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Monti Messmer

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Posts posted by Monti Messmer

  1. Hello, as i started DJing i used Winamp with the Icecast plugin and a microphone enhancer plugin, sorry forgot the name.

    The bad thing is, Winamp isn´t supported or maintained anymore but the old plugins are still working. Just a bit hard to download sometimes.

    Sam is a pro-software that sometimes is an overkill for the common SL-DJ´s.

    winamp has playlists and voice-over and blend songs .... without the overload of functions for adjusting blend-in out time, volume of each song and whatnot.

    Mixxx is a great software, not only because it´s free. Still i never got used to it really.

    Finally i wrote my own software, a bit like SAM without all the unneeded stuff and perfect fit into Virtual DJing, not mixing!


  2. Hallo, security orb - oder so aehnlich heissen die Dinger.

    Dort kann man einstellen wer in das Haus darf, andere werden "hinausgeworfen" (vor die Tuer) oder zu ihrem "zu hause" teleportiert. Nach einer vorher eingestellten Zeit.

    Meistens muss eine Notecard bearbeitet werden. 


  3. Hello, i am still using the system avatar because it worked great for over 7 years.

    Because there are only a handful (2 ?) different famous mesh bodies, and lots of people just use them out of the box, this might explain why they look the same.

    I don´t like the hazzle with extra hands, feets, boobs, bums and the applier system for clothes. People even wear mesh underwear ! 

    Looking at the new bones, wings, face, single fingers - that´s still beta but in the long term run, mesh avatar will be the one to use.



  4. Whats about the picture before you login - the jeep with names of the creators for car and clothes.

    Does LL check if the creator has the official right to create a copy of the RL jeep for SL ? Or do they promote copyright infringement ...

    Just a few thoughts. Fairness is dead. It´s all about help the bigger to get bigger.


  5. Hello, it is not allways the streaming-server that throws this problem. Very often it is your own internet connection that doesn´t support enough bandwith over a longer periond. Especially if you run SL and the DJ thing on one computer.

    Only a few times ever  i had the problem of filling up swap space on the DJ server, when not enough memory is aligned to it.

    You won´t notice the problem in SL, not beyond the usual lag, but a streaming server that lose connection for half a second and must regain it goes completly nuts.


  6. Hi, Monti.

    I've never heard of some of those programs. I'll take a look at them.

    Winamp is easy to use and I'm fairly content with it, but it's not being kept up to date and I'm seem to be having some issues with it since I upgraded to Win 10.

    I don't mix my music, so I don't need much. Maybe Mixxx will work.

  7. Hello, write things in the forums doesn´t do any to LL. The rarely come here and read. It´s a resident driven forum.

    Not knowing what the text says you mentioned, and not being interested anyhow, maybe it is not racist in the USA or the part LL works.

    Best way to deal with this stuff is - ignore and move on. If you cannot stand seeing it - derender. There is no police in SL and god help, there never will be one.


  8. Hello, you should receive a notecard with rules.

    Often you cannot resell them as they are but use in own creations. However this depends on the stores TOS.

    If they won´t reply then you better of doing nothing, before your items are removed from MP and banned.


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  9. Hallo, duerfte in allen Viewern das gleiche sein. Die Passwoerter werden local gespeichert aber sicher nicht lesbar sondern in kodierter form, also nutzlos um sie auszulesen.

    Wenn du noch die email kennst und nutzen kannst, lass dir ein passwort zuschicken.

    Solltest du keinen zugriff mehr auf die benutzte email adresse haben, bleibt dir nur LL Service Hotline Nummer anrufen oder ein Ticket oeffnen und die geforderten Identitaetsnachweise einzusenden. Das kann z.Bsp. eine Kopie des Ausweises oder .. sein.

    Wuerde jemand die Tuerschloesser tauschen und die neuen schluessel wegwerfen. Passwoerter sind wichtig und ebenso die email dazu. Einfach in Zukunft etwas vorsichtiger sein ;-)



  10. Hi, even this is called the Inworld Employment - Forum section, best way to get a job is to teleport around checking places you like, music, visitors... and direct ask the "owner" for a job.

    Like in RL sitting and waiting for a good one without being someone with outstanding talents is pointless.

    What kind of job are you looking for ? Host, DJ, Estate Manager .... (Edit your post to add)

    Good paying ? Honest ? The only good paying jobs in SL are in the horizontal buisness, voice and cam .....


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