2
  6. 58 minutes ago, LegitBonzai said:

    So far of what i know his wishes are being blonde.. pale skinned.. but i also learned he most likely wants to be a femboy/cboy

    Take a look at Skell Daggers flickr. I saw it was linked to his blog before, but he has a ton of looks on flickr.


    Skell Dagger uses a Maitreya body with the flat chest options sometimes. But he is mostly in Legacy male and Belleza Jake, after they fixed the neck issue.

    Male Legacy got an update with feet for high shoes. It has high complexity and cost 5500. I am sure it will be a Black Friday sale on the Legacy bodies. I bought mine for 2500 L, it was in a sale.

    I would not recommend the Catwa heads Skell is using, it is much more new content for Lelutka.

    If it feels difficult to make a body, you can search femboy, femboi or cboy on the Marketplace and filter for shapes.


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  7. 2 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

    A lot will come down to what he wants to look like. Some heads/bodies/stores are far better at achieving certain looks than others. If you've got any source photos, it'll be a bit easier for us to make suggestions.

    Yes, we have not heard anything about what you/he are looking for. Caucasian, asian, dark skin? Curly hair? Big tattoos, bare chest and piercings, or sleek business man? Leather pants or jeans? Kinky wear? Corset? Harness? Suit?

    Let us hear it.

    • Like 1
  8. 18 hours ago, LegitBonzai said:


    Oh wow. That was a good amount.

    I would say Belleza Jake body -                                          1500

    You can not go wrong with this body. It is easy to shop for.

    Head from Lelutka -                                                              3990

    Also a safe buy, 99% of new skins are made for Lelutka EvoX.

    Skin for head and body -   unless you want the male head skin from Not Found and only buy a body skin.

    1-3 hairstyles - at Wings they cost ca 300 per color pack. Stealthic hair around 400, but let us say

                                                                                                     1000 for hair.

    Eyes, it is tons of good cheap eyes. Join Avi-Glam and use group eyes. The price to join the group is so low, it will not set you back much.

    It is a many hairbases included with the Lelutka heads. If he want a special hairbase, with shaved cuts, it can be 100 - 400. Some hairs include hairbases, some not.

    Another beard than those that are included with the head? I recommend Hermony.

    This is last years FREE Lelutka head with the FREE Not Found skin and FREE group gift hair from Wings. I am not sure where the eyebrows and beard were bought. A weekend sale fron Stray Dog? I think the hairbase is included with the head. Eyes are Avi-Glam.



    For the shape, use the one that's included with the head skin, or buy one.

    And then you can decide if you will buy fatpacks of clothes that cost one K each, or shop in the weekend sales. I would say that few need expensive fatpacks.

    The biggest sales is The Saturday Sale and Happy Weekend. You can find male sneakers, pants, hoodies, jackets, tshirts, shorts, tattoos, hair, hairbases and beards every weekend. Of course it is not so much for the males as it is for females in these weekend sales, but it is always some.

    TMD weekend sale is only for men. Here is last weekends gallery page: https://www.facebook.com/media/set?vanity=themensdept&set=a.655578799995600

    If he totally hate the Belleza Jake body, both Signature and Legazy male is expensive. Then it is smart to wait until Black Friday. And as said, there can be a free head for Christmas. At least a sale.

    • Like 1
  9. 6 hours ago, SpiritSparrow Skydancer said:

    I need that dress… does it come in brown ? Link me please

    Aw, it is a mix'n match. The skirt parts is from 2011 and the dress is still for sale. The corset is not good seen with today's standard. The feathers are unrigged flexi. We're talking old stuff here.

    I found something to wear from waist and up that's new, rigged and match the feathers. Full list of stuff when you click the image (goes to Flickr)

    If you decide to try it, perhaps the Angel pack 3 "Chayot earth" and tinting it a bit browner is closest. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/20317

    Since it is mod, it is easier to match it to a new mesh top with tinting the feathers.

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  10. 19 hours ago, Alexandria Vezina said:

    I have been checking...without becoming obsessive about it hahah Thanks for the reply 😃

    I use a refresher script that plays a signal when the word I ask it to find comes up. That way you can read or work in another window, and have the refresher do the job for you. Set it to 2 minutes, it is a limit to how many times you can refresh. The refresher will be stopped if the page is refreshed too often.

    • Like 3
  11. This outdoor plank house can look good in your ranch backyard. It is a Lazy Sunday sale. The price will go up later. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Killers-Outdoor-Plank-House/14552454

    I am a bit annoyed, because I could not find it in any of the store rezzers. So I bought it unseen, because the creator makes good things. I have seen them before.

    The door is on the short end of the wire part. It is a door in the plank part from the wired part.

    The build is gigantic. Enormous. Look at my avatar in the picture on snow. I had to edit it smaller, and it is in 2 parts. One of the parts would not budge at all. It is probably a tiny part in it that can't be smaller. So with a resizer script and some moving around, I got it down to a realistic size. The good thing is that it is 12 Li now.

    I thought the whole buying process was unecessary complicated. First I could not find a demo, and then the resizing is challenging for a person that is not used to working on different parts.

    But it looks great! Put in a few chickens and a haybale, and you have the backyard decor ready. Maybe some pumpkins, dry grass and a scarecrow for the season.


    outhouse .png

    outhouse2 .png

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  12. I second the suggestions from @PixelBerry, wait for Black Friday. If one has a tight budget, there can be a lot of money to save on it. I will be very surprised if not the bodies Legacy and Signature is running a 40-50% sale. Perhaps Belleza too, but that body is already priced low to 1500 L.

    We in Second Life has been spoiled by Lelutka, the most popular head store, with a male and female gift head for Christmas. This is very generous, and we can not hope for that every year. But I am sure it will be a sale for Black Friday. Last year it was a 50% off on all heads for Black Friday and gift heads for Christmas.

    If you buy Belleza Jake today, that body is already affordable, so that is the best option for a body now. Belleza Jake is also one of the most popular bodies, it is easy to shop for. In the weekend sales, you can buy clothes and sccessories for 50-100 L. Almost all male fashion has a Belleza Jake size.

    Make sure you demo all you buy, clothes, hair, shapes, heads and skins. You MUST demo everything. You do not get refunds in Second Life. If it is no demo, walk away.

    Skin stores can be a good inspiration. Those stores almost always has a shape in the demo pack.

    Gac  Akina Julio  Voxel - Not Found

    I think Not Found has a group gift skin for a typical caucasian young man with fair skin. Last time I checked, it was a free to join group. If I were you, I would take the gift skin if the skin is when you are looking for. This skin is made for mesh heads and will look  totally wrong without a mesh head from Lelutka. You may have a head from Lelutka later. Group skins can be changed.

    Head skins and body skins are sold separately these days. Even if you get a free head skin, you have to spend maybe 500 L on a body skin. Mesh bodies often include some body skins. You can use the skins included and an old skin for the system avatar head.

    Male fashion feeds on Flickr often comes with credits, or a link to a blog with credits.

    Oh, these gods... (opt out - MALE ONLY) The Sl Fashion Guys SL-MEN Fashion Addicts (opt out) Male Fashion Feed The Boys are RAWKING (SL Male Avatars)


    • Like 2
  13. Past the new and into the old

    The furthest is where you seek

    Stabbed in the heart

    It will linger

    ------------------AsteroidBox. Anya Top: Ebody Reborn, Legacy, L perky, Freya, M Lara, M Petite


    Everyone loves Fridays

    It's the way out of the week

    But it's also the entrance of the weekend

    On top of it all is worth a peek

    ------------------AsteroidBox. Jodie Shirt: Freya, Legacy, L perky, Freya, M Lara, M Petite, V-Tech


    I can hear something ringing

    A phone far away

    Outside near the waste

    The call is already paid for

    ------------------- AsteroidBox. Indigo Collar & Bracers: Ebody, Jake, Legacy F, Legacy M, Maitreya


    To get to the party place

    You could wait at this stop

    There may be a long wait

    As the ground swallows it up

    -----------------AsteroidBox. Steam Engineer: Ebody, Jake, Legacy F, Legacy M, Perky, Maitreya, M Petite, M flat


    Every good DJ needs a treat

    Something salty or something sweet

    Keep a lid on it

    Or you'll be mean

    ----------------- AsteroidBox. Frankey Jacket: Ebody, ebody Flat, Jake, Legacy M, Legacy F, Legacy F (flat), Maitreya, Maitreya Flat

    (Ebody Flat and Legacy Flat? Is that sizes too?)


    Back you go

    Towards the start

    This one here

    Is a work of art

    ------------------------ AsteroidBox. Ava Dress: Freya, Ebody, Ebody juicy boobs, Legacy, L perky, Maitreya Lara, Petite and Flat.

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  14. Since I have Maitreya Lara, I found something in 9 of 10 Asteroidbox hunt prizes. But for you who has another body, I tried to type what sizes, and the clue for them. This way you don't have to find all if you need only one body size.

    Where plants call home

    It's "f*cking amazing"

    But the sleeping cat

    Thinks it's even better

    ----------- AsteroidBox. Hazel Sweater: Gen x classic, Gen x curvy, Legacy, Legacy perky, Maitreya, all three (Lara, petite, flat)


    Plants provide oxygen

    It helps you to Breathe

    Cover the walls in green

    And you will find something in one

    ----------------AsteroidBox. Serpant Sidearm: Ebody, Jake, Legacy M, Legacy F, Maitreya


    It's always useful to have a Sidearm

    You never know when snakes are near

    It's an accessory to murder

    And the one you seek is bloody still

    -----------------AsteroidBox. Connor Shirt Jake and Legacy M


    You could walk a mile in these Shoes

    Stomping around at max speed

    They'll carry you up the stairs

    Where you can surely rest

    ----------------AsteroidBox. Luna Shirt: Freya, Legacy, L Perky, Maitreya L and M Petite



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  15. 11 hours ago, Chic Aeon said:



    I didn't have any luck finding things but here is the info. 

    I usually run away from hunts in a hissyfit and swear "never again", but here I have found all items.

    English isn't my first language, and I often have problems with clues but here it worked for me...?

    I spent most time going through all the green plants on the wall, but I found the knife by derendering them one by one...

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  16. I have some white lashes I can tint, but I am not 100% satisfied. When I tint them, all of the lashes are tinted.

    I am looking for lashes that are part black and part white. That way I can tint the lashes so I get the color I want, and the black part stay black.

    They can have any parts tinted, not only lashes that look like the image. But I like them very much.

    You have any suggestions? I use Lelutka EvoX.




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