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Everything posted by EmmaAsht0n

  1. I've found this information on Firestorm's wiki (https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_mouselook): «First of all, check to be sure that mouselook functionality is enabled in Preferences → Move & View -> Mouselook → Enable Mouselook functionality. Now, mouselook may be activated in a few ways: Use your mouse wheel to scroll forward, until mouselook kicks in. (You can exit mouselook the same way, by scroll back with your mousewheel.) NOTE: Make sure that Preferences → Move & View -> View → Don't use mouse wheel to control zoom level of the camera is not enabled! By using the 'm' key on your keyboard. However, this requires that WASD movement be enabled, which is done in Preferences → Move & View -> Movement → Pressing letter keys affects Movement. Open the camera controls floater: top menu, Avatar → Camera Controls. Click on the Mouselook button (looks like a computer mouse), 5th from the left. Via top menu bar → Advanced1) → Shortcuts → Mouselook.» And on this page (https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_preferences_move_tab?redirect=1#movement😞 «Mouselook can be entered either by scrolling forward with your mousewheel, or by using the 'M' key on your keyboard (which first equires enabling WASD for movement, in Preferences->General), or from top menu, Advanced → Shortcuts.» Apparently, WASD is activated in the preferences. Look in the mentioned tabs/pages and check if that's the case. You could also go to the Advanced menu and change the shortcuts to deactivate the M letter as a shortcut.
  2. I've used the full color picture on Flickr, hence the extra link, but I wanted to show this version as I like it a lot. I just thought it'd be best if people could see the actual colors on Flickr.
  3. https://www.flickr.com/photos/195006318@N08/52283994400/in/dateposted-public/
  4. Thanks. That's what I was going for. Didn't wanna play the "barbie girl" just now 😁
  5. Kraftwork's offers for The Saturday Sales seem to already be in store. Prices from L$50 to L$75.
  6. I think there are 4 different colors but that one was just the best IMO.
  7. Thank you Scylla. It's Scarlett from B2K Design (http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Thoth/175/33/22). It comes with the jewelry. Price: L$219. But you can get it for free if you join their free group and enter the current daily prize draw (L$500 gift card), which works like a midnight mania.
  8. Thank you. It's from Carol G. If you click on the picture, you should be forwarded to my Flickr where you'll find all the info in the description.
  9. Dans Firestorm, il faut activer l'option "Show boundary up to the maximum build height" qui se trouve dans les préférences (menu Avatar / Preferences / Firestorm / onglet Build 2). Si tu as Firestorm en français, c'est le menu Moi / Préférences / Firestorm / onglet Construction 2).
  10. UPDATE on the Kraftwork sales: The Summer Sale is on: - 50% off store wide (full prices are shown. 50% is refunded upon purchase) EXCEPTIONS: - past 3 months releases and current releases - Zooby - Jora - current events/sales events If something goes wrong, send NODNOL Jameson a notecard. Items not on sale are clearly marked:
  11. A little edit about the Kraftwork sale: As you land into the shop, there's a board stating that the sale starts on July 23rd and will last until the 31st. EXcluded are Zoobie, Jora, the past 3 months releases and the current events items. I'm just confused about the start date as yesterday (July 21st my time), the following notice was posted in the group: "Hey guys, our Summer Sale will start TOMORROW for our in-world group, hang in there and don't shop just yet!" So there may be an extra day (like a pre-sale) for group members but I'm not sure and nothing has been said about it in the group yet. Just FYI.
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