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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. IF the price is right though. I "rent" a homestead for $L30K a month. It's the island everyone sees in my pics.
  2. I'm a man RL, and it's easy when you have our strength. The strength to tap around the lid with a butter knife, and then turn the lid...
  3. I believe you to be a woman, and I know you're quite strong!!!
  4. I just spent some time with her at an erotic art museum she took me to, and I reminded her of the incident, and she had a good laugh. I can never know for sure which of the women I spend time with in SL are actually men , but I know some very strong women in RL, so I can't base anything on how they behave in that sense. The situations we put ourselves in call for strong people either way.
  5. I was thinking about what you've said about stalking today, and how different it can be for different people in terms of the fear it can produce. I IM'd my friend Katie (who's pics I've posted with me dancing with her as Sandor) as Swallow. It was in in standard friendly fashion, the way I would address a male or female friend. Nothing sexual. She had forgotten that was me in a female AV. She was not receptive, and made that clear. Highly clear. She knows how to protect herself. I certainly wouldn't want to be someone to go up against her. And I'll never IM her as a female AV again. She prefers me male.
  6. Why a creator would worry about their image being copyable makes no sense to me. They are selling their product, not their "picture" of it.
  7. I AM a little surprised people actually eat that!!! With the insects jumping around!!! Maybe we should feed it to stalkers....
  8. Like a bread patty with tomato sauce and Casu Marzu. An acquired taste.
  9. The name of the store where you can try on the clothes in a pose stand is "Deviant Behaviour"
  10. i personally find with my close friends, we can't fully take it seriously, because we know each other too well. So we find a third person who we don't know to take part. They usually get bored of us after a while. What was really kinky one instance though, is when my partner Caitlin was actually upset about something, and took it out on me as Toy in a breast torture machine we have on the Island. She apologized afterwards, but there was no need. I knew she was upset, and needed emotional release. It was intensely erotic and emotional, but only because we have a very close friendship and trust. It was also fully spontaneous.
  11. It IS really cool. It's only for women's clothing though. I can't go online tonight, but I should have it LM'd. If not I can ask my partner. She bought a dress there.
  12. There is a store inworld where you stand on a pose stand, and it previews what piece of clothing will look like on you. and you can rotate yourself. Being naked is required though for it to work.I can't remember the name of the place though.
  13. Poser has an Inventory with pics, and those are provided by the object creator.. Why would that be impossible here?
  14. I have CTS Wardrobe, but only as Sandor. It's expensive and requires proper RLV setup. It would be great to have a built in inventory with pics!!!!
  15. I would say the merchant has to provide the pic, with the option of us replacing it with our own.
  16. You never pick on anyone Scyll, so I didn't think that!!! I wasn't actually thinking of a better way to deal with stalking. I didn't even realize that was a problem in SL. I can't even imagine how someone could stalk any of my AV's. And I wouldn't care if they did. I was referring to situations where I get upset at someone. I don't want to be aware of them inworld, and i don't want them to be aware of me. But since stalking appears to be problem, then I wouldn't want anything that would make it easier. I understand that some are very uncomfortable and can be frightened by this. I am totally against child AV's under any circumstances though. I personally do not believe they should exist in an environment geared to 18+.I don't believe they are going to be banned though, and I'm not going to campaign for that. It is simply my personal opinion. And of course sex is a significant part of SL for me. More kink than straight up slex though. That's no secret LOL!!! I enjoy photography and building, but sexuality is rampant in all of what I do here. I do make friends I don't have sex with though.
  17. I don't know about you, but when I buy something, I've already seen the picture of it!!! Or we could take our own picture as an option.
  18. Oh, do I ever agree!!!! A graphical inventory system would make things so much easier!!! and the streamlined shopping experience!!!!
  19. I usually start at home when I login. Occasionally last location. I don't want to start at some Nexus. And why a simpler starter AV? I would have wanted something mesh when I started!!!
  20. It's never an issue when I'm plying with close friends. If we have to go, or are uncomfortable, we just tell each other. I don't think any of us ever had to use the safeword. With strangers it's more intense, and my partner and I have been upset a few times. I just invited the last person back to the island and ejected them 3 times in a row before banning.
  21. I know the cts wardrobe uses it, but I'm familiar with it through the context of BDSM. I have no idea how to adjust how much control I wish to give, but I don't want to be able to control that. I simply turn it off when I can't play accordingly.
  22. That's why I said "I accept". But isn't the point of RLV to be restricted and controlled?
  23. I just turn off RLV, and relog if something is wrong (usually time issues). Personally, I accept anything that happens to me when I have RLV on. That's the entire point.
  24. OK, perhaps I don't understand the block process well them. From what I know, the blocked person can still see me fine if I block them. It's me who can't see them well. How does that protect me from being stalked by them?
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