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Everything posted by Svenn007

  1. Heya Guys Am available again. Contact Website & portfolio : https://svenn007.wixsite.com/tftlandscape Contact Inworld : Svenn007 => secondlife:///app/agent/783b1dfd-a9ad-4728-aebd-898d7e49ca05/about Send me a Notecard Inworld : ( Svenn007 ) with those informations : - Your SL Name - Size of Your Parcel - A quick description of your project - Your TimeZone Some new pictures of last projects :
  2. β„•π”Όπ•Ž ℝ𝔼ℕ𝕋𝔸𝕃 𝔸𝕍𝔸𝕀𝕃𝔸𝔹𝕃𝔼 We decided to name it Edith , for the tribute to the one named " Le Moineau " and set it only 299L$/ week You can check the new cottage details here : https://www.isleofrowlyria.com/properties/edith-cottage Cassidy is still available CASSIDY : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rowlyria/173/183/21 EDITH : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rowlyria/159/117/28 LAND : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rowlyria/150/47/27
  3. A Lot of thanks of you both for the help Changing Rolig's suggestion make the menu accessible to everybody . πŸ‘ Sadly , each button seems inactive since, for me and for others . I copy you what i have changed : key owner; integer ITEMS_COUNT = 0; integer CYCLE_INDEX = 0; integer COLOR_ITEMS_COUNT = 0; integer COLOR_CYCLE_INDEX = 0; integer FONT_ITEMS_COUNT = 0; integer FONT_CYCLE_INDEX = 0; integer MAX_DIALOG_BUTTONS = 12; integer listener; integer com_channel; string PREV_BUTTON = "<< Prev"; string NEXT_BUTTON = "Next >>"; string ccolor="c=black;"; string cfont="f=def;"; string selection; //Fonts list ALL_FONT_ITEMS = ["DEFAULT","ANDALE","A_PRO","A_PRO_BOLD","DEJAVU","DEJAVU_BOLD","ENVYCODER","FREEFONT","INCONSOLATA","LIBERATION","LIBERATION_B","LUXI","LUXI_BOLD","MONOFUR","NOVA","PROFONT"]; list ALL_FONT_MAP = ["DEFAULT","f=def;","ANDALE","f=e31ce6e8-4117-7073-6aac-e6503034b4c5;","A_PRO", "f=24c4ead5-04cd-1831-5fd9-ec48882e00b1;","A_PRO_BOLD","f=82c4fcac-3990-223c-286d-5bc92a258fbc;","DEJAVU","f=f974fdfc-8fbd-2f29-2b38-3c34411c1fcc;","DEJAVU_BOLD","f=5054fec3-1465-af8f-2fe5-e9507795c82a;","ENVYCODER","f=a2ec2cf0-b207-db51-d4a1-f3f8d6684c07;","FREEFONT","f=05f6f69e-8bdf-a824-a2cf-d91c9e371c23;","INCONSOLATA", "f=867288f9-940e-a7cf-ac7d-5596ea7fb2c5;","LIBERATION","f=c992dfc4-0aca-02c8-bc01-8330e6db6f87;","LIBERATION_B","f=1494337d-5296-3c43-8f7c-45617448ec9a;","LUXI","f=2d8f52d7-2220-2d7a-15b5-e685a9449e5c;","LUXI_BOLD","f=03812794-535b-f546-6171-6bec5bf399be;","MONOFUR","f=8fc63e35-a18f-e335-3936-e2ca196a944d;","NOVA","f=2df8e09d-e1bd-d17f-6bec-b8d713790380;","PROFONT","f=45a8e6f6-90e4-299d-d3bc-0bf4dbf170db;"]; //Colors list ALL_COLOR_ITEMS = ["DEFAULT","WHITE","SILVER","GRAY","BLACK","RED","GREEN","BLUE","CYAN","MAGENTA","YELLOW","DARKRED","DARKGREEN","DARKBLUE","DARKCYAN","DARKMAGENTA","DARKYELLOW"]; list ALL_COLOR_MAP = ["DEFAULT","c=def;","WHITE","c=white;","SILVER","c=silver;","GRAY","c=gray;","BLACK","c=black;","RED","c=red;", "GREEN","c=green;","BLUE","c=blue;","CYAN","c=cyan;","MAGENTA","c=magenta;","YELLOW","c=yellow;","DARKRED","c=darkred;","DARKGREEN","c=darkgreen;","DARKBLUE","c=darkblue;","DARKCYAN","c=darkcyan;","DARKMAGENTA","c=darkmagenta;","DARKYELLOW","c=darkyellow;"]; //Menu cycle method list GetMenuCycle(list items, string direction) { if (selection == "Font") { ITEMS_COUNT = FONT_ITEMS_COUNT; CYCLE_INDEX = FONT_CYCLE_INDEX; } else { ITEMS_COUNT = COLOR_ITEMS_COUNT; CYCLE_INDEX = COLOR_CYCLE_INDEX; } list sublist = []; ITEMS_COUNT = llGetListLength(items); if(direction == PREV_BUTTON) { if(CYCLE_INDEX > 0) CYCLE_INDEX--; } else if(direction == NEXT_BUTTON) CYCLE_INDEX++; if(CYCLE_INDEX == 0) { if(ITEMS_COUNT <= MAX_DIALOG_BUTTONS) sublist = llList2List(items, 0, ITEMS_COUNT - 1); else { sublist = llList2List(items, 0, MAX_DIALOG_BUTTONS - 2); sublist += [NEXT_BUTTON]; } } else { integer start_index = 0; start_index = (MAX_DIALOG_BUTTONS - 1) + ((CYCLE_INDEX - 1) * (MAX_DIALOG_BUTTONS - 2)); integer items_left = ITEMS_COUNT - start_index; if(items_left > MAX_DIALOG_BUTTONS - 2) { sublist = llList2List(items, start_index, start_index + (MAX_DIALOG_BUTTONS - 3)); sublist = [PREV_BUTTON] + sublist + [NEXT_BUTTON]; } else { sublist = llList2List(items, start_index, ITEMS_COUNT - 1); sublist = [PREV_BUTTON] + sublist; } } if (selection == "Font") { FONT_ITEMS_COUNT = ITEMS_COUNT; FONT_CYCLE_INDEX = CYCLE_INDEX; } else { COLOR_ITEMS_COUNT = ITEMS_COUNT; COLOR_CYCLE_INDEX = CYCLE_INDEX; } return sublist; } default { state_entry() { // Reset the FURWARE text script. llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 0, "", "fw_reset"); com_channel = (integer) ("0x" + llGetSubString ((string) llGetKey (), -8, -1)) | 0x80000000; } link_message(integer sender, integer num, string str, key id) { // The text script sends "fw_ready" when it has initialized itself. if (id == "fw_ready") { llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 0, ccolor, "fw_var: ccolor"); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 0, cfont, "fw_var: cfont"); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 0, "style=ccolor;style=cfont;a=center;w=none", "fw_defaultconf"); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 0, "-Default text-", "fw_data : Display"); //llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 0, "c=yellow; a=center; f=45a8e6f6-90e4-299d-d3bc-0bf4dbf170db", "fw_conf : Display"); } } touch_start(integer num_detected) { llDialog(llDetectedKey(0), "What would you like to customize?",["Text","Font","Color"],com_channel); listener = llListen(com_channel, "", "", ""); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { llListenRemove(listener); // Listen from owner only. if (channel== com_channel && id=="") { // Check for message and do accordingly. if (message == "Text") { selection = "Text"; listener = llListen(com_channel+1, "", "", ""); llTextBox(owner, "Please enter the text you wish to display. (Single line)", com_channel+1); } else if (message == "Font") { selection = "Font"; listener = llListen(com_channel, "", "", ""); llDialog("","Choose a font.", GetMenuCycle(ALL_FONT_ITEMS, ""), com_channel); } else if (message == "Color") { selection = "Color"; listener = llListen(com_channel, "", "", ""); llDialog("","Choose a color.", GetMenuCycle(ALL_COLOR_ITEMS, ""), com_channel); } else if(message == NEXT_BUTTON && selection == "Font") { listener = llListen(com_channel, "", "", ""); llDialog("", "Choose a font.", GetMenuCycle(ALL_FONT_ITEMS, NEXT_BUTTON), com_channel); } else if(message == PREV_BUTTON && selection == "Font") { listener = llListen(com_channel, "", "", ""); llDialog("", "Choose a font.", GetMenuCycle(ALL_FONT_ITEMS, PREV_BUTTON), com_channel); } else if(message == NEXT_BUTTON && selection == "Color") { listener = llListen(com_channel, "", "", ""); llDialog("", "Choose a color.", GetMenuCycle(ALL_COLOR_ITEMS, NEXT_BUTTON), com_channel); } else if(message == PREV_BUTTON && selection == "Color") { listener = llListen(com_channel, "", "", ""); llDialog("", "Choose a color.", GetMenuCycle(ALL_COLOR_ITEMS, PREV_BUTTON), com_channel); } else if (llListFindList(ALL_FONT_ITEMS,[message])>-1) { cfont=llList2String(ALL_FONT_MAP,llListFindList(ALL_FONT_MAP,[message])+1); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 0, cfont, "fw_var: cfont"); } else if (llListFindList(ALL_COLOR_ITEMS,[message])>-1) { ccolor=llList2String(ALL_COLOR_MAP,llListFindList(ALL_COLOR_MAP,[message])+1); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 0, ccolor, "fw_var: ccolor"); } } else if (channel== com_channel+1 && id=="") { selection = ""; llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 0, message, "fw_data : Display"); } } }
  4. Hello talented scripters. I need some help to set a Full perm script i bought , making able to create a text in a prim The Display script , making the menu , seems accessible only for the owner . There is a line somewhere to change but each time i tried , i have an error :s > I want .. ( yeah not usual ) ... everybody be able to use it . PLease .. be my hero ? Thank You in advance Here is the end of the script : } touch_start(integer num_detected) { owner = llGetOwner(); if (owner == llDetectedKey(0)) { // Show menu to the owner only. llDialog(owner, "What would you like to customize?",["Text","Font","Color"],com_channel); listener = llListen(com_channel, "", llGetOwner(), ""); } else { llRegionSayTo(llDetectedKey(0), 0, "Sorry you are not authorized to configure me."); } } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { llListenRemove(listener); // Listen from owner only. if (channel== com_channel && id==owner) { // Check for message and do accordingly. if (message == "Text") { selection = "Text"; listener = llListen(com_channel+1, "", owner, ""); llTextBox(owner, "Please enter the text you wish to display. (Single line)", com_channel+1); } else if (message == "Font") { selection = "Font"; listener = llListen(com_channel, "", owner, ""); llDialog(owner,"Choose a font.", GetMenuCycle(ALL_FONT_ITEMS, ""), com_channel); } else if (message == "Color") { selection = "Color"; listener = llListen(com_channel, "", owner, ""); llDialog(owner,"Choose a color.", GetMenuCycle(ALL_COLOR_ITEMS, ""), com_channel); } else if(message == NEXT_BUTTON && selection == "Font") { listener = llListen(com_channel, "", owner, ""); llDialog(llGetOwner(), "Choose a font.", GetMenuCycle(ALL_FONT_ITEMS, NEXT_BUTTON), com_channel); } else if(message == PREV_BUTTON && selection == "Font") { listener = llListen(com_channel, "", owner, ""); llDialog(llGetOwner(), "Choose a font.", GetMenuCycle(ALL_FONT_ITEMS, PREV_BUTTON), com_channel); } else if(message == NEXT_BUTTON && selection == "Color") { listener = llListen(com_channel, "", owner, ""); llDialog(llGetOwner(), "Choose a color.", GetMenuCycle(ALL_COLOR_ITEMS, NEXT_BUTTON), com_channel); } else if(message == PREV_BUTTON && selection == "Color") { listener = llListen(com_channel, "", owner, ""); llDialog(llGetOwner(), "Choose a color.", GetMenuCycle(ALL_COLOR_ITEMS, PREV_BUTTON), com_channel); } else if (llListFindList(ALL_FONT_ITEMS,[message])>-1) { cfont=llList2String(ALL_FONT_MAP,llListFindList(ALL_FONT_MAP,[message])+1); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 0, cfont, "fw_var: cfont"); } else if (llListFindList(ALL_COLOR_ITEMS,[message])>-1) { ccolor=llList2String(ALL_COLOR_MAP,llListFindList(ALL_COLOR_MAP,[message])+1); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 0, ccolor, "fw_var: ccolor"); } } else if (channel== com_channel+1 && id==owner) { selection = ""; llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 0, message, "fw_data : Display"); } } }
  5. ℙ𝕀ℂ𝕂 π•π•†π•Œβ„ ℍ𝕆𝕄𝔼 π•Šπ•Žπ”Όπ”Όπ•‹ ℍ𝕆𝕄𝔼 @t Rowlyria Price starts to 299/week to 799/week. You can check the list here : https://www.isleofrowlyria.com/properties with all infos and pictures. LAND : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rowlyria/150/47/27 Some Pictures : 5 https://www.isleofrowlyria.com/properties
  6. ROWLYRIA PHOTO CONTEST : 10 top Finalists will be invited to display their work at the "Isle of Rowlyria Gallery " for 1 month Submissions to be added to the Flickr group https://flic.kr/g/3gbhLQ and MUST include " Isle of Rowlyria Picture Contest -Your Name - Photo number - Rowlyria Land : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rowlyria/150/47/27 *Winners will be announced on May 15th 🀩 More infos : https://discord.gg/RzqczRKDfd RULES Final submission date is May 5th 2024 - 11:59 PM SLT. Photos must be taken on Isle of Rowlyria Land and must be clearly identified as such. >> http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rowlyria/150/47/27 Post-photo editing is allowed for touch ups only - no significant work that changes. No Explicit Photos -> male and female private parts must not be visible A maximum of THREE entries per person will be accepted. Submissions to be added to the Flickr group https://flic.kr/g/3gbhLQ and MUST include " Isle of Rowlyria Picture Contest -Your SL Name - Photo number - Bonus submission on Rowlyria Discord ShowCase >> https://discord.gg/RzqczRKDfd All Pictures submited on Discord will be displayed on our website Portfolio.
  7. Heya, You can contact me In world Zackanory, we will speak about your project πŸ‘πŸ».
  8. You can contact me In world Regency, We will speak about our project πŸ‘πŸ».
  9. HOUSTON house is available 😜 HOUSTON BEACH HOUSE > 799L$ / week => http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rowlyria/234/128/23 500 Prims . Furnished or Unfurnished
  10. 🐰 ISLE OF ROWLYRIA - Easter Hunt 🐣 March 20th - April 5th FREE ACCESS Prize Area have 16 amazing Gifts More Info : https://www.isleofrowlyria.com/easterhunt TAXI : https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rowlyria/150/47/27
  11. UPDATE ONly 3 rentals Left TURNER BEACH > 299L$ / week => http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rowlyria/192/225/22 CASSIDY ISLE > 399L$ / week =>http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rowlyria/173/183/21 FRANKLIN ISLE > 799L$ / week > http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rowlyria/30/223/24
  12. This is the SLURL to visit Isle of Rowlyria http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rowlyria/150/47/27
  13. Isle of Rowlyria is a Mediterranean Isle where you can hang out, rent homes, relax by the sea and mountains, go virtual fishing, take beautiful pictures and listen to some of the best DJs Not in the mood to build for days > All our rentals at Isle of Rowlyria can be furnished or set with empty houses . Prices starts from 299/ week to 799 / week . 🏘️ Isle of ROWLYRIA RENTALS : List here > https://www.isleofrowlyria.com/s-rentalsavailable πŸͺ· πŸͺ· Isle of Rowlyria Pictures :
  14. Hello , 🌿 Landscaping Services 🌺 Am available for a transformation/landscaping of your area or a complete rebuild of your parcel . Why asking somebody to help you for your land? To save cash ... a lot of cash ... and maybe a lot of time ? Items will be from my inventory, yours and a fixed price according to the size of your parcel or extra items agreed between us to be bought. I can add some PBR touch too in your new decor . . Contact Website & portfolio : https://svenn007.wixsite.com/tftlandscape Contact Inworld : Svenn007 => secondlife:///app/agent/783b1dfd-a9ad-4728-aebd-898d7e49ca05/about Send me a Notecard Inworld : ( Svenn007 ) with those informations : - Your SL Name - Size of Your Parcel - A quick description of your project - Your TimeZone
  15. Hello , 🌿 Landscaping Services 🌺 Am available for a transformation/landscaping of your area or a complete rebuild of your parcel . Why asking somebody to help you for your land? To save cash ... a lot of cash ... and maybe a lot of time ? Items will be from my inventory, yours and a fixed price according to the size of your parcel or extra items agreed between us to be bought. I can add some PBR touch too in your new decor . . Send me a Notecard Inworld : ( Svenn007 ) with those informations : - Your SL Name - Size of Your Parcel - A quick description of your project - Your TimeZone Contact Inworld : Svenn007 => secondlife:///app/agent/783b1dfd-a9ad-4728-aebd-898d7e49ca05/about Contact Website : https://svenn007.wixsite.com/tftlandscape
  16. PBR !!! more colors , more quality .. and MORE REFLECTS and SHADOWS Here is what we are talking about : https://community.secondlife.com/blogs/entry/14536-second-life-pbr-materials-official-launch/ ------------ We make a special event tonight with this new graphic technology at Rowlyria Today December 16 th until 4 PM Taxi : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rowlyria/209/20/3034 Come share your feedback
  17. Hello , ❄️ It's Time for Winter in your land ❄️ Am available for a transformation/landscaping of your area into this special season. Items will be from my inventory, yours and a fixed price according to the size of your parcel or extra items agreed between us to be bought. I can add some PBR touch too in your new decor . Send me a Notecard Inworld : ( Svenn007 ) with those informations : - Your SL Name - Size of Your Parcel - Picture ( Gyazo) of your land - Your TimeZone Contact : Svenn007 Here is some of my other work on a Winter Season Landscape. 🀩
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