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Dana Enyo

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Everything posted by Dana Enyo

  1. I'm surprised they make you subscribe just to read that one article; sorry about that. But search Google for "meta clothing store" and you'll find a pile of articles all coming off the same Meta press release.
  2. Today there's an article by the New York Times fashion editor https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/22/style/meta-avatar-store-balenciaga-prada.html?smid=url-share and a video in CNN Business https://edition.cnn.com/videos/media/2022/06/22/zuckerberg-meta-avatar-fashion-moos-pkg-vpx.cnn/video/playlists/wacky-world-of-jeanne-moos/ All about META opening a new store where you can buy stuff for your Meta avatar. This stuff looks like what we had in 2004, but somehow 19 years of Second Life talent and creativity doesn't exist. Zuck has thrown us a real opportunity to reach millions more people, but are we going to just let it go by? Find these articles, and WRITE COMMENTS where you can. A simple Google search of meta clothing store brought up a PILE of them. (You will find my own comment attached to the NYT article.) Don't let the world ignore the amazing work that thousands have done inside SL! And don't let the media (whom I actually have a ton of respect for) pass over us like this. Sorry about the rant, but we deserve better.
  3. I started recording and editing SL musicians last fall and have been getting better at it. Suddenly I see I've got more than 40! Some of them go on the Toggle for Music Website, but you can see them all at my YouTube Live Concerts playlist.
  4. I really enjoy naming my stuff! Lots of ways I come with them: The INOA dress was named after a singer who asked for a really short dress! I plugged her name into Google Translate (with SELECT LANGUAGE chosen) and then started trying output languages until I hit a word I liked. A friend put on a new dress and said she felt like she had an aura around her. So, it's the AURA. The CHAPALA, BELLE ISLE, and GRAND BOULEVARD gowns are named for favorite places. I made a minidress with a texture of tiny stars, and wanted a starry name. Went to a list of constellations, and found LYRA, the lyre. The dress is actually shaped like the constellation, so it's perfect. And the HIVE ankle bood has a hexagonal (honeycomb) texture. It's fun! SEE everything at enyoshop.com
  5. Was hoping to totally eliminate any chance for error on my part. But I do have an idea; I have an alt I use as a model; she has ZERO L$ transactions so it could all go to her, and then I would know for sure that nothing gets lost. But I'll keep watching this space to see if anyone knows of a direct donation alternative!
  6. I understand. But I've made a blue/gold dress (others have too) and would like to sell this inworld with all the L$ going directly to the organization. I just have to know it's really going to get there.
  7. Thanks Rowan! But is there an INWORLD way to get to any of those organizations?
  8. Is there an account to which donations can be given that we can be confident will go to help at least one of the many organizations trying to help the people inside, or escaping from, Ukraine? The American Cancer Society goes to incredible lengths to make their Relay for Life donation system safe and secure; I realize this is a much more immediate need and there has been no time to set up something like that -- but it would be great to, for example, be able to set up a sales vendor where 100% of the L$ went to this cause. Any suggestions?
  9. I've never heard of that one! What's so different about it that it's worth not being able to find clothes for it? (That's kind of the big question hanging over all of us, isn't it?)
  10. Carolyn: I'm moving that direction. But as I said in an earlier comment, I invite anyone who likes something to ask if I can make it for their body. All depends on whether there's a template, of course.
  11. I had no idea my question would stick around so long, and I'm glad we're back on the subject!
  12. Kytteh mentions "your own Website," and I wonder how many have one? I do: https://enyoshop.com Wondering what you all think of it?
  13. I find SO FEW full perm templates with Maitreya Petite! But I'm bumping it up my priority list for the templates I find that have it available.
  14. WHOA!! I'm the creator of the original post, and we've gone WAY off the rails. (Gee, just like Facebook.) I suggest cutting this off, and starting up a new thread if there's interest.
  15. I offer people I see inworld (who are not in Maitreya Lara that I always make first) to please let me know if they would like me to make something for them. If the template is available, I do it and add it to my collection. (In appreciation, I often add a gift.) I know I'm missing potential sales, but this seems to be a good compromise to avoid.the totally uncreative, multiple-body drudgery.
  16. Several days later: several Lindens have responded with questions for me, so they are looking at the issue.
  17. Ah! OK Rolig, posting to the JIRA is new to me but I'll try to do that right now. ADDED 20 MINUTES LATER: DONE. Rolig, thank you for pointing me in the right direction. And thank everyone for your comments and suggestions.
  18. LIndal: yes, that would explain it. But it's OK; my goal was to create the awareness. And if any Linden follows these forums at all, maybe they'll take an interest and see if it's a server issue that needs to be addressed.
  19. Lindal: When I select TECHNICAL QUESTIONS, the only option I get is INVENTORY ISSUE.
  20. Rowan: Yes I can. I added another Owner (WITH their knowledge and consent!) so if I want to, I can remove my own Owner status. But we've agreed to work together on this, for a while anyway.
  21. Lindal: I tried to file a ticket, but none of the drop-down menu choices applied. And I don't really need help, I just think somebody there needs to know this happened. As I said in my original post, if this was a group that owned land or lots of stuff handing it off to someone by mistake (and not even informing them you did it) could really create some serious problems.
  22. Maybe she can look at logs and find out when and how the ownership transfer came to me. I would sure love to know!
  23. That's my guess, Rolig. But either one of them (the Last Av Standing) handed me the role, or some Server did. And if there's a bug in the program that just goes and finds an av with the similar name to an owner that closed an account, that's a problem. (What DOES the server do if there is one owner of a group and they just close the account without closing the group?)
  24. There was only one Owner on the list, which was me. It's just really strange that ALL other owners (if there was ever more than one) would have removed themselves after one of them adding an av whose first name just happens to match the display name of the Founder. It's just the kind of thing a weird database error would do, which is why I'm bringing it up. In the meantime, I've added a trustworthy, knowledgeable co-owner and we'll carry on.
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