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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. It almost made want to leave....But I didn't lol!!! But I would rip my claws so hard into someone like that now....
  2. None of us have the right to be SL police. We would work for LL if we did!!!
  3. I didn't submit an AR because i was too new. I wouldn't be particularly "nice" to someone like that anymore. He would be the one shivering!!! I have zero tolerance for that sort of thing!!! Seriously though, we don't need or want those types of people in SL. We are here to enjoy it. Some enjoy hurting others unfortunately.
  4. I ran into one who made me RL shiver for an hour. He admitted that he was trolling, but it was a very disgusting experience.
  5. Somehow this works for you better.....Maybe I should get another one.....
  6. Hmmm. That's a bad sign from every direction.
  7. Scylla.....He's perfect for you!!! Mmmmhmmm!!!
  8. Work it girl!!! He might find you the most interesting part of the exhibit....
  9. You go girl!!! He might find you the most interesting part of the exhibit!!!
  10. I didn't mean the girl herself!!! She's quite beautiful!!! I wouldn't look so great on that either, which is why I destroyed my unicycle....
  11. The guy is hot as all hell!!! The girl...not so much!!!
  12. Lmao, I have no doubts about that!!! I write as I quickly destroy my unicycle before anyone could see me....
  13. Lol!!! That would just be plain "unsexy"!!!
  14. Harassment is also a very clear violation of the TOS!!! Whether real or perceived is irrelevant!!!
  15. I just love your new hair!!! And I have RL seen someone rollerlade in the suburbs in a pink polkadot bikini lol!!!
  16. I have learned what I needed to know from the answers to my question. And this was a very, very serious question from my end. Thank you everyone for your replies.
  17. Tari, I asked an honest question. It was about a better understanding of SL for me. Everyone judges everyone. It's a necessity for our survival. You articulate your judgements about me, and I respect that.
  18. Thank you. Really that was the entire point of my question. I'm not in SL to hurt anyone.
  19. Yes. I'm not wondering anymore. And the serious pain I went through recently in SL started me in that direction.
  20. Sorry. Mistyping. I have NO intention of doing that!!!
  21. I totally agree. I wanted to understand if the rules in SL are different than RL. So I will always ask for consent. I have only ever posted pictures in Flickr with one client, and they have consented...as long as they are not named or have their name above their heads.
  22. The two issues ARE related though. Keeping other people's privacy.
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