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Arnold Burner

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Everything posted by Arnold Burner

  1. Thank you yes. I hope so as its due the day after pay day!!
  2. Thank you very much my friend - appreciated.
  3. Hi, Very quick question - my Prem Plus membership is due for renewal soon. Does payment automatically come out of my account?
  4. Hey - how did your quest for people go?
  5. Hi - can I ask what is Central Time in SLT please? Brit here you see and just wondering.
  6. Hi. Well that's sad to hear but I have found that I was able to find lots of friends over time that share the same interests and they have been so for a long time. Yes a couple had rl and vanished but thats kinda normal. Have you looked up places that are like your own rl things that you enjoy?
  7. Oh yes Club Kaleidoscope is a nice relaxing place where people talk and the wide variety of music.
  8. Ahh ok. Someone must have been Ill informed. Ty for your assistance.
  9. Hey, I am very close to signing up for Premium Plus but have been told that some items such as Naughty Furniture, Poses, Rezzing of Clothes etc do not work correctly or function at all. Apart from not using those items or buying more, does anyone know of solution please? Thanks in advance. Arnold
  10. Hey - oh that needs to change. What kind of music do you listen to?
  11. Hey, Well there are plenty of places chat, mix and dance at. What you into?
  12. Hi so did you find new places and friends to hang with?
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