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Posts posted by Wincil

  1. 16 minutes ago, Deepert said:

    you are right Wincil   i geuss LL should make then also new TOS policy on the teens as so far i know Linden labs merged the teen grid with this  second life?

    Well second life did used to have a teen gird at one point it now merged with the main gird now. Anyone under 18 would of been limited when it comes to sim choices.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, brodiac90 said:

    Someone else, I forget now, suggested the idea of a child avatar account that you had to subscribe to like premium so that all your info would be on file. 

    Something tells me this is a bad idea some people would be complaining that they are spending more then they already need to. 

  3. 25 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

    If they were to expand it would be preferable in my opinion if they did it by creating a separate grid, SecondLife 2.

    I don't think there is any need of a SecondLife 2 or a separate grid for that don't really see how that's preferable and besides second life would want to expand anyway. 

  4. 10 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

    And close down the Burlesques and stripjoints and skin shops LL speciificlly mentioned as suitable for M rated land.

    Well done you just displaced a whole load of businesses which now have to move to Zindra, oh and made sure that the "kiddies" get even more hate and intolerance.


    Good JOB! 



    This lacks sense or clear sound reasoning. 

    • Haha 4
  5. 2 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

    Those were old figures from LL or gridsurvey, back in ancient times, 55% women or something like that, apparently based of the names on the credit cards., and long enough ago, that it's easily 45+ to 55+ by now.


    If that "GenZ Rulz das grid" nonsense was true, concurrency figures wouldn't have dropped slowley but steadily over the last decade, and LL wouldn't be wasting time, effort and money on the MobileLife Fail-Viewer in a desperate attempt to reverse the trend.



    And how do you know that they are old figures from ancient times?

  6. 4 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

    People defending worthless BS with weblinks should learn to READ the weblinks they post before claaiming that it suupports their clueless BS. I shall quote from the page you linked to.

    • Virtual worlds have a diverse age range of users, with some platforms being more popular among younger age groups. For example, games like Roblox and Minecraft tend to attract a younger demographic, with many users under the age of 18.
    • However, other virtual worlds, such as Second Life and VRChat, have a wider age range of users, including those over the age of 50.
    • According to a survey by SuperData, 61% of virtual world users were between the ages of 18 and 34, while 27% were between the ages of 35 and 54.


    That graph is lumping together ALL the users of Minecraft, and Roblox, with SL.

    Roblox has a typical user age of what? 13? 15?

    And it has millions of users.

    they are alsso including platforms like World of Warcraft, and Eve Online and OTHER MMO's


    Compared to SL, which currently has somewhere between 600k and 800k depending on who you believe.


    Another epic fail on your part. For somebody who BOASTED about their "18 years experience in SL" you have much to learn, old padawan.


    I'm sorry to say but you sound like one of does nutjobs that don't even know anything about demographics this age stuff seems off topic ngl.

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  7. 2 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

    Breaking News "Fake Statistics Sellers all agree their statistics are fake!", pictures at 11.


    Yeah ALL sites using bad fakery to gather questionable data, probably use the same flawed methods, and are all checking THE WEBSSITE, not the SERVERS., and there is NO way your fake news scam sellers can determine who or what is logging into the grid.

    Get over it.


  8. 3 minutes ago, Aya Sweetheart said:

    So what would you call Asian Americans with varying shades of colors from whiteish to very dark?

    I seriously doubt that is accurate... would need to see how they got that info, and if it even applied to users of SL, or just assumed characteristics from browsing history from the main website.

    Again how do you know.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

    That tends to happen when you try to "shame" boomers" on a platform like SL where the average age is apparently WELL over 40, or shame people over 5'4 or people with big boobs, to name but a few.


    Im not trying to shame anynone not everyone is even that old. 🙃 

    • Like 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, Fluffy Sharkfin said:

    Well I'm sure we're all relieved to know that it was at least unintentional.  As I keep saying this thread is a minefield and we really should try to avoid stepping on each others toes, intentionally or not. 

    Personally I'd recommend reading through what you're about to post a couple of times to make sure nobody could misinterpret what you're trying to say or be offended by your choice of words before hitting the Submit button, it's what I usually try to do!

    Again not trying to offend anyone some people seen to overreact over the smallest things it is a minefield I get it.

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  11. 21 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    The point of understanding the definition, is you don't call out someone who is Black, and mention something like they seem "ghetto" / come from a ghetto, whatever "ghetto" reference. That is racist.

    That is the information you need to know, if you did not already know it.  You don't associate "people" with "ghetto" anything. 


    Again how is that racist? It's just a word that has a definition I'm not the one who brought it up someone else did again im not trying to offend anyone who is black.

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