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Dolph Gehlbard

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Everything posted by Dolph Gehlbard

  1. This is my million dollar opinion. If skins applied to mesh do not appear natural in natural lighting without any enhancments, then it's no good and it's a waste of your money to people who call themselves creators. What use is it to you if anybody cannot see what you see, except for your own vanity's sake.
  2. Odd, there was a thread about mentally unstable people in SL. A fine example.
  3. Resurrecting the thread. Have I noticed a lot of mentally "unstable" people in SL? You betcha. During the 6+ years I've been off and on in SL, I've met more people who have unresolved issues than people without issues. They're the kind of people I've learned to avoid getting entagled with. Give them enough rope and many people will often enough hang themselves. They'll always take more than they need.
  4. Recent update this morning spawned a new bug. Using ULTRA settings and Hardware Skinning WITH Lights and Shadows enabled now causes a viewer screen BLACKOUT. Even if using HIGH settings, choosing hardware skinning and enabling lights and shadows still causes the viewer blackout. Disabling this causes the lighting to return to normal, but with lights and projectors disabled. Both PC's are using supported high end graphics cards. (Radeon trademarks) One is a server build with dual quad core opterons sporting 16gb RAM (absolutely useless with a 32 bit program that will never see more than 4gb RAM). The other is a regular PC Hp build with a quad core opteron with 7 gb RAM. The blackout occurs on BOTH builds since the latest viewer UPDATE which seems to have only spawned new problems. Trust me, you don't need to see the photo of a black screen and the regular photo without any shadow effects. =================================================================== Second Life 2.7.4 (233399) Jun 21 2011 10:21:07 (Second Life Beta Viewer) Release Notes You are at 128,230.0, 275,314.0, 25.7 in Dolphin Reach located at sim2481.agni.lindenlab.com ( Second Life Server Release Notes CPU: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 4122 (2200.03 MHz) Memory: 16383 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) Graphics Card Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc. Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 5570 Windows Graphics Driver Version: 8.17.0010.1077 OpenGL Version: 4.1.10750 Compatibility Profile Context libcurl Version: libcurl/7.21.1 OpenSSL/0.9.8q zlib/1.2.5 c-ares/1.7.1 J2C Decoder Version: KDU v6.4.1 Audio Driver Version: FMOD version 3.750000 Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded) Voice Server Version: Vivox 3.2.0002.9361 Built with MSVC version 1600 Packets Lost: 37/57,376 (0.1%)
  5. Always happens whenever I go into any other region running on a shared host and plenty of hogs eating up the resources. All I'm going to say is this: They need to FIRE the idiots who keep playing around with the programs in the background.
  6. I know of plenty of decent and productive ways to take care of your problems. But, this information will cost you dearly.
  7. It's in reference to the new display name feature. It is apparently the function of being able to "impersonate" another person in local chat. For example, if all conditions are met to enable the display name use ... (sim allowance and such) A "griefer" could come into that area and post comments in local chat that would appear to be coming from you. Although I doubt the intention of that feature was malicious, it left a door wide open for malicious intent.
  8. Personally, I wouldn't want to use the Linden namesake anyway. For that matter, the only time I've seen the Linden name used by anybody was one of the actual staff members. I never saw anybody impersonating a Linden in any form. But that's beside my point. This is what I am trying to say: However, I've known instances of "griefing" through the use of that display name trick where the person pulling off their little joke about ruined the victim's reputation there on the spot at her job. A pretty "upright", honest and straight forward business type of person and she was victimized by somebody who thought it was funny to "post" an impersonated comment in open chat that was quite vulgar. (turns out that griefer was a friend of a former friend and the insinuated "joke" was actually a malicious attempt to ruin a public image). The only way anyone would have known it was an imposter who made the comment would have been "investigating" the profile of the person making the comment. But unfortunately, not everybody knows to do that (all jokes aside, especially newbies and anybody not yet familiar with navigating the viewer). A simple "switch" (check box or button) that would prevent impersonation by any means would be a prudent measure to ensure one's own reputation is kept intact from possible assault. I can see where the use of a "display name" would come in handy for certain role play character names that would fit the genre that they are playing. But it's not entirely beneficial and leaves it too open for misuse.
  9. Good point Ando. If the "Lindens" forbid the use of their namesake... then we should also be able to do the same as a matter of personal choice. At least, with that choice we can reasonably guard our SL identity & reputations.
  10. I believe you have a malevolent application extention contained in there that's going to be causing some very serious privacy issues in violation of the TOU. I've gotten some personal feedback from some victims of it already. That information adds up to nothing less than malicious intent with the application and should be removed before any final release.
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