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Everything posted by CoraxCorv

  1. If U want a Lilly Skin made for Lilly, Look for ItGirls. I suspect there are so many for the Avalon head because it was the first European / Eurasian variant of the three most modern Lelutka heads of Evox. Many Shops had already switched to Evox, maybe there will be a return for Lilly after they have the Evox update, who knows. ItGirls Lilly https://flic.kr/p/2kFpgfa
  2. Oh well. I am one of the people who carried her Catya head forever. I usually find it difficult to make changes like this because I always think "This is no longer my avatar". But I have to honestly say that I don't want to miss my Lelutka Heads anymore. I also wore high-quality skins on my Catwa head, but I have just compared pictures next to each other and the Catya is simply out of date in a direct comparison. The textures and the elaboration of the face are a joke compared to modern heads. I'll give you the advice, get Lelutka demos, go and test a few demo skins (L. Hurley, Skinnery, and so on) and see for yourself. In my old pictures with catya I feel like a cartoon character. https://gyazo.com/95c1a0c4bcd6193b449cd08ba441656d
  3. Well, its the Shape of the head itself - Yes. Try a Demo and Test it :3
  4. Oh well. You can't really be helped if we don't know your abilities. There are people who make money from scripting or mesh - the point is, you have to be really good, the market is filled with excellent builders. Many also offer custom work, for example for shops. So as long as you are not very good or have a revolutionary idea that hits like a bomb, you will hardly make a lot of money in this area. The same goes for textures, photography, ... the competition is very high. Then there are clubs that are looking for a good DJ. Here, too, "good" is the point. Clubs that run very well do not take everyone, often not even beginners, but prefer well-known DJs with a fanbase who can also come along if you understand. Hosts, dancers and escorts are hired a lot. To do this, you have to have a handsome avatar, completely mesh, sexy and up to date. You have to be able to entertain the guests and approach them without being intrusive. Unfortunately, it is still often the case that dancers play an animation and hardly say anything. You won't get any money this way. likewise when the club is not going well and no guests come by.
  5. Einfach ignorieren. Solche Avatare sind zwar geschmacklos, aber in Amerika sind die Gesetze bei dem Thema um einiges Lockerer als in Deutschland. Da gibt es auch Sammler von Dingen aus dem zweiten Weltkrieg die hier verboten wären. Bei Trollen gilt ja generell - Wenn sie keine Aufmerksamkeit bekommen wird ihnen schnell langweilig und die suchen sich ein neues Opfer.
  6. I often get compliments on the go at events or shops. Some people also ask where I got an item from or my skin. If people ask me politely, I even answer them ☺️. Unfortunately there are also people who say mean things, but that mostly happens in groups and the people themselves often look very bad - I guess they do it out of jealousy
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