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Charolotte Caxton

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Everything posted by Charolotte Caxton

  1. swallowtail was exactly what I was looking at.
  2. I am so happy for you, I just re downloaded Blender and hope to make the things I cannot find. Awesome!
  3. I LOVED this! Lose the UI and it is PERFECT! (Well, close enough, amiright?) lol Oh, unless you intentionally left the UI so we can see what you are doing, that's cool too. Love it regardless.
  4. Oh! You are the best. What kind? I am deciding between Monarch or some kind of yellow blue I saw, cant recall the name.
  5. Yay! I am coming to visit, I think I will be a butterfly and check out the tulips 😊
  6. I went to log in just now and saw this, I am so freaking happy for no reason other than I am so happy your passion and detail are being appreciated by many, congrats! (and the fact that it says 3/16 is way cool to me). This is how my SL looks today. Happy.
  7. I don't want fights. I just asked a question, I thought. I will reevaluate. Love you all. (Taylor Swift march 18!) lol, love you
  8. I had a question so I DELIBERATELY placed it in the ANSWERS section. If I wanted a conversation I would have gone GD, but I wanted ANSWERS not a DISCUSSION. I am not new here.
  9. Honestly though, I had a question and I was hoping for an answer so I came to questions, I don't see why that was so bad of me, I apologize to no-one because I did nothing wrong (this time, I don't think). I asked a question in Answers, hoping for an answer. My mistake, I will stay away, even though this used to be home. Ps, I can't get over how silly answer looks. 😆
  10. oh. I figured it out. Ask questions as a newb, so no-one knows that even old avatars don't always get this. Cool, I like the last name Dallas.
  11. how would I know if it has a direct answer or not? That is why I asked the question, if I knew I would not be asking. Fine.
  12. Thank you. But that's the thing, it IS a question, I do not know if it will lead to a discussion or not. And I would like to reiterate, if this is an answers section, where do you let others know the question is answered? Otherwise, it IS an open forum.
  13. Is this always the way we said answer? It looks all wrong, I Googled a lot but it is what I keep finding. Oh, and since I have your attention, @Juan Marques is very many things alot or a lot? Thanks. Charolotte
  14. So, if I want to post a question should I go to answers? Or should I go to General Discussion? seems like if I wanted an answer I would go to answers.
  15. You and I are basically going to get this deleted. Just shut up at me.
  16. Why. Why would it matter. I have very very awesome conversations in answers. Maybe you are in the wrong place.
  17. Ok, I reread my post over and over, it is a question. WTF is your problem with me?
  18. Not liking my opinion is possible, as it is evenso possible i don not like yours. Respect mine, i do the same to your.All people are born as original, most live and die as bad copy. This is how we approach others with stupid ideas? Take some grammar classes while I go learn how to edit these texts.
  19. Until your name is Linden, I will post as I desire.
  20. And how is this an answers section when I do not see a way to mark a question as answered, like we used to.
  21. I imagined since I don't work here the ones who do can place it where appropriate. I do the best with what I know. Edit: also, the answers section is a lot less contentious. and, except for you, I know most of these people. Also: do you need help with your profile tag thingy? It is full of errors, misspellings.
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