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Monti Messmer

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Posts posted by Monti Messmer

  1. Hi, with the link system and the outfits folder, explained by Chic, you can do exactly this.

    Wear all you want, shape skin shirt shoes, then save this as an outfit. This creates a new folder with links to all the items; links are needed if you have no copy rights to use them in several outfits.

    Then you replace one outfit by another, this can turn you from a wolfe into a sexy human or ... with all shape hair skin.


  2. Yes that´s true but! offended people (or only if they feel so) can do alot harm to you or just cause major pain/troubles.

    You cannot name avatars on the official forums but outside you can do whatever you feel. We had some big drama going on even stick to that rules 100%.

    My rule is never use names no matter where  and if someone asks to remove the picture i just blurr their faces. Works perfect in RL so should do for SL. This way you can keep the pictures online without destroy them.

    After all the years on SL (avoiding other social media platforms like the pest) i learned to only have the good drama ;-)


  3. According to the second part, i wouldn´t say you can use their names and the part of "recognizable", even without the nametag showing, is a tricky one.

    RL photographers know about this funny law, it´s exact same there just no one has a nametag or walks around as a giant furry ;-)

    If the main part of your picture shows a crowd of people in a public venue, without focussing on single avatars, that should be safe.


  4. Natuerlich hat sich die Popularitaet verringert. Es ist Sommer, Ferien und duzende anderer Spiele sind frisch erschienen.

    Nicht zu vergessen die FB und Twitter Freunde denen SL einfach zu aufwaendig ist ;-)

    Es sind weniger die technischen Probleme, wie Syo sagt, die gab es schon immer und waren auch schon viel schlimmer.

    Restarts die einen halben Tag dauerten oder Haare am Ars... nacht dem Teleportieren.

    SL wird nicht so schnell sterben aber es ist viel langweiliger geworden oder wir einfach erwachsener.


  5. Hi, you didn´t name anyone and kept your language straight but not harmful so i doubt the post violates any of the TOS.

    You wondered about the creator isn´t the same as the merchant. Think about the thousands of people in SL who would never know about. It´s a big market selling stolen goods. 

    Relisting however is against the TOS and can be reported but very often these people use throw-away avatars and after a ban they just keep on with a new.

    This isn´t only a SL problem it´s an internet problem. Funny part, Lindens earn money from good or bad and they (like any other internet company) won´t give back. Just saying ...


  6. Being a lawyer, advocate or policemen in SL is impossible. Only Lindens have the power to deal with and they won´t transfer that permission to others. You can only control the land you own.

    Lindens won´t let you look into what how or if they deal with an AR and the one abused have to file the AR. Of course if more people complain about the same things happen it is likely that LL take action.

    The only help you can offer is to mute, derender and ignore abusive people and avoid place that usually hosts them - like welcome areas or help islands.


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  7. Of course you right but you cannot set a certain amount for something. Depends on details and type.

    With more and more mesh avatars and textures/system clothes replaced with mesh, even underwear socks bikinis ... the load on the servers go up anyway.

    Example for an mesh dress. Use the standard SL dress layout then try to change into your design with as little more triangles as possible. Sometimes using the new texture methods applied on a high-count mesh then placed on a low-count model you get the same result.

    It´s test, trial and error.


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  8. Not really a simple answer so.

    A house or a barn, trousers or a dress ...

    Go around buy others products/demos that really impress you and see how many they needed.

    Always try to need as little as possible.

    Now with all jumping on mesh-avatars, good or bad designed, the prim-count won´t matter anymore ;-)


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  9. Right now, in my country, there are some RL cases where ppl left nasty bad reviews for Restaurants or Doctors ...

    That´s the new world. Foul language is easy because they feel safe with hiding their identity. Big companies have mechanics to remove this bad reviews automatically. That isn´t real and fair but shows how serious the problem is.

    I never give that much about reviews because i learned what they are worth - even the super duper ones are usually fakes.

    One big problem is that people being mad more likely speak out their thoughts. Happy buyers just use the product and get on...


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