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Ice Luv

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Everything posted by Ice Luv

  1. If I'm out and about I most commonly use a human avatar, but it's not unusual for me to change avatar several times in a day. Male/Female/Human/Elf/Alien/Robot/Goblin/Bunny/Gelatinous Cube or whatever. Identity crisis? Moi? Surely not. All my other selves assure me that I am perfectly fine. 😉
  2. Bob loves Halloween. It's the one occasion when people give him candy instead of running away screaming or trying to shoot him.
  3. It's a traditional circus/carnival expression.
  4. Bob wants to know where this strip joint is.
  5. Happy Sunday everyone. Don't worry, I know I'm not fooling anyone with this picture. I'm sure I will soon be back to my usual mischievous ways.
  6. Burn the witch! (Or give her candy. Whatever works for you)
  7. This is Mr. Rime, one of my roleplay characters intended for a modern paranormal setting. Mr. Rime is a partner in the law firm Noh, Rime & Reason (who of course have a hidden agenda, although probably not what you'd expect). Here he is with his partners, Mr. Noh and Ms. Reason.
  8. Shiver me timbers! Today be Talk Like a Pirate Day! So look lively and splice the mainbrace, me hearties! Arrrrr!
  9. Haha, I'll catch that dratted bird for sure this time! What could possibly go wrong?
  10. Today is Star Trek Day, marking the anniversary of the show's first airing in 1966. Live long and prosper.
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