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Fauve Aeon

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Posts posted by Fauve Aeon

  1. I’m feeling well-nourished from an ‘everything bowl’ lunch I made. I’m a little better on the worry front since we now have a fully stuffed fridge and freezer and a healthy pantry, not over-bought or anything hoarded, but enough that there’s no incentive to visit the store for a good while. So we are pretty much fully isolating and feeling safer that way. That should see us through 2 weeks until the grocery pickup/delivery slots will hopefully be running smoother. I’m not a ‘prepper’ but I’m seeing the wisdom of keeping 3 weeks of staple non-perishables and rotating them...where I wasn’t really thinking about it before. So that’s a good thing. Otherwise I’m getting my uniform on in SL for the theme of this weekend’s meetup. Who will I see there? You? Yes, you...hope so!  🦋

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  2. 10 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    The MANTan Project -- When I was last at Battery Street for a lovely little soiree celebrating the launch of the newest batch of those sweet little starter-homes in Bellisseria, I overhead a little discussion of something called the “ARCTan Project.” I didn’t really care to ask much about the details, but it involved a great deal of numbers or some such – no doubt my accountant will be able to handle it for me should it ever actually be implemented. But it did give me an idea to help improve everyone’s existence in Second Life. What would be an enormous boon to us all is a set of minimum standards for men’s attire. The men with whom I associate, of course, know much better than to appear before me wearing anything less than the very best and most stylish clothing, but we all know how difficult it can be for the less well-motivated male to find a decent suit, tie, and pants ensemble.

    I think I might take on a texturing project for this category, I have an idea. ❇️ 💡 

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  3. So you take the photos on the topic, and complete One line, horizontal, vertical or diagonal, or do the 4 corners...or go for a blackout and fill the card, same as RL bingo rules, I guess? The yelling is optional but you really should post your photos! I’ll post mine as an example once I’ve completed a LINE and then blacked out the card… I’ve only played RL bingo...hm, 3x in my life! 😉

  4. This is not really for your Photography (with a capital ‘P’) Art Images (although it can be if you are striving to improve your inworld photography).

    i just had fun making some photo bingo cards as a distraction...feel free to play one of these or make your own and post the results. You can do a composite or really post them however you like. I’m going to see if I can complete number five over the weekend. I am cross posting them to the big ball jointed doll hobby forum as well, we are all nuts about taking photos of our dolls. 😉 I’m going to sneak some second life doll photos into that, maybe some doll people would be interested in playing dolls in second life? If you’re interested, for the “toy or doll “topic, there is a free doll avatar at Coco doll, it’s a kid but you can size it up with a shape adjustment. There’s a limited amount of clothes for them, but several cute freebies as well. Just saying! She has a discount doll room with cheapies too although her newest style with bento and ability to make your own textures is still regular price of course because it’s newer.

    B397567C-8BB3-408E-883A-FF6F5EBFD1EC.png.3509f11e437a8164e214a87995482eed.png    38606538-2BA1-409B-AAF8-E5F92872187B.png.682ea1139d42aa42fcc08ff008554570.png


    6D5AC724-6BA1-44CC-ACE5-5C1FE561080C.png.ec56b09bc9c1e8069d3dfe087d8c1495.png    F6AF64FA-02F8-4BDC-ABAF-13B526DB2D25.png.c17cb7d029722d8ef9659bf9e4e0cf0b.png

  5. The numbers from my state took a couple of jumps in 24 hrs. It’s because more testing is coming back, and the testing protocols are coming on deck more fully to more accurately represent,  not because of ‘suddenly new cases’. From roughly 42 to 64 in a work day. 
    ‘The freezer is full, fridge almost so, pantry is looking good...but wow, the price gougers are really getting sneaky with huge shipping charges! 
    ‘I’m hoping local grocery pickups and deliveries get regulated in the next week, the stores are too swamped to schedule. I re-activated our Hello Fresh account just in case we want it. 

    • Like 8
  6. Currently I use three heights in second life and I alternate between them. I also have a 1/3 scale petite avatar and I shrink a lot of things for her. At least two communities that I interact with a lot actually are built/scaled realistically to reflect modern human sizes and one is larger. For many years I was five foot three exactly, and I built and scaled so many things down to fit. I’m a little more flexible these days.

    I think that fitting in to the scale of what’s around me feels best, but there are times when I don’t pay attention to it still and just want to be a certain height. I think you’ll get as many answers to this as there are communities who like a certain scale.😹

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  7. You may run into problems with Victorian style dresses and mechanical arms and other parts because there’s no way to hide one of the sleeves, etc and you may have some of the same kinds of poke-through issues you’ve already experienced. You can always get her a key to wear on her back in the meantime if you want her to be a clockwork, there are lots. Maybe if you could show us a picture of the type of mechanical parts you’re looking for it would be easier to recommend some more things. There’s a dizzying array of all kinds of implants, prosthetics and add-ons. It’s just kind of hard to figure out the keywords in order to find them sometimes. You said that there were some examples? 







    I second the Maitreya body for the most selection/compatibility But with add-ons you’ll need to read the description and try the demo to figure out the best fit. A lot of things are modifiable, but somethings are rigged and only have a limited amount of fit ability via the appearance modification  sliders. Another thing that I have noticed is that there are a lot of ‘no copy‘ parts for sale, and those commonly do not have any demos at all and many of them are not modifiable either. If they are modifiable, and you mess it up… Well they are ‘no copy‘ so it stays broken unless you know how to fix it. Proceed with caution on those by watching what the permissions are, I suggest mod and copy permissions for these kinds of add-ons.

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  8. 20 minutes ago, janetosilio said:

    There’s a difference between zhushing it up a little to make it look good and morphing the picture so much you can’t tell where the real photo and the actual skin starts though.

    Like RL advertisements for mascara where they actually wearing false eyelashes?😉 and did they have to stop doing it? No they just have to disclose it now. That one particularly bugs me because I have always had anemic eyelashes as it is so I just gave up and started wearing some cute and comfortable silicone band lashes most of the time. Most skins have demos anyway and I would never buy a skin without the demo regardless of how the vendor looked. The only time I’ve really gotten steamed over something is when I get the demo, decide to buy the product, follow the style card because I want that particular vendor picture look and then it’s not reasonably accurate. One of the things the advertisements have made me start doing is upping my photography and settings game to make my own photos look better, and that set me on a path to actually start caring about learning more about photography, inworld and RL, so that was actually a positive outcome.

    It’s absolutely a valid peeve, I’m just commenting.

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  9. 23 minutes ago, Gwin LeShelle said:


    You tell someone they do not look CEO enough, and then post a picture of Jeff Bezos?! Really? NO one should want to be a Jeff, don't be like Jeff, kids!

    That’s not even one of his worst ’lewks,  He’s too easy of a target here 😉. Some of his sartorial choices are… Astonishing.


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  10. Feb 2008 - Slink feet debut, no sandals, and for water, mer tail or swim fins...not even joking, I went to big lengths to never see my avatar flippers feet. 😂 shoes with toes creeped me out too! IRL, I’m not overly concerned about anyone’s feet or their shoe choices at all for any reason but for some weird reason SL Classic avatar feet really bugged me! 

  11. On 3/10/2020 at 2:39 PM, FairreLilette said:

    really looks like a doll.  

    Found this thread in a search for ‘doll’ so for some of us, that’s an advantage! 😉 

    @FairreLilette Genus Baby Face nose is cute and seems to be more turned up. I’m not sure if you’re pursuing a human look anymore but I just thought I would mention it.

    i have Catwa Catya and Lelutka Simone and I alternate between them depending on the look I want. I have an Akeruka Lulu too but I did not have much luck getting a look I liked with her. 
    I’ll be demoing all 3 of these this week to test for some dolly looks on an alt and yes, I know that the doll thing is not relevant to most people, it just kind of helps to see something way off and left field in order to assess the possibilities of all the different heads. Sometimes thinking a little more out of the box helps inform even the regular choices. So no I’m not pushing some kind of ‘doll agenda’, it’s just something that I enjoy and as a side note I noticed that it really showcases exaggeration and the wide variety of things that you can do with the different heads that you might not normally think to do, which may help some people push the limits and experiment more to find their own style(s).



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  12. 18 hours ago, Iki Kimono said:

    That's not the same dragon that OP is talking about - I suspect the confusion comes from the noodle name. But I was also considering buying one of these two dragons they mentioned, so I'd be interested in a comparison between them, too.

    Ditto, my partner was/is sometimes a Great Wyrm, (Spirit, the wingless Eastern type) since 2008 and he really likes Chibi Noodle as a ‘Hatchie’ size but is looking for something larger in addition. We will compare the new ones to his Wyrm in 3 sizes which frankly, did not have too many animations outside of the walk, run, fly IIRC...I remember a few sits, a curled up sleep, a very sedate toe-tapping head-swaying dance, something for the roars and mist breath/fire breathing...I guess it also kind of depends what standard (and variety) you are expecting in quad animations? That can account for some of the differing opinion maybe too.


  13. Since he sometimes appears in his meat puppet in videos and sometimes in his avatar, I think the difference is really interesting and cool. I really admire people who can make good facsimiles of their meat puppet in second life, That’s a whole other skill level…but let’s face it, some days some of us just want to be a Second life Glamour Puss even if our real life sartorial offering is er...a messy bun and Totoro pajamas? 

    Hot Topic, you’re welcome. 😂

  14. 1 hour ago, Tarina Sewell said:

    you need it.

    Decisions decisions, people are so creative with them. With all bjd really but these especially, lately. Maybe I should just make an inquiry about a base doll and that wig, just for funs! It never hurts to know these things. 


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  15. Comparing photos of a real life ball-jointed doll head (Popovy sisters Little Owl) to an SL head/skin/shape(center photo)… It sure is cheaper to collect/customize/dress dolls in second life! But I still like my real life dolls. We maintain a bjd doll comparison website for the hobby community so I always love to do doll comparisons of any kind virtual, real photos etc.

    i’m trying to tell myself that I don’t need this doll (or indeed any new dolls) as a ‘reward’ for finishing my KonMari later this year. Time will tell if it works and I believe myself but in the meantime I think I will re-create something similar in second life. Doing KonMari also means taking an inventory and counting all of my dolls, something I’ve never done before.🤦🏼‍♀️

    one, two, three...many! 😹


    I wish I had this as an SL hair too! 🤣


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  16. 1 hour ago, Zzevir said:

    And I must say she is an angry typist pore keyboard. 

    My fiancé’s level of irritation can be judged by how hard he types and by how much he’s using ‘the patient voice’ ...his team is not used to having virtual meetings so hilarity ensues. The cat is having a little trouble figuring the situation out 😂.

    Me? I’m keeping the vanilla spice coffee flowing in his cup and timing any of my video-watching for between his meetings. 

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  17. I’m nitpicking too many things, which is a sign of stress in a Virgo. Too many, as in not just the normal nitpicky things that I always nitpick, LOL. A good example is that I’ve decided that my screen in my French press is worn out so I am making ’steeped’ coffee in my teapot and straining it. i’m trying really really hard not to let this lap over into anything that my partner or my cat happen to be doing. But I have to say that I’m quite annoyed with the cat too. I think he senses my stress and he will not stop over-washing himself. It’s gross and he’s just always slightly damp. I’m hoping I won’t have to take him to the vet. 😓

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  18. Ok. I like photography and I like this photo. I like both raw shots and heavily edited photos. I’m not a pro photographer or retoucher but I know many of my basics and I can give my impression (this is my opinion, so please don’t come for me because it is merely an assessment, not a ‘judgement’ about the photographer’s vision, skill, talent ect.) Anyone is free to give a similar assessment on my own photos, in fact I welcome it and like to read them. 

    So...IMO, the hair is extensively brushed over with a heavy hand and a chunky ‘hair’ bush, the dodging and burning on the face don’t match the light sources in the photo. Parts of the face have had a smoothing filter applied, other parts have had more texture added. The eye color and shine have been selected and contrast, saturation and highlights amplified, maybe selectively, maybe just grabbing all in curves. So learning some of these techniques may help achieve this look.

    Cassie Middles covers many good SL photography retouching skills in her YouTube videos. When I first started watching compositing and retouching edits, I found that it helped me to watch at .50 or .25 speed.

    edit: sometimes it’s easier to just ask the photographer to give you some tips on their technique, and many are good about sharing and most people will at least disclose that their photos are edited, but there are a few that are both very touchy about it and also some who are just disingenuous about it too, for various reasons. 😉 For me the quickest and easiest way to sidestep the entire situation was to take both photography and photo editing classes. Personally, I think a lot of people spend a lot of time in Photoshop or Gimp doing what is much easier and faster to do in Lightroom too.

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  19. 38 minutes ago, Tolya Ugajin said:

    Please, for the love of all that is Holy, do NOT let my girl see this!  That is do freaking cute, I'd be doomed to a lifetime of having something like that as my wife in SL!  Worse, the next time I log in, I'd have one of those avatars myself!

    I think the facial expression of a Dinkie maybe suits your tone more? 😉



    what I’m working on today, silly stuff...3x3, 4x4 and 5x5


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