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  1. I am working on an object that would give you a URL if you click it, but i am trying to make it so someone can add their own link without having to go into scripts, kind of like a hud or like a window box on the side of the screen where they can put their link in and others can click the object and it gives them the link once they click it. ♥
  2. So i have a script here for sprite image emitter, i am trying to create a particle script that displays a texture so that the image shows the same to an avatar from all sides. i was using this script: default{ state_entry() { llParticleSystem([ PSYS_SRC_PATTERN, PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_DROP, PSYS_SRC_TEXTURE, "UUID of texture" ]); }} But the image on my side that i put for UUID is extremely large and it wont shrink.. do i need a separate script to make that smaller? And another thing, when i move the object around it makes the image spam around as it follows before disappearing, is there a way to keep all the particles in one bubble? I have attempted to shrink the image that didn't work so i am assuming its a script? ♥ https://gyazo.com/4f955425f6ff54c5370f7f714757936e
  3. I have been wanting to get into making Proximity cam loopers.. where the object plays music when someone zooms in on your avatar within a small radius, Ans the music softly plays a bit muffled. Does anyone know the scripts for that or how to even get this started? ♥
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