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TonyStark Aristocrat

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Everything posted by TonyStark Aristocrat

  1. We utilize a service called Lethaladdons, which facilitates a seamless connection between Second Life and Discord through a bot. This tool is a cornerstone of our customer service strategy. It enables us to address queries that may arise during the night when our Customer Service Representatives aren't available. The strength of this tool lies in its ability to bridge any potential communication gaps. While it does experience occasional downtime and necessitates reboots, its value to our customers far outweighs these minor inconveniences. For those who venture into our group chat only to encounter silence, it's crucial to avoid leaving them feeling neglected or unappreciated. As I can't be online around the clock, this bot has been nothing short of a revelation. One of the remarkable features of this bot is its ability to aggregate positive and constructive feedback that might otherwise have slipped through the cracks. This heightened visibility is invaluable. Addressing privacy concerns is pivotal, and I understand the reservations. A potential solution could be for Second Life to implement a webhook, as suggested by the original poster. Users could then be given the choice to 'opt-in' or 'opt-out' of this feature. Empowering customers to decide whether they want their chats to extend beyond Second Life is a more ethical approach.
  2. I miss April Linden. She always gave us REALLY good reports to keep us informed and with compassion. We need that now that AWS says their stuff is resolved. "Engineers worked to identify the root cause and resolve the resource contention affecting the specific subsystem. By 9:15 PM PDT, the propagation time for network mappings had returned to normal levels. The issue has been resolved, and the service is operating normally." Do SL regions just need the Tuesday restart to be back on their feet? We're seeing inconsistency with world linden balance and web linden balances, too; we have no idea what is happening. some information and some clarification, perhaps just a touch of compassion, would be lovely from the lab
  3. Stil looking for applicants, please send me an Inworld notecard. THANKS!
  4. I have sent a discord friend request and hope to chat soon. thanks!
  5. Large SL company (Dummy account to protect me) looking to expand into Animesh offerings. My company is relatively large and works on a profit SHARE model. If you are interested, please send a notecard to my account and let me know of your interest and other work. (I will need to see a resume, or previous work) I look forward to reaching out. Thanks Stark
  6. Hey there, I run a rather LARGE SL company. Don't look at this avatar too closely you won't figure it out. (it's not the texture company this avatar runs) I am looking to hire a scripter for my company. This scripter would be staff and would work based on a profit share. Must have intimate knowledge of LSL, and MYSQL servers. Looking for past experience with interworking parts and pieces. Would love some one who can manage animations on prims, and someone experienced with LSL and OSSL(HALYCON). My company is LARGE, we run on a 6 month profit share per property but we're always releasing new stuff so you'll consistently make an income. With consumable products that are purchased AGAIN and AGAIN. You will have to pass muster with my current scripter who is looking to retire. They will pick who comes after them, and they will give a seal of approval. Please make sure that when you reach out to me in world (VIA NOTECARD ONLY) that you are putting down what you've worked on IN THE PAST specifically. You may ask questions below I'll try to answer them but resumes should be sent in world via notecard. I know this is VERY vague, but I need to be to protect my identity in world and my intellectual property. Your resumes will tell my current scripter if you're a good fit or not. ❤️ Thanks guys can't wait to meet you, Tony
  7. Interested in talking please see my project here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iTGPBQ_8YQJv9epHWuAZw_wHLZCZqHGw1EmTccKzIN8/edit?usp=sharing
  8. Please see this: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iTGPBQ_8YQJv9epHWuAZw_wHLZCZqHGw1EmTccKzIN8/edit?usp=sharing this is where I'm housing all my project material. Please respond with an email to: Kriosarian@gmail.com with estimated pricing for scripting. Thank you! Anthony!
  9. I am looking to make two Models in SL looking for some nice models for a project. Please see the project details HERE or contact me in world: TONYSTARK ARISTOCRAT
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