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  1. Fixed it!! I found the issue was that I had another script in a linked prim which I had set to no copy for the next owner. Therefore when taking into my inventory, it reverted the whole object to no copy for the next owner. I changed the next owner perms for this script to enable copy and voila - when I took the object into my inventory the copy perms persisted. And the next owner can modify.
  2. I have created an object which I want to sell with mod/copy permissions. I have full perms over the object including most of the scripts, which I created. There is one script in the object which I have only copy/transfer perms over - it is no mod. If I take my object to inventory without this script, I can transfer it with any permissions I like. When I add the script, problems start: 1. Add no mod script. Set perms to mod/copy and take to inventory. Whilst in inventory, it changes the perms to no mod no copy and I can only change the copy perm. 2. If I then re-rez the item it shows as copy / no mod (for the next owner). I can then change the perms so the next owner can modify it. Again.. take into inventory... 3. After this re-rezzing (called slamming I think?) I can pass the object to someone else and they have the mod perms. However the act of taking it into inventory has removed the copy perms for the next owner! If I just edit the copy perms whilst in inventory and then pass it to them, it has reset the mod perms to no mod!! I know that's all hard to understand - but the effect is that I can pass on my object copy or mod, but not both. Can anyone offer help with this issue? I know it can be done as I've done it with another object, but have no idea how as I never noticed this issue before. Thank you
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