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Lawrence Celestalis

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Posts posted by Lawrence Celestalis

  1. 10 minutes ago, note Genesis said:

    Oh .. why this need to cover for one year ?

    One year is the minimum amount of time in order to find new funding to pay the servers for the coming years and thus save the city. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, note Genesis said:

    IShe won t upgrade artwork , because you have said sooner that you refuse to downgrade for less sims ; in your opinion ut would break the "artwork" . So , she won t upgrade it

    Yes note, that's correct, she chose not to downgrade the artwork. If the donors cover the expenses for a year, she will keep maintaining the city and update/upgarde the buildings so that the experience for residents and visitors is always optimal.

  3. 25 minutes ago, Kyrah Abattoir said:

    Humility is not really your strong suit is it? Frankly I would have dropped the topic a long time ago if each and every rebuke you posted didn't just perspire of arrogance and a feeling of superiority.

    I wasn't talking about me, rather about the artwork which has gotten a lot of acknowledgents in real life. I still am surprised with all the outrage this has caused in this forum. If an artist, either in Sl or Rl have acknowledgents, this personally makes me very, very happy. 

  4. 24 minutes ago, Kyrah Abattoir said:

    A question remains: Why not tier down back to a single region? That is what many people do when they have to dial down on what they can effectively financially support

    I have replied to this one some posts ago. I understand it's a lot of pages and therefore not easy to spot. 

    24 minutes ago, Kyrah Abattoir said:

    Constraints are rarely an issue for artists, they are an opportunity to flourish.

    This is very true, Djehan has chosen (for the reasons you will find in the previous post) in the following order: to have it supported by donations, where she would continue in upgrading the artwork and maintain it, to have it preserved by LL, or to move on and proceed to other platforms and AR. I believe it is exactly the constraints you are talking about to push her to make these choices  and she is very peaceful about all of them.

    I want to acknowledge you for bringing up very valid suggestions to the discussion, thank you. 

  5. 52 minutes ago, Pamela Galli said:

    I am not understanding.  I have a regular home and furnishings store of four regions, which I added one at a time as I found they could not only pay for themselves but generate enough income that SL could fully support my family. I understand that rentals don’t generate much income, but surely if the content was set for sale, it would generate much more. People could use the content to make their own little HL. 

    But as I say, I must be missing something. I do agree that LL should step up and preserve the very best examples of SL creation, that just makes economic sense. But LL doesn’t always listen to my wise counsel. 😩

    Thank you for your wise suggestions, they do seem wise to me as well!

  6. 3 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

    How you choose to respond has weight and can often drown out the text of your response - remember that.

    You may feel some are being "uncivil" or worse ... but that is all. That is how you feel and simply feeling that it is so, does not make it so.

    Again, best of luck.

    If this is true, same can be said on how participants choose to post and how they perceive my posts: they may feel they're "uncivil"... but that is all. I will  anyway put more attention and care in my next posts. Thanks for the wishes, which are much appreciated. 

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  7. 20 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

    Oh for ...

    Is HL a lovely place? Yes. Should it continue to be on the grid? That'd be lovely.

    Stow the attitude and yes, some of those here trying to save it do have an attitude problem and it shows - quite well.

    Users asking questions or being suspicious of some of the claims are not "abusive" - sorry, that is reality just as much as the rules that Linden Lab must follow along with the rules HL must follow to qualify for the discount they were getting. The reality is that that discount on offer is either going away and/or Linden Lab finally focused on HL enough to discover the rentals. Like it or not, they've classified those as making a profit - where that money goes or the reason for them being present is absolutely irrelevant - like it or not.

    As for "off topic" comments: As has already been pointed out - repeatedly - you do not have any power to declare any comment on or off topic, that power belongs to the forum owners and the moderation team and there is nothing whatsoever you can say/do that makes this any less true.

    Your real world work/personal experience is also rather irrelevant here: The only opinion/view that matters at the end of the day - where the sim content is concerned - is that of the service provider. They decide if a sim qualifies for any given program and they decide the criteria to be met. You can debate the fairness of such if you'd like but do not pretend your personal opinions outweigh what they decide.

    Seek donations and alternative funding all you want to but remain civil about it. This means you do not make veiled/backhanded comments about those posting here or asking questions that you do not like or that make you uncomfortable/squirm. Don't want to answer? Then don't. Don't like what is being asked? Tough. The overall tone of some of the responses given by some of your supporters and even by the "official" spokesperson ...

    Look, I have no real dog in this mess and actually would like to see the place continue on. I like it. What I don't like are the attitudes I've seen here thus far.

    Best of luck to the sim's owner/creator.

    I hear you, and similarly I have the right to respond to uncivil claimings or assumptions based on misinformation and aimed at demonstrating that HL is tricking LL rules and are bad guys, when constant attention and hard work is put into always following the rules. People can be suspicious and still be civil about it. I have replied to questions and even brought up legal documents when some forum user brought up those of an expired company which sole scope was to pay taxes on record sales (when another user was suggesting HL used the status of no profit to trick the law and not pay taxes). If we talk about art, my rl experience I believe does count, as any other experience counts if we're discussing another subject. Once again, experience is nothing to be outraged by. HL estimators I believe were surprised by the constant hate posts aimed at an artwork they love. That said, thank you for your post. As I said before I agree on what you finally say: HL will either be preserved by LL, saved by its donors or disappear and its creator move on to other platforms. 

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  8. 46 minutes ago, Miranda Umino said:

    And working for  "Samsung, le Futuroscope, Singapore Airlines, JVC, Dynastar, Nestlé, KIA Motors, LCI, La Corogne, NBA, and Comité international olympique" ( i quote your own link , i have not verified the contexts )  is not working for corporations ? And Laurent Mialon can t pay his own business ? It s not credible

    You keep making calumnious assumptions about real life people, with the scope of belittling them and putting them under a bad light in the face of the forum readers. Not a street I would personally walk, but have it your way. 

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  9. 28 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

    Coincidentally, Kowloon is celebrating its twelfth year in SL this coming week. Anybody who hasn't been to that region should stop in and look around. That was the state of the art twelve years ago.

    I'd also suggest some time touring modern Japanese regions to get a little perspective on the state of the practice in constructing high density mesh urban settings in SL. Y'all can decide what's art and what's not -- don't make me post a Duchamps readymade to these forums again so soon.

    I want to be clear: I'm all in favor of Hangars succeeding or, if it can't succeed within the rules, being preserved at least for occasional availability for however long it will still rez in future viewers. What I cannot support is rentals on regions that get non-profit discounts. That should never have been an option, and is a continued distraction.

    I love Kowloon! As HL, it represent a intellectually honest artist at his best, a great artwork with no compormise, no copybots or prefabs and no ripped texture whatsoever. It has been a sim everyone at HL regarded as a brilliant work and it's an outstanding example of what I would like to see more in Sl. 

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  10. 2 minutes ago, Miranda Umino said:

    No . he has kept his own book of relationships when he has worked for an international TV .

    Oh .. and for the fans of cyberpunk what is an international TV except a "corporation"  ?  How do we talk about corporations the the william gibson books ?  There is something wrong with Laurent Mialon , wjo has taken as hostage the cyberpuk cimmunauty when we know he works for corporations


    You probably missed he is only a composer. Whatever claim which is not based on proof, is calumnious and abusive. This is my very last reply to you. Have a good day and thanks for engaging in this thread. Please, if you like, also explain what makes you so mad about HL. I am curious. 

    • Haha 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, Miranda Umino said:

    I am pretty sure , that Laurent Mialon  who has worked as manager for musics for a   TV  earns more than 99% of people here . Isn t it ?

    As he has chosen to stop to pay his own project , why to continue this project  ?

    Laurent nowadays only works as a composer and is no manager. Please be welcome to inform yourself here: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laurent_Mialon

    I will refrain from correcting further misinformed claims of yours. 

  12. 16 minutes ago, Miranda Umino said:

    Oh . beacause you had some linkswith old students in universities , you have the unique ability to name what is a dramaqueen . What arrogance !

    Laurent Malion was manager of musics for eurosports international . He is not the profile of an "association" people , but  really a businessman

    Beyond "having links with students" I was project leader of an European funded project and head of creativity and innovation at an international university for ten years, the aforementioned university funded by twelve international universities. I still officially collaborate with universities, which procures me more "links with students". Having experience in a determined field is not what I would call arrogance. I wouldn't be cured by a mailman rather than a doctor, as I wouldn't ask a doctor to bring me mail. Experience is a good thing, and nothing to be outraged by. The person you mispelled the name of, used to have and also has at the moment, a rl job in order to pay his bills, since HL is no profit. Please do not be outraged by the fact I will stop responding to posts which have no whatsoever relationship to the focus of this thread. 

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  13. 1 minute ago, kiramanell said:


    $250 per month for a region x 12 = already $3,000 dollars. So, 5 sims at $6,000 is even far less than I expected ($15,000). Which is, come to think of it, *precisely* what Djehan told me the other day, that not non-profit organization have to pay about 2/3rd more.

    Thank you Kira. I wouldn't lose my time in discussing things at this level. The ones who understand are already supporting, the ones who don't are free to do so, let alone the aforementioned abusive/calumnious claims. 

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  14. 12 minutes ago, Miranda Umino said:

    No .  i don t read in LL documentation that 5 sims cost 6000 dollars  .

    Fisr , i dont name "artwoork" a bunch  of meshes .

    Telling about "mutilated artwork" is an attitude done by drama queens

    Sorry , but , if she does a crowdfund , the peuple the closest to hangars liquides activities in real have refused to help

    I professionally work in art since thirty one years. I have written an European funded project which involved five European cities, and three of the major European art universities, and I have directed creativity and innovations projects at a international university for ten years. I still collaborate with universities and students on creativity projects. Based on this experience, I am happy to share that International institutions, renowned art critics and curators don't call drama queens artists with integrity. HL has been created as an artwork which took 12 years to develop, and it has been done with rl international art standards in mind. Of course people may also call renowned paintings a bunch of paint, and statues in museums a bunch or marble, but this doesn't (luckily) diminish the value of art. 

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  15. 11 minutes ago, kiramanell said:

    I had a little chat with Djehan, the other day (in her HL group). Frankly, I have a hard time understanding how come she has to undergo so much ***** on this forum. :( None of the rude detractors here has ever made anything even as remotely beautiful as she has.  None of you. Nary a one. She's truly amazing for keeping up with this abusive behavior alone.

    Anyway, I understood it's more of a USA regulators thing, and has far less to do with Linden. But I'll leave that for official spokespeople to talk about, if they so desire. It's good, at least, Djehan isn't here to witness all the abuse levied at her.

    Thank you for your support Kira. Of course there has been defamation and calumious/abusive claims. Others have been disagreeing and this is completely legit. HL is hard at work  in order to always do everything legally. It is Dk and HL constitutional right to do what they do and they operate within the law at all times. 

    • Thanks 1
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  16. 29 minutes ago, Miranda Umino said:

    And so ? Eveybody can reduce the umber of sims 

    And i count well , 5 sims don t cost 6000 dollars , specifically for "non profit organisations"

    If i count the subsidies , hangar liquides earn again some sevral thousand dollars too .

    And why all these groups/ or djs  in hangars liquides  don t help ?

    The "best fans" of hangar liquides don t want anymore to pay the  project of 5 sims .

    And it s up to us to pay ? 

    Are you serious ?

    The costs are those presented by LL. HL is very careful to always operate legally. 

    Reducing the number of sims would partially destroy the artwork which has been intended as a whole. Keeping a mutilated artwork would make no sense at all. The best fans of HL are already helping, and they got informed also thanks to this thread. HL doesn't expect anyone to support it except the ones who choose to. 

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  17. 17 minutes ago, Miranda Umino said:

    6000 dollars ? for a sim who cost 250 dollars ? are you serious  .

    And of course , i don t forget there are french subventions  , no ?

    Five sims. The overall yearly cost is 6.000 dollars, half of it is due August, 1, 2019. HL gets no subventions whatsoever, except one in 2007 to pay the first year of servers costs. If it did, it would have funds to cover the servers' costs. HL makes no profits nor it is interested in making them and of course I am supporting them free of charge. 

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  18. 2 minutes ago, Fionalein said:

    Also another question remains to be asked: @Lawrence Celestalis Who the hell are you?

    You keep telling of "us" and your relationship to the original artist... But what exactley is that relationship? Are you a member of Hangars Liquides? Are you their official spokesman?

    Yes, I am the official spokesman.

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  19. 23 minutes ago, Miranda Umino said:

    I think that , indeed , the question doesn t need to basaked : when hangar liquides makes a crowdfunding of 6000 dollars ,  how can you tell this "not commercial activity" ?

    And why in 2000 , hangar liquides was registered as SARL ( a kind of society in France )  at 86 QUAI DE LA LOIRE 75019 PARIS , siren 415 085 232 , siret 41508523200015

    Thank you for your question: 1) all no profit foundations have donors, that qualifies as no commercial activity. 2) that is when HL was a record company at the time and wanted to pay taxes about record sales. That company has been liquidated years ago. 

    This is the current association and all papers are in LL possession already: 



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  20. 6 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    I won't have any problem with it being preserved, but in that case... out with the previous owner and groups, just preserve it.
    At the other side i won't have one more sleepless night added when it's poofing next week.

    Nor shall we about your opinions :) 

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  21. 10 minutes ago, Jeny Howlett said:

    All these smart comments about whether Hangars Liquides should be saved or not. I don't think there should be a question about it, period. Thank you Lawrence for keeping it civil and not falling into the trap. 

    I know, right?  "Just because William Gibson, Venice Art Biennale, New World Notes, The Guardian and Oprah Winfrey support you, should we think you are worth?" LOL! Thank you for your support and appreciation!

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