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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. I was just going to say, you two weren't dressed like that when I got there. But then I read your caption!!!
  2. I always love your pics. You can safely assume that If I don't give one a like, it's because I missed it!!!
  3. Anyone who comes though with an AV that looks underage will be immediately ejected and banned. My Island is not Disneyland.
  4. I don't prevent anyone from coming to the Island based on AV age.
  5. I never ran into that when I first started. But if that's the case, I agree. Whether a person wants to be a part of the "Adult" scene or not, it would be a good meeting ground.
  6. Yes, they are bad for your health. I don't argue that. It's a personal decision to wear them or not, and for how long.
  7. Caitlin at Ayeleeon and Lintel's wedding
  8. True. I do know some ladies who don't have that issue for a lot longer though.
  9. Caitlin and I at the wedding. We both wish them all the best!!!
  10. I'm saying that SL should offer the same options as RL. Not everyone has to partake in all aspects. I DID think it was all a giant RP. I was a female Escort. I was the same person here at the time as I was inworld. Pearl SexToy. My RP character. That worked inworld, but not here. I found it unsustainable, because I developed friendships, and I preferred to tell everyone that I am not that character. And became myself.
  11. That's a fun video!! I wasn't questioning if that happens. You put people together, they are going to get into sex. Not everyone, but many for sure!!!
  12. I said earlier, that I've only ever been on SL. I don't know anything about any other platforms.
  13. Yes. But if you have two lines of text running parallel, they could contain the same message or sequence of letters. Essentially making them the same. Obviously SL is not the same as RL though.
  14. People have gotten married IN REAL LIFE after they had met in SL. I can't argue over what happens in online games, because I don't play them. I'm in SL only.
  15. That's your opinion, and it's fair. I don't believe SL is just a video game. People have gotten married in RL from here. I've had friends cry on my SL shoulder over RL tragedies they chose to share with me. It all depends on the perspective of the person.
  16. I disagree with you. And the correct term would be "discerning between".
  17. Sorry . I disagree. To me the term "Second Life" means First life 2.0. That just doesn't sound as good for marketing. We can abandon whatever we choose to. No one is forcing me to go to a "Disneyland" sim. Sheepishly adding that a friend did ask me, and I will go with her.
  18. The only thing sex is important for is procreation. Very true. That is why we are biologically programmed to enjoy it (in most cases). And there is nothing wrong with "fun and games". I'm sorry that you have experienced abuse, and that is a terrible thing. But simply because you have had bad experiences surrounding it doesn't mean everyone else has.
  19. If you want to collect stats on me, just ask. I'll happily tell you everything!!!
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