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Everything posted by Leesamoht

  1. Thank you Skye Skydancer for the information and the linke to Eugenia's Spanish classes. It sounds like you're quite well on your way to speaking Spanish. I'm very much a beginner. I've recently moved to a community irl where Spanish is spoken almost as much as English. So I'm hoping to get assistance there as well. I'll also look for the translators you mentioned.
  2. Hi. My name is Lee Thomas. I've lived in SL since 2013, but just joined this online forum today. I'm looking to learn Spanish. Does anyone know of in world classes? Or, perhaps someone willing to teach me? Thank you.
  3. Alts, for the longest time, were something I struggled with. (I've been in SL since 2013, but just joined this forum - this to say I'm not new to SL). I understand role playing and have explored it over the years here in SL. I respect it. The part about alts that presents a challenge to my thinking is when I contemplate the idea of a RL host interacting with me through different alts, but not disclosing they're the same RL host. Something about that makes me feel like the RL host is trying to be deceitful. I keep telling myself SL is essentially a masquerade party and we really don't know who is behind any avatar we encounter, alt or otherwise. There can be something very freeing in that thinking. So, I do my best to take each avatar at "face value" and not try to unravel the mystery of their RL host.
  4. 'Ello. My name is Lee Thomas. I've lived in SL since Feb 2013, but just today (7 April 2024) joined this SL Forum. I'm hoping to make new friends, create community, family. I was very active in world the first few years I joined. During that time, I made many friends and created wonderful memories. It seems it was much easier to strike up a conversation and make friends back then? Sadly, I had to leave SL for about a year because of RL. I experienced some health issues (all good now) which led me to leave my career and move to another state for an extended sabbatical, during which I literally had no Internet connection for many months (I lived off grid in a small casita located on a 300 acre nonworking ranch in the mountains of the southwestern USA). I told all of my SL friends this. We had our sweet goodbyes. When I returned, almost all of my friends had vanished. Either they unfriended me, they had left SL, or worse, they didn't respond when I messaged them. Since returning, I spend all of my time at my beach house which I adore, decorating my home (I've lived on the same land parcel for about 8 years now and have decorated 3 different homes there), exploring Sims, taking myself out dancing, and shopping in world from time to time. All of this I do alone. I do my best to put myself out there and say hello to at least one person every time I venture out of my home. It seldom leads anywhere. On the rare occasion it does, I eventually discover the other person is looking for a sex hookup and not really interested in making friends. I'm not opposed to sexoromance. But I haven't been drawn to it in SL since I was a newbie. These days, I'm looking for friends, community, family. I'm seeking connection. Heart connection. IRL, I work in the Arts, music mostly. My hobbies are reading (I'm currently reading all of the Pulitzer Winners for fiction), gardening, home improvement, film, Netflix (is my only "television"), cooking, diet/nutrition. I maintain a spiritual practice, which the past 20 years has consisted of Zen practice - but, I'm very open and eclectic in my spirituality and can find the groove in just about anything.
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