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Monti Messmer

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Posts posted by Monti Messmer

  1. Game ? nvm

    I cannot think of ONE online game (MMORPG), thats what SL is technically, that runs without lag and disconnects.

    The difference on all this things is: Content is pre-rendered and doesn´t change much. In SL the avatars change, the world changes the buildings change ....

    Some things could be changed and updated to make it less worse but think about people that cannot afford high-end machines or running SL on laptops ...

    SL always had the benefit or running on "small" machines too, ugly slow less fun, but running.


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  2. Hi, it might be ok for reading posts but please stop using auto-translate for reply to posts.

    Things i read, translated to my language, usually do not help much.

    Translate complex things isn´t working automatically even MS currently had a break-through with automated vs human translation


  3. Hi lets see



    1. Do you keep SL apart from RL? Are you open about RL with people in SL? Do you tell your RL friends about SL? 

    2. Do you act very differently in SL than in RL?

    3. Do you spend a lot of time in SL? Do you think you can spend less time, if RL demands it? Do you think SL is addictive?

    4. Do you think SL affected or changed your RL self? In a good or in a  bad way?

    5. Do you think SL only relationship can be considered as an RL adultery? Can you manage both relationship without getting in trouble? 

    6. What is the most important thing there is about SL for you?

    7. Do you think a lot about things that happened in SL when you are offline?


    1. SL and RL are mixing very often, yes i´m open about RL with FRIENDS! No not telling RL people about SL, if they do not know it it´s pointless

    2. No, i can do things impossible in RL (jobs, dances ...) but else it´s me

    3. I have spend more time in SL than good but suddenly a few things put me off SL and now i´m very rare online

    4. Yes it did in good and bad (do not ask ;))

    5. SL only is impossible for me because i do not RP feelings, that´s why SL relations are hard to manage when they go too deep

    6. It was do things i cannot do in RL

    7. Yes 

  4. Check the TPV link given earlier and you will see there is a text-only viewer for iOS devices.


    MetaChat MetaChat iOS - TEXT ONLY - Second Life® client.

    And this is not about dominant or not, it´s about the complexity to port windows functions to iOS.

    Android viewers "easily" can use part of the code from original viewers or the great great openmetaverse library whereas
    iOS doesn´t understand this code.

    Windows phones. Well ... MS is even more rough and strict about developing apps for their devices. (XBox too)


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  5. Hi, without defending LL or whoever.

    IMHO, only non-active (empty) sims are parked in the cloud and the asset-servers stay the same as always.

    This can make things slower when entering an parked sim but for the rest it´s just the usual lag thingie.

    Best is what anna2358 said because some things are harder to load -> extensive use of huuuge textures and stuff.

    And of course, do not use SL via Wireless it´s not designed that way.



  6. Falls es um Mesh-Klamotten geht, suche Tutorials über Blender BEVOR du dein erstes T-Shirt in Angriff nimmst.

    Blender hat ein hohe Lernkurve und bevor man nicht die Grundfunktionen beherrscht wird das Ergebnis immer enttäuschend.

    Leider gibt es nicht mehr sehr viele System-Kleider die "nur" noch texturiert werden.

    Blender ist kostenlos und falls Du das überstanden hast suche mal nach Avastar (kostenpflichtiges update für Blender) sehr hilfreich und auf deren Seite
    gibt es tonnenweise tutorials - für Mesh.


  7. Of course it cannot work as a desktop viewer because of the limited screen AND ! SL is designed for wired LAN connection, not mobiles.

    Depending on the OS a lot of functions will/can not work on mobile viewers.

    If you want a good experience with SL use a good desktop PC with a bigger than 15" screen and a wired internet connection.

    Yes, newer laptops can handle SL but it´s still llimited, besides spending a fortune for a laptop while a desktop cost only half.


  8. Hi, the SL client needs a direct connection to the servers. VPN´s kind of resend packets and delay them this would make the client think the connection is unstable and cut the connection.

    Even if you can connect, it wouldn´t last long.

    "Normal" internet use is ok but i think most/all online-games (real-time) having troubles with vpn.


  9. Hi, all stores (not only SL!) pay for  reviews, some even delete bad ones and only keep the good.

    Do you really think Am.... eB... only has real reviews from real people who bought the product ? O.o

    That´s all talkin abour RL so why would it be different in SL.

    It´s a million dollar fake review buisness.


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  10. Hi, besides how to use BUTT, what is a question for the BUTT forum not SL, the lag between playing a song and when people hear it is around 20 seconds.

    How would one sync the voice to the music ?

    If you are playing the stream and streaming to the sim, that´s possible but still weird because either you hear the local sound or the delayed stream.

    This means you hear your voice around 20 seconds after talk/sing. Trust me this is a horrible experience for new DJs.

    After all this wouldm´t be Karaoke where one plays the music (stream music) and another sings to it (stream voice).



  11. Which operating system ? Blue screens in Windows 10 ????

    Memory could be a problem also. This is more a hardware thing so better do as cykarushb said or contact the hardware vendor (forum).


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  12. Hey ! Why es "he" a scumbag maybe she did something bad right before Christmas. :P

    To answer the question:

    Dashboard - account - partners 



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  13. Hi, i have formerly used OGG.

    The problem is the viewer must be able to use that codec. With OGG i had massive problems with Linux-users.

    MP3´s can be streamed at the highest possible quality, nothing else you listen to on music-streaming plattforms ... but than the listeners have a massive amount
    of data to download plus the data for SL. On slower connections this would simply stop the music or end in hiccups (start/stop)

    For the common listeners with "normal" ears, MP3´s with 128 mbps are absolutly enough. Internet radios use that too.


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