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Monti Messmer

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Posts posted by Monti Messmer

  1. Waere ne tolle Sache. Nur mehr Prims damit koennte man schon alles lebendiger gestalten. Denkt mal an Staedte oder Waldlandschaften.

    Aber - prims = preis

    So ein Sim wie du ihn da zeigst ist unbezahlbar in LindenWorld.

    Die Frage nach groesseren Sims und/oder mehr Prims geistert schon seit Urzeiten durch SL aber LL hat taub Ohren. Auch ein Grund warum viele Grossprojekte gescheitert sind.


  2. Careful with mesh-clothes - demos demos demos

    Do you really need/want a mesh body to render most if not all "old" clothes useless ...

    There´s more clubs than visitors, expect alot empty places


    First 3 things come to mind for people who where away for quite a while (not only a few weeks so)


  3. One way:

    Track your marketplace history and send, all who bought, an update.

    If it´s scriptable, you could have put an update script in that checks - bit like windows update. But that´s to late for you now and won´t work in e.g. system clothes ....

    Have a script in a prim inworld that you feed with the names and products sold. Then if you drop the update onto that prim it "automatically" sends the new items around.

    All ways still need alot of manual work, 2 of them (scripted), needs items that are prepared before sell.


  4. Check the shops for hairs, there are several out on SL and the Marketplace.

    Don´t search for Lady Gaga, items named after famous people get removed veeery quick (copyright thingie).


  5. Well, they could restore your inventory i bet, but it´s your fault. If things like the creating tools are that important you must protect them. No one in both lifes is helping you on that.

    Police does not really protect your things, they wait until it´s stolen then act ;-)

    "My landlord deleted all my stuff after rent was over, restore it."

    "I accidently click delete instead of pick up, restore it" ....

    LL would be covered in "restore it" questions from people so they simply ignore it.


    Anyway, i think LL could offer such a service if people would be willing to pay - and they should.


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  6. Unwahrscheinlich dass ein ganzes Land gesperrt wird. Moeglicherweise liegt das eher am Internet-Provider der mit dem routing nicht klar kommt und da es in den meisten Laender nur wenige grosse Anbieter gibt trifft das dann halt vieeeele was einem wie "alle aus meinem Land" vorkommt.

    Router-Neustart kann manchmal helfen.


  7. I´m taking this more on the funny side because stalk avatars is harrasment what get´s you banned by sim-owners and even LL   :-O

    Nothing in SL is "invisible", real stealth planes aren´t too, makes it kinda pointless to build them (at least on SL)


  8. Hallo, speziell in Deutschland ist die Preisbindung schon seit Jahren untersagt. Genau aus diesem Grund ist ein Hersteller gerade vor Gericht weil er auch im Internet einen Mindespreis festsetzen wollte damit seine Waren nicht verramscht werden. 

    Egal ob SL oder RL, in Deutschland angebotene Waren = keine Preisvorgabe. Ob das den Amis oder wem auch immer passt - interessiert nicht   ;-)


  9. Right, HiFi is very alpha and no one has a timeline, not even how to create things or ....

    If SL closes then i might not even realize it within the scheduled time :matte-motes-sarcasm:

    The introduction of mesh took out all the sparkles and made it to a technical battleground where creators maybe only go online to upload their creations. (Ah, a big drawback for Hifi - now - no ingame building)


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