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Ocean Ocean

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Everything posted by Ocean Ocean

  1. There are actually two ban lines, one on the large parcel in the center of the region and another to the south running adjacent halfway the length of the eastern side of parcel 3 https://gyazo.com/bd05e87f9e4c95fa3de341a820282024
  2. I spent five years straight out of high school at a web development/marketing company but sadly none of that carried over into adulthood or SL... Otherwise I've enjoyed being able to have seats working in a private pharmacy, though I do miss the patients I had in retail. For a very short time I managed an entire store but I hated it immediately and went back into pharmacy. On the volunteering end, I was a community organiser during school, did translations for Twitter into Russian for a couple years during college until 2014, and served on the board of a nonprofit that provides services, resources, and funding for people with developmental disabilities and partnering agencies from 2011 until 2019, when I burnt myself out with my own disability.
  3. That's fair. It's just tiring and hardly welcoming.
  4. Hey I mean, I'm not the one who chose to bring Hitler into the thread. Literally nobody asked for that.
  5. After 3 years of residence, I am selling all of my parcels and am leaving secondlife. Parcel 1: 1024m http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Baylors Haunt/165/165/50 Parcel 2: 2048m, 3X Protected (1x road, 1x non-road sidewalk, 1x monorail with hub) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Baylors Haunt/77/116/38 Parcel 3: 8192m, 3X Protected (2x road, 1x monorail with hub) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Baylors Haunt/59/91/50 Parcel 4: 8192m 2x Protected (1x road, 1x non-road sidewalk) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Baylors Haunt/79/178/38 Video tours before deconstruction https://gyazo.com/21155689fbcfaf1d6d86ffa7dfbad752 https://gyazo.com/808028d10d80a85a2f0e29a6111e1be4
  6. That's surprising to me because most people I've met are retiring from their jobs in their 60s, and I can count on one maybe both hands how many people my own age (30) that I have met in the 3 years that I've been active.
  7. The people who regularly get called -phobes and -ists are all too eager to make friends with each other and find social groups to sneak into and divide while everyone else is timid and scared of being rejected or receiving hate mail.
  8. I would but like I already said linden infrastructure runs through the middle of my sim so that would not work out.
  9. I would play with those settings too, but I do like being on the same time as the region mainly because my sim has linden land that cuts through the middle of it
  10. I love day/night cycle, but I wish the grid had more than just a 4 hour cycle. I know it's supposed to be 2 hours day 2 hours night, but I swear the nights feel longer.
  11. You don’t have to derail your own thread after being asked to stop, that’s a personal choice. Blocked.
  12. I'd be more inclined to leave my sim if most of my interactions with people haven't been totally awful or just disappointing. But since my sim is a decently sized public park, all of my time there is spent building and decorating. Getting mad that people are actually living in the parcel that they pay you money for, that's a little weird, but then again that does sound right for a landlord to do.
  13. Well, I would have deleted my comment but that was made impossible when somebody quoted it. Sorry the apology isn't convincing. Don't know what else to tell ya. my "if" was also supposed to be a "that"
  14. Not as gross as linden labs making money from literal nazi content and defending their inclusion of such content as free market capitalism and freedom of speech (it took 3 months to boot a nazi neighbor in 2023) Sorry if the comment was insensitive. The point was that sim owners have discretion to do with their land whatever they please, and as long as LL makes some money off of it, they don’t care. The sim owner probably isn’t making anything, they just want pretty realdolls to look at.
  15. Why? Not everyone’s here to have pixel sex.
  16. First they came for the furry avs, and I did not speak out for I am not a furry. Then they came for the system avatars….
  17. Ah, then yes, it is unrigged hair. This being a problem specific to unrigged items just seems so strange to me. If an avatar is somehow wearing all unrigged clothing, I guess they'll all fall off in the mirror? lol
  18. Honestly, I couldn't tell you, so I'm willing to assume that the problem hairs are unrigged since they're experiencing the same fault as the glasses
  19. I use Azren shaved hair from Raven Bell with the pixie hairbase from TVS Beauty - hairbase doesn't seem to have any issues. While replying I tried some other hairs in my inventory. My hairs from Moon don't seem to have any issues, but Raven Bell, Action Incubator Jaxon, and Amber's Apples all replicate the problem. There's likely a lot more, but I wasn't feeling like testing hairs that I don't regularly use atm. Glasses I've replicated the issue with Nerd Glasses By Milo and the B2L Cute Glasses Graphics running between High - Ultra, mirror res 2048 with mirror updating with every frame. Out of curiosity I ran it again on low settings and get the same issue. https://gyazo.com/0398f54e51ed1e26c47a38a2fddc5681 "Mainly just to have something on site to work with and try different things.. I can't get it to happen for me yet.." It seems to me that is only happens if you zoom into the mirror a certain amount depending on where your avatar is in relation to the pbr texture. https://gyazo.com/33a1bbd213f3edb10a86233679c74792 edit to include sys info: CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700F (2112 MHz) Memory: 16198 MB (Used: 1658 MB) Concurrency: 20 OS Version: Microsoft Windows 11 64-bit (Build 22631.3737) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060/PCIe/SSE2 Graphics Card Memory: 12115 MB Graphics Card Memory (Detected): 12115 MB Graphics Card Memory (Budget): Unlimited Windows Graphics Driver Version: OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 551.32 RestrainedLove API: RLV v3.4.3 / RLVa v2.4.2.74745 libcurl Version: libcurl/7.54.1 OpenSSL/1.1.1q zlib/1.2.11.zlib-ng nghttp2/1.40.0 J2C Decoder Version: KDU v8.4.1 Audio Driver Version: FMOD Studio 2.02.20 Dullahan: CEF: 118.4.1+g3dd6078+chromium-118.0.5993.54 Chromium: 118.0.5993.54 LibVLC Version: 3.0.16 Voice Server Version: Not Connected
  20. idk, I can see value in it. I operate a park in Kama City and I do think it's a graphical improvement, even without mirrors. Granted I have a high end card, but even then it gets HOT. It just feels rushed, like they weren't getting enough feedback during beta or they wanted it to line up with SL21, regardless of completion. This reflection issue I only happened to notice last night, the video I shared was actually me noticing it live while trying to make a short video to show PBR off to someone.
  21. Nice! However in the video that I posted, my hair and glasses clearly disconnect from my head but only in the reflection. As well, I'd be curious is anyone knows how and why it happens
  22. Really? My hair and glasses fall off of my avatars head in pbr reflective mirrors. https://gyazo.com/64471470d6633b98ddb4757ec37f53b3
  23. I just finished listening to The Hobbit for the very first time while at work.
  24. The worst repercussion I've heard happen to a DJ was their spotify account being threatened with closure for removing drm. The issue wasn't so much illegal pirate radio, rather how they acquired the song. Honestly you'll be fine
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