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Sindy Lovelace

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    SL is both a madhouse of drama *and* a great place to explore.

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  1. Thank you to who ever pointed me out to this dress from Valentina E
  2. Oh my god I have discovered ISON. I thought my hair addiction was bad!!!! I do no want to know what I have just spent,
  3. More blonde and another new hair style. I really need to stop going to DOUX every day
  4. I switch my avatar look every few months and finally made a blond look I like after discovering Doux hairs.
  5. Hanging out in my sci-fi skybox. yes, I'm a geek girl
  6. Yes I am always human. The whole non-human thing is cool but I have never been into it. But to save on managing alt accounts (I don't want to have alt accounts), and re-use clothing (saves money), I created four very distinct looks for my one avatar, but only one looks somewhat like me I love people who chat with me guessing.
  7. Actually, may have found one. Thanks to those who IMed me in-world!
  8. Hi all. Hoping the collective hive mind can help with this. Looking for a 3some bed, MMF as a minimum. Now the hard part. Modern, contemporary and must have white texture choices, ie, almost the whole bed be able to be white (at a minimum mattress, sheets and pillows). Nothing puffy with massive headboard, posts etc. Clean modern look. Animations as good and/or wide-ranging as Ruckus, preferred, but must look like the stuff that places like Fancy Decor, Blacknest, Fourth Wall etc sell. I've tried Stockholm, Sey/Cumming Soon, Shaka, Loft Aria, Gracefully Wicked, and a few more and nothing yet. Thanks for any help.
  9. Modernist-looking homes. Something that doesn't look like it fell out of the 1990s (or before). Please? And to the OP, yes, why no rezz zone for boats right there?
  10. Agree. I've been scammed before when I was a newbie and assumed that open water canal to the larger sailing area was going to stay that way. I bought a small parcel, and even made sure i made my little island and cottage narrow enough that two other owners cold sail past. Within 2 weeks that canal had also been bought and the guy blocked it up and put ban lines up. Three of us now could not sail out. I'm very super wary of buying parcels now on good sailing areas without checking the surrounding parcels thoroughly. Not Linden, I won't buy.
  11. By a RL friend of mine, Megan Fairchild. Before that I finished this one great quick read ...
  12. Read a curious article in the Guardian today about how the rollout of Zuck's metaverse has done nothing to deal with the general misogynistic ass-hattery that goes on in virtual spaces. Female avatars can apparently be groped/touched in his virtual world (not surprising since FB started as a way to rate college girls' looks) and FB is like "I don't know how to fix that?" BS. How about a setting that's on by default that basically says "no one can touch my avatar without my permission"? You know, like that basic concept of f-ing consent? The geniuses at FB can't figure that one out? What a Zuck-f&ck.
  13. Gosh that's super pretty! What brand is that, Zeta? Want this dress soooo bad ...
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