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Ashlyn Voir

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Posts posted by Ashlyn Voir

  1. 5 minutes ago, IvyLarae said:

    Ashlyn,I mean no disrespect when I ask this,but if you don't like this forum or the people in it,or don't care what people think about you...why do you keep coming back? Why not spend time with people you do like or doing things you enjoy?

    No, itā€™s cool I get what youā€™re saying. Only reason I came back is to share my photos and I always get met with disrespect, so I mean it is what it is. And, I donā€™t do Flickr anymore so this was the next thing to get some views or likes on my photos but it is what it is.Ā 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

    My point was, I don't know you so I can't know if I like you or not, therefore,Ā you couldn't possibly know either. You're judging me without cause. II don't know you, therefore I don't know if you are likable or not. Do I not deserve the same respect?


  3. 9 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

    Personally, I find it rather difficult to know if I like someone or not when I don't know them at all.


    pffft You call britbong trolling? LOL Man that is lame compared to the old flame boards. And I mean old flame boards not this namby pamby crap that passes for one these days.

    Iā€™m just saying if I wanted to troll that badly, I wouldnā€™t put so much effort into things. Most trolls donā€™t care period. Their whole m.o is to s**t post and get laughs out of it. People donā€™t like me here. I get it.Ā 

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  4. None of you know what a real troll is like you want to talk about trolling look at people like britbong or a number of people who solely make SL accounts just to start things or mess with residence. Like I said Iā€™m not a troll and I wouldnā€™t bother to put so much effort into my avatar or photos if I were just trolling. Like damn I donā€™t even put that much effort into a lot of things so yeah I get genuinely pissed when I work hard at something and it gets nothing.Ā 

    I get people donā€™t like me here and thatā€™s fine, Iā€™m an outspoken person and people donā€™t like that. I get it. And, I wonā€™t take any mess from anyone and if youā€™re looking for drama, Iā€™ll give it to you. Be nice to me and Iā€™ll be nice back. Thatā€™s how I am. A lot of people were rude to me so I gave them back the same energy. That doesnā€™t make me a troll.Ā 

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  5. 20 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

    Forum trolls who routinely abuse others, who stalk Forumites inside the Forum and outside, who are toxic whackjobs who then periodically cycle through phases of "poor me, nobody likes me" and "hey, I'm just a normal poster."Ā  This justĀ sucks in nice caring folks who are either new to the Forum or don't follow the threads where the trolls have been to know "troll" and so the nice folks give the trolls attention and sympathy.Ā  Trolls are the worst... but the poor things just don't get the likes they think they deserve.Ā :(

    At this point Iā€™m done caring whether or not people on this forum like me or not, but you can just say my username instead of being passive aggressive about it because I know youā€™re referring to me. It doesnā€™t take a genius to figure that out, especially if you frequent these forums. And, Iā€™m not a troll. If I were a troll, I wouldnā€™t have bothered putting ANYTHING OR TIME INTO MY AVATAR. PERIOD. IF I were a troll, I would NOT care so much into putting that much effort into a SL photo or even bothering to get likes. Like, I would not seriously put that much energy if I were just ā€œtrollingā€.Ā 

    Like, I know people donā€™t like Ashlyn Voir. Just say my username and say you donā€™t like me and Iā€™m your pet peeve. And call it what it is. I know no one on here likes me and thatā€™s why my photos or post get little to no likes. I get it. Like I said, no need to be passive aggressive about it. Just say, I DO NOT LIKE ASHLYN. There I said it for you.Ā 

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  6. No one is talking about the blatant racism Chinese people have been towards blacks in both China and on the African continent. Thereā€™s been so many documented cases of Chinese denying blacks in hospitals, public transportation, and have been blaming blacks for the coronavirus. And like, it boggles my mind how little to none of mainstream media coverage there is about this. Thatā€™s my rant about it.Ā 

  7. Anyway. My avatar looks a little like Leon from RE2.


    lol, see what I mean when I got a little bit of likes compared to everyone else who has like 15-30 likes, but my picture gets purposefully ignored because people just wont admit to the fact they donā€™t like me and keep it real. And people claim itā€™s not about anything to make it seem like Iā€™m the one starting something but Iā€™m only telling the truth. Yeah whatever. Straight up BS.


    • Like 8
  8. 2 hours ago, Charlotte Whimsy said:

    I don't know about that, man. I haven't been on these forums very long and I think I got quite a few likes on my picture here from plenty of people who I don't know and they don't know me. I don't even pay attention to who is posting their pictures unless the picture in question blows me away. If I like a picture/post, I'm going to "like" it. If I don't like it or am simply indifferent to it, I will simply scroll by. And I'd venture to guess that everyone else more or less does the same thing. And as someone else mentioned, this isn't about the quality of photographs. The question was asked: "how does your avatar look today?" Some are posting really well produced snapshots and photoshops. Some are posting just regular snapshots with varying degrees of quality. Every single one is valid, regardless of how many likes they get. And it is up to each viewer whether or not they like that picture. If they do, great. If they don't, it's not that big of a deal. Second Life, inworld and out-of-world (like the forums), is a really great experience if you don't try so hard.Ā 

    From my observation, I heavily disagree and there definitely is something more to it, but itā€™s whatever. The whole internet is like that anyway. People in general are like that. Besides, itā€™s one against many. Of course, Iā€™d be invalid.Ā 

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