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  1. Hello, I'm still interested in the job offer. Please let me know.
  2. networking and forums is the best way to get employment.
  3. I'm interested in the receptionist job.
  4. To whom it may concern, I am seeking long term or seasonal in- world employment. I can be described as: dedicated, a leader, trustworthy, hard-working, reliable, detail- orientated, a team player and level-headed. Adding onto this, I am someone who has an unwavering resolve. I am determined to do well in my job and am determined to have a successful career as wll as make the company I work for competitive. I have prior experience as a Receptionist, Interior Designer, Beauty Technician Caregiver/ Babysitter,. Real Estate Agent and Escort/ Dancer/ Bartender. Thank you for your time. Please get back to me as soon as possible. Contact Information - ɪꜱᴏ (Sondjy)
  5. Are you still seeking staff? I am available .
  6. Hi, I’m available to be an receptionist and have prior experience. Adding onto this, I have a child of my own. Please get back to me as soon as possible!
  7. Hi, I’m an single mother. I would love to be your roommate and discuss the terms.
  8. Sondjy

    Free rooms

    What’s the link? I’m a single- mother and in need of housing.
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