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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. What weather system is it? That looks like fun!!!
  2. Love to 40's/50's retro look. Th hue adds perfectly!!!
  3. LOL, I went out to a photoshoot wearing coattails with no shirt and a red bowtie, with round welding goggles.
  4. LOL, I'm a guy. I never had to hide anything like that. And I used to be involved in amateur filmmaking and played in a band as drummer. My Mum would sew outfits for our films, and help me with stage outfits. ...So I have to dedicate this post to my incredible mother, who passed away a long time ago. I miss her every day.
  5. Unfortunately, sometimes they do. "Prostitots". The parents are to blame for that.
  6. I think it's a genre thing, but I could be wrong. Every time I've tried low contrast in B/W, it ends up looking flat.
  7. You're doing a great job so far!!! I personally find B/W easier to work with. Maybe you'll find that too.
  8. This was the same Image as below. I thought something appeared to be a nipple, so I removed it and added a censored version as below. It was simply a part of my tattoo though.
  9. This makes me feel that the dog was perking up at the defensive reaction of the woman to something outside of the pic. The dog is a new AV I bought this week. Cait and I were setting it up, and I took a random pic, as usual.
  10. Scyll..I'm ashamed of you for not being more culturally sensitive... The Huns were NOT the bad guys to those of us with a Hungarian background... I'm teasing you of course.
  11. OMG Nal, I didn't see your caption before. I couldn't stop laughing!!! You are SO right!!
  12. Why don't you just take the pics anyways? You can always delete them. I would be curious to see how your hair outfit doesn't match the area. Sometimes juxtapositions can create their own unique effect on the viewer.
  13. What a nice pic!!! I'm Happy you posted!!!
  14. ROFL...They're surely one of my alts....I don't know in what universe, but somewhere it has to be...
  15. Bagnu is something random I picked for signup name. I didn't know it would be used as my user name. I don't like it, actually. Sandor is Alexander in Hungarian. Which is my background. It's pronounced as "shandor".
  16. Why is this funny? I have 3 accounts and 4 AV's. My friends know me in all of them. All of my accounts and AV's wear a wedding band and are married to the same woman. Anyone here who follows my pics would know who I am in all of them. This isn't a discussion that's appropriate for this thread though. So I'll start a new one. I'm curious what people here have to say about it.
  17. Passing as a "new person" means you would be deceiving the people who already know. you That disgusts me.
  18. No matter how many alts a person makes, they are still the same person behind the keyboard. So very recognizable for the reasons you mentioned.
  19. Lol, I would ask if I didn't think it would be disrespectful.
  20. LOL. When I set things up. torture and capital punishment aren't on my mind either, in a sense. I'm thinking about what my SL wife and visitors would enjoy, and how good the animations are.
  21. Thanks Scyll. I was experimenting with an electric chair I got for our dungeon. I was panning around it and taking random pics to see the various effects. This one caught my eye, so I cropped it and worked it up.
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