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Everything posted by Azgalia

  1. I don't even know how to say what I want... Neither do I really know what I want. Maybe writing this here will help me figure out what's on my mind and how to express it especially at the right place. I have been trying to build a community for a while and now I am trying again. To be short I rent a land and I don't want to be alone so I want people that can be interested in coming along with me and share the fun. I have put down a house with rooms and kinda looking for "roommate" to live here with me for free. I will pay the rent for the land I have a little extra money for SL not a problem all I seek is active players that are online a lot around their home so I have company. I also want to have there a "new resident' help area or place to support people that could use a hand about anything. I place of rest and healing... I do Tarot readings as business and have a table which I will eventually promote as free service. The Art of Divination should never be charged... I like the Linden Gold Token Fish Hunt to attract random people and sometime have a good chat maybe new friends. Very open ADULT sim... Well I hope interactions with other member of the forum will help me figure where to write and how to do it! Thank you for your time reading if you did ♥ Az
  2. I don't have much active SL friends and looking for more but I don't really know how to do that. I tried many places without much success...
  3. Hello I understand that people talking once and being iddle in my list too... I am looking for active friends that hang out! Please IM me if you want to meet up! I am open to anyone
  4. All I do is messing around building on my parcel. Come have a shoot!
  5. I am not very good at dealing with forums please be nice. I have something that tells me I should use the forums to increase my chances to find what I am looking for but I don't know what exactly so where to post it. For sure I know I want lot of friends that are active and good chatters. As here I make a try to see what it gives to write on forums I have lot of time, too much time..... I spend most my days on my parcel experimenting pilot projects. I have rooms for friends. I play all day... I like to do Tarot readings for free and other occult things on the side. I am quite ritualist and methodic. I do my best to get better and improve myself. I love Mom and you?
  6. I have a community but haven't seen any other croc yet
  7. Zayne Morningstar resident isn't giving any search result ingame. I sent you a forum message or you can IM me (Azgalia resident) in world. Thank you!
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