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Dana Enyo

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Everything posted by Dana Enyo

  1. I hope someone on the SL Server Side sees this, because it makes ZERO sense to me and could be important! Today someone IMd me with a question about a SL group (of about 450 members including me). I had no idea, and she said that I should, because I am the OWNER of the group. I checked, and sure enough, there's my name! Nobody ever asked or informed me this was happening. My only guess is that the FOUNDER of the group was also named Dana (their display name); perhaps when they closed their account the server went looking for them and found me?? I have no clue when the Ownership transfer took place, but today is the first time I've ever received the kind of IM that might go to an Owner or Officer, so it can't have been too long ago. Anyway, I'm posting this here because if it happens elsewhere, and someone suddenly got ownership of a group with physical assets (this group doesn't), there could really be some real problems caused by innocent errors or confusion, or purposeful mischief. I'm going to jump in and do the best I can to run the group responsibly, but this was a complete surprise. Has anyone ever heard of this happening before?
  2. Oops! Polenth is absolutely right; my period after the website URL generated that message. I gave that instead of the MP URL because MP doesn't allow a creator to organize things. My Website (besides being fun to do and I hope interesting to browse) breaks things up into collections. Let's try again: https://enyoshop.com/
  3. Since I started this topic I hope it's OK to suggest you look at my shop. I have only one really skimpy dress (and I made that by request). See everything at https://enyoshop.com. (If you shop inworld you help me support the sims I'm in; LM links are on the home page.)
  4. Thank you Milly! I hope you'll stop by my En Yo! shop sometime. Some of you have mentioned events. I've explored those but not participated. They're expensive, feel like an airport terminal and benefit only the promoter; I just feel I would rather support a music venue (Nat's, The Fern and Pasos Latinis) or urban community.(Christopher Street). But that's just my preference.
  5. Thank you Malin! I knew that info was out there but now I know where it is.
  6. Thank you Orwar! Good points all. I'm mainly saying that those hangouts and clubs depend partially on the rents from shops to stay open. Moving only to MP and events really has a ripple effect that I'm trying to get a handle on with this discussion. And maybe going farther: is there a way to entice more people into those shops? How do we make that experience more pleasant and fun?
  7. OK, I know I should know this: what's a mainstores crawl?
  8. Hi Rabid. Everything you wrote is true, just as it is about shopping on Amazon instead of running all over town finding stuff. But it's also true that we all need interesting places to visit in SL, so we can wear and use all that great stuff we brought. LOTS of those places are on sims that rely on rents from shops to keep them going. And when it comes to urban-theme places, nothing looks worse than a street of empty shops. (That's just like RL too.) So my request is about looking beyond the shopping as just a way to buy stuff. Just like "Buy Local" campaigns in RL towns, it's the idea of supporting a community.
  9. I'm really happy hearing all the "I shop inworld" comments! It looks like I am going to be down to one fixed rent shop and four percent-of-sales ones, so we'll see what happens.
  10. This is a request (actually a couple of them) from me as a pretty new creator. First is, please try to shop inworld, not just on MP. Marketplace is our Amazon; everything is there, all searchable and Oh so easy. But it's inworld shops that make SL's cities and malls interesting and vibrant. The rent I pay helps the music venues on those sims stay open; the colorful shop looks WAY better than an empty storefront. (Just like RL, by the way.) I always put the SLurl in there so you can "See item in Second Life, and I always try to use that when I visit an MP shop.) Sim owners, you could help! I now have two shops in places where I am paying a percent of sales instead of fixed rent. I think there would be WAY fewer empty shops if more owners did this, and it would be a real shot in the arm for new creators. Imagine walking thru Detroit, or down New York's Christopher Street, and seeing unique new things behind every window? What do you all think? If you're a customer, creator or sim owner I'd love to hear your thoughts.
  11. Well, I'm sure trying to do that. Take a look at https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/231536/search?utf8=✓&search[category_id]=&search[maturity_level]=G&search[keywords]=Gown
  12. By the way my own body is Maitreya. Perhaps my choice to go with the masses is impacted by being perhaps the last person in the USA to give up my Betamax for VHS. (If you're too young, ask your mom.)
  13. Still interesting and varied responses coming In with lots of food for thought. Thank you!
  14. It's actually happened to me a few times already; I made a gown in Freya because someone asked and then added it to the vendors for all future sales.
  15. THANKS EVERYONE for your comments! I'm sure there will be more over time; it's one every clothing creator has to answer all the time. I think my own NOT-cast-in-stone answer is going to be that I'll make Maitreya, the three Bellezas and the two Slinks. And if I meet someone who says "Can you make that for my body?" I'll make it and add it to my vendors (assuming I have the template for it). I just did those versions for my Chapala gown and sent a notice to my En Yo! Group; we'll see what happens.
  16. Thank you Sam! That's an interesting take on it.
  17. I started making clothes last year (that is, I buy mesh templates and carefully create and apply original textures to them). I have a Maitreya body and always make that version of a new garment first; if the package I bought includes the 5-size Fitmesh versions I usually do those next. But after that, I'm really torn. There is nothing creative about the process of making the item for 3 Bellezas, 2 Slinks, 2 Tonics etc. I could be working on something new instead of taking several hours to edit the multiple mesh faces for each item, in each color, for each body type. (I'm doing one right now for the Bellezas that has 9 colors with 7 settings for each one--that's 189 separate settings for just those 3 bodies.) When I add new versions I also have to add these to the vendors, remake the vendor signs, change them in my shops and Marketplace, and on and on. Obviously, a whole lot of other clothing creators are going through the same decision-making process, and all of you are stuck having to find the clothes that work for you. So my question to all of you: what body/s should be my priority after Maitreya? You can see what I do at https://enyoshop.com . Thanks for your ideas and comments!
  18. Thanks Rowan! But do you agree that's a bit hard to find? And "merman" has nothing to do with Sci-Fi. It's Fantasy if anything.
  19. I just posted some mer tails on my MP shop, and was amazed to find there is no "Merman" category under "Men's Costumes" or anywhere else that I can find. Seems like something obviously missing! Is there an easy way to fix that? Example item: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/En-Yo-SWF-Benefit-MermaidMerman-Tails-Mesh-Body-and-Fitmesh-versions-FATPACK/21964636 Thanks!
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