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Gingir Ghoststar

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Posts posted by Gingir Ghoststar

  1. They're ghosts! Sometimes it happens for various reasons that the system doesn't quite recognize when someone logs out so it leaves a ghost. This has happened before! There is atleast ONE gravestone that I know about that the Lindens put out to mark one of these ghost phenomena. There is also the legend of the burning bush.  Also, last week there were several times when I wound up as a cloud, unable to fully rez for hours at a time. It happens, but atleast my hair wasn't coming out my butt, nor was I wearing the great stone egg, so there is that. 






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  2. 12 minutes ago, Skell Dagger said:

    On the fifth day of GroupChatmas...

    Oh wait, no five gold rings for me. But I did finally get into the group chat tonight. Whether that will continue to hold or not is anyone's guess, but both I and my fellow chat-deprived CSR managed to see the full participants list and also participate in chat this evening.

    Same. I tested this AM and couldn't see chat but after noon I logged in and could see and participate in all my groups again.  

  3. yep, just added myself to the Jira. It's been 4 days since ANY of my groups worked. However my store alt can see and chat in all. Doesn't matter the viewer. I updated didn't work. Uninstalled, reinstalled didn't work. I can chat one on one and I can start multiple people chats but none of the groups work right now for me. 


  4. 37 minutes ago, CronoCloud Creeggan said:

    I am finding this post VERY interesting and relevant considering the 2nd Anniversary of Bellisseria and the fact that Gingir is VERY active in the Bellisserian community.  Bellisseria very much fulfilled a need of certain segments of the SL userbase and that is a good thing.

    hehe and I've been quoted in a few different places for that same post too. I had no idea about Bellisseria until the first release day when I heard something in the Bay City group. I jumped in head first though as Bellisseria IS what I'd been looking for in SL for a long while. I love it there. I rarely leave now days except to shop, see live music or explore some event, like the new A Night to Remember titanic museum display. 

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  5. 9 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    Actually, there's 156 now. I guess they tripled in a week. There must be a mathematical formula for this. Or maybe there were 153 and I got it wrong. Oh wait, now there's 126 with the word "Bellisseria" and 56 with the word "Bellisserian" -- but search is broken. No matter. The point is, the number is growing and there is always room for one more.

    Looks like you may not be able to control this phenomenon.

    There have been at least 50+ since the first year. All sorts of clubs,  hang out groups, homeless groups, mer groups, monster groups, several sailing groups, riding groups, meditation groups and the newest that I've seen pop up a Spanish Club! No one group could EVER encompass all of everything that makes SL or Bellisseria beautiful. No one group will ever be able to meet the needs of all, which is where the beauty of multiple groups comes in. 

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  6. There will always be room for more groups which is why we offer a room in our HQ where we have info on other groups. If this one or that one is not the right fit for you, there is always room for you to create your own group.  Every group has its own rules, if you do not agree with the rules of a specific group, you have the ability to make your own and mold it to fit your SL. I promise the mods at Bellisserian Citizens do not have some evil plot to be The One True Bellisserian Group. We actively encourage people to make groups,  to engage with the community and we promise that our group is only part of the Bellisserian community,  not the WHOLE of it. 

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  7. We have been told by the mouse and other moles, and you can search it here too, that nudity is allowed. We did NOT tell you to go running around naked just to troll folks. We're referring to folks who like to sun nude, or hike nude or even sail nude. We said you have the ability to be naked, we NEVER said that you should do so just to try to get a rile out of someone. 

    We're also well marked as a social group, not LL related. 

    You'll also notice at just about every event in Belli, there are no nude people. While we have the ability to be nude, we also respect our neighbors. So do not twist what we said just to stir the pot over here. 

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  8. 16 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

    And what edits would that be? I have not edited my posts. if you imply that Bellisseria Citizens was mentioned before your post, you should prove it.

    The first few original posts had statements like no groups should be allowed Bellisseria in their names, along with shady remarks about clique groups and being forced into them. Along with this being the about same  3 or 4 people that are always quick to jump on how groups as large as Bellisseria Citizens should be only Linden ran and the perpetual petty comments about how they're forced to join groups for info , it's not that hard to piece together.  Deleted comments and edits do change the outlook. 

    • Like 3
  9. 21 minutes ago, Nika Talaj said:

    Gingir, I love what Belli Citizens does for community-building, but this response puzzles me.  I see only one post in this thread critical of Belli Citizens, and the people who added a "Like" emoji to it I'm pretty sure were "liking" the 2nd statement in that post, that we all support the Lindens and Moles.  Altho I'm betting that Marianne recognized your name, her question as to whether you were also a member of the HOA group strikes me as a sincere, simple request for clarification.

    I don't see any other Belli groups mentioned. 

    I'm not expecting you to respond, I just want to reassure you that there is no forum cabal ganging up on you or Belli Citizens. 

    /me pours Margaritas for everyone.

    Several edits in does change things. 

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  10. 45 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

    You said nothing about what group you posted on behalf of in your post here. You said "we" and "our group" like you represented that Home Association Group.

    It isn't granted that people know who you are and what group you represent, even if you had 10 000 members.

    Sure, as if much of this thread wasn't thinly veiled swipes at the Citizens group in general and every other Bellisseria centric group out there.

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  11. 5 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    All red alerts for a clique are on for that group.
    Its in nothing different than any HOA group .. quite some pretenting wannabees throwing themselve up as "leader" or "vip"

    We all support LL for the job they are doing, not just one group.


    We're an open group. We have around 4500 members. We don't force anyone to join.

    What we do: 

    We do encourage people to read the covenant and we do encourage people to either message their neighbors in a polite manner if they feel they want to discuss an issue they have or to just file an AR and let the Lindens sort it out, the same as the Lindens have suggested multiple times here.

    We have a headquarters where we offer free gifts to EVERYONE that are made by residents within Bellisseria.

    We have a calendar where we have gathered with permission, any group calendars of events so that residents have an easier time of finding fun things to do.

    We offer building classes.

    We offer tips.

    We do movie nights.

    We sometimes host events for EVERYONE at the fairgrounds.

    We enjoy throwing parties for Everyone.

    We work alongside MULTIPLE other groups to host events and parties.

    We do our best to help people before referring them on to LL if it's an issue we cannot help them solve. 

    We are inclusive of all SL walks of life. 

    We all chat.

    We shop.

    We live.

    We're just a chat group. 


    What we don't do:

    We don't get involved in personal issues. 

    We don't police homes. 

    We don't police decor. 

    We don't tell anyone that we have any sort of control over anything outside of our own chat group rules. 

    We don't support bashing of the Lindens or Moles. 

    We don't let people call each other names. 

    We don't allow trolling of ANYONE. 

    We don't accuse people of being "cliques" simply because we have nothing better to do. 

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  12. 8 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

    Are you saying that you are a member of that Home Ownership Association group, it is not clear to me from your post.

    No. I'm not. I get it, not everyone wants to be part of the Bellisseria Citizens group,  we're not forcing anyone to join. We're also not preventing anyone from creating their own group.  There is room enough in Bellisseria for all the groups. 

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