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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. Having lunch with a woman who's name I don't remember.
  2. I was adjusting something on the Island, with my Swallow AV logged on in a separate PC, as well as myself. I came back to the spot I logged in, and saw this between Caitlin and Swallow. Cait said they were catching up. Lol, I had a surprise!!! And yes, this was actually the way it happened!!!
  3. A girl I met who likes to be photographed.
  4. Your alt is even more perfect than you are!!!
  5. Yes, some of mine have been provocative. But the ones that were removed weren't.
  6. I have had a couple of pictures removed where I had to ask others to see what the reason could have been.
  7. In all honesty though, none of us ever know the future. Not about our lives , and not about our relationships. We live in the present. Anne Morrow Lindbergh phrased it beautifully in "Gift from the Sea" : Security in a relationship lies neither in looking back to what was in nostalgia, nor forward to what it might be in dread or anticipation, but living in the present relationship and accepting it as it is now. Relationships must be like islands, one must accept them for what they are here and now, within their limits - islands, surrounded and interrupted by the sea, and continually visited and abandoned by the tides.
  8. LOL. I was talking about being married...again!!! I added some things to our venue on the Island, and I was looking at them when I snapped this pic.
  9. Now that looks better!!! Except I could be getting myself in trouble...again....
  10. I think I've had two removed in two years, and I didn't agree with either.
  11. Was it about a statement on objectification, or simply just for fun?
  12. Thanks!!! It wasn't meant to be sexual though. I was in the shower, and just forgot. I was working on other things, and then randomly started playing with the camera. I saw this image , and thought it showed the beauty in the combination of things.
  13. Here's the link to the uncensored version of my pic with my naked butt. I personally think it is more effective uncensored. https://www.flickr.com/photos/193173089@N03/51954044576/in/dateposted/
  14. I totally agree with you. I was just making sure my pic wouldn't be removed.
  15. I took this pic while just playing with the camera and relaxing. I censored it a bit, but it loses the effect somewhat. To me, it shows the beauty of nature, of the human body, and the beauty of what we as humans can build.
  16. Scyll, I love this pic. Highly sensual, combining elements of fear and sexuality. The unknown awaits you. Possibly sex. Possibly death. Or is it two people simply trying to get home that took the wrong turn down an alley in the dark, and don't know what to do? What lies beyond the gate, we don't know. And the confusion of whether to go on or not is scintillating. Your pic is a story all by itself.
  17. Nice pic. It looks a little to dark on my end though.
  18. Caitlin and I, being swept along by the winds of SL.
  19. I sign a lot of my pics. It's a part of my art. I don't look at it as advertising. People already know who made the pic from the name of the person posting.
  20. I'm not sure if that depends on our hardware or graphics card settings (or driver version).
  21. I am assuming though, in this thread, portraits don't have to be of ourselves.
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