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Posts posted by Istelathis

  1. I've found no difference in my earnings, after spending nearly 3,000L on a fishing pole for a certain, very popular, fishing game in SL.  I did find that it did nicely increasing my total rank, which I was told would eventually lead to an increase of earnings - but it would have taken a long time to reach that point.  Mind you, that pole was at the lower end of the fishing rods available, if I wanted to place a high rank for the month it would have required quite the investment, which would be well over 10k linden.  What bothered me most about that game, was not even the lousy earnings, I was mostly just doing it for fun.  It was how buggy the poles were, and how often I would cast my line only to be met with a message that there was an error connecting to their server, which would result in having to wait for over a minute for the fishing pole to initialize.  

    To be fair to that fishing game, I did not want to invest that much money.  I'm not sure how much one could earn by investing a lot of money in it.  From my perspective, it was not worth the expenses.  I eventually opted for another fishing game, which did not offer upgraded rods, which sold bait for a lot cheaper, and even then the earnings were meager.  I did find I earned more linden though the less expensive fishing game though.  I mostly played it because I just enjoyed it, the linden I earned was only pennies on an hour of playing - and if anything I had spent more on hosting my own fishing events.  

    My own experience is, don't rely on fishing to earn linden.  If you like to fish, then sure, go for it.  

  2. My favorite is the mesh Ruth avatar, is listed here:

    It includes an alpha layer, that you can configure by a HUD.  This avatar is also capable of BOM, which provides you a lot of options.  The cost is 1L.

    Try it out, perhaps some of those outfits that you purchased will fit with a little tweaking.  It will not look as nice as the more expensive mesh avatars out there, but it is very flexible and in the right hands it can look amazing. 

    • Like 3
  3. It is probably better to err on the side of caution, rather than risk your account.  This is especially true if you are constantly being informed by people that they are going to report you.  I would love to go all bravado, and tell you to stick to your guns and not let anyone tell you otherwise, but that could be at your expense.  If it were my account, I would not risk it.  There is always a lot of interpretation left in internet rules, and what could be considered acceptable and harassment is not in general, bound by legal systems.   

    • Like 1
  4. I just checked out IMVU to see what their landing page was like, they also have a video showing avatars doing various things.  SL has their video beat, I mean, they really put a lot of effort into it and I appreciate that.  I won't ever really see it, unless I open it in Microsoft Edge, which I never use, and remain logged out, but I do think it looks really impressive.  


    World of Warcraft also has a video on their landing page, this must be a new thing virtual worlds are doing.  SL is keeping up with the trend, and did a good job of portraying a message in a short video clip.  

    • Like 1
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    • Haha 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    Those who ignore or ridicule history are doomed to repeat it.


    While I think it would be a fun region, and would probably spend time exploring it - I did enjoy your post.  I like reading up on the history of SL, there is so much out there that I missed out on.  I think the chances of it ever happening are slim to none, but the idea itself is fun to explore :)  Your post complimented the entire concept, and I appreciated it.  Not to discredit the humor of rabid cheetah, it gave me a laugh.  I don't think anyone believes this is something that will ever happen. 


    - hippy dreamer :)

    • Like 2
  6. 59 minutes ago, ChinRey said:

    It never moves right though. It is very rare for people in RL to glue the tips of the locks of their hair onto their shoulders and arms and backs but that's the effect fitmesh hair emulates.

    Flexi hair has a ton of issues but at least the locks move independently of the avatar's body and for me that's the clincher. I only use flexihair (except of course for hairstyles short enough they can be rigid) and would never even consider a fitmesh hair.

    I agree, but it still really looks pretty to me.  I just pretend we are back in the 80s and use a lot of mousse 🙃   

  7. Can animesh be scripted to follow physics or does it only work through an animation?  Also if it can work through physics, I wonder if we would have the same problem of it flowing through our bodies as we do with flexi-hair.

  8. I sometimes use it, but I am cheap and I can usually find it for free.  I think mesh hair looks gorgeous, and I use that too, but there are only so many available for free and sometimes I can't resize them to fit my mesh Ruth avatar.  For my pixie avatar, it is mostly all flexi hair though because I can easily resize it, and I think it looks fantastic :)

  9. I had both of my shots, Saturday will be the two week mark after being vaccinated.  I received the pfizer vaccine, and so far I'm okay.  I thought I would get super powers, but I can't even get a magnet to stick to my arm, I think I was cheated.. plus I never did receive a sticker, all I got was a card.


    I really wanted super powers :(

    • Like 2
    • Haha 4
  10. I for one, welcome viewer diversity :) The more the merrier, I do need to install LL viewer though, I haven't used it in a long while.. I've mostly been using singularity because I find it crashes a lot less in congested areas.  Firestorm I adore for the many options it has built in though, plus it was my first viewer that worked nicely - I started out on linux and tried to get LL's viewer to run on wine before finding out there were linux viewers out there.  Now I'm going to download the LL viewer to test it out.

    • Like 1
  11. @Qie NiangaoI tried fullscreen and it has the same result.  It behaves almost like I had snap on when I try to move it on it's x axis via free hand, trying to rotate it otherwise and it is fine.  The other behavior I find strange, is that after it temporarily locks in place on the x axis is that once it is free it will move without any more locking until I release the mouse and try again.  I never rotate objects this way, I usually rely on the axis guides to rotate them so I am not sure how long this behavior has been occurring.  Using the axis guides to rotate, does not result in any odd behavior.

  12. @xicadelikIf you right click on the ground, there should be an option for "create" or it might be "build", if you click that option your cursor should turn into a wand and if you click  that wand, a prim will be created in that spot.  After it is created, you can move it around or resize it, if you push CTRL+shift, you should be able to resize it by dragging the little nobs that show up on it

  13. @Gorba McMahonI don't think we can go back too far in Firestorm, I tried a few minutes ago with and couldn't log in as firestorm wouldn't let me.  Alchemy was the only one that worked for me, but it hasn't been updated for a while.  For Alchemy, my version is Alchemy 6.3.6 which is actually the newest version, I had mistakenly thought I was using an older version - still it hasn't been updated since April of 2020.  

  14. @xicadelikYou're welcome, another trick that might help out is to create a prim along your property edge, make it thin and resize it so it will make it easier to see any objects that may be poking into the neighbors yard.



    Alternatively, if you are using firestorm they have an excellent option that will highlight your property lines which you will be able to use at any height.  Unfortunately, only firestorm has this option as far as I am aware.  It is in the preferences under Firestorm->build2  "Highlight boundary"

    • Thanks 1
  15. Here are my specs

    Firestorm 6.4.13 (63251) Mar  2 2021 18:51:46 (64bit / SSE2) (Firestorm-Releasex64) with Havok support
    Release Notes

    Release Notes

    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz (2808 MHz)
    Memory: 20366 MB
    OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 19042.985)
    Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
    Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
    Graphics Card Memory: 4096 MB

    Windows Graphics Driver Version:
    OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 466.11

    RestrainedLove API: RLV v3.4.3 / RLVa v2.4.0.63251
    libcurl Version: libcurl/7.54.1 OpenSSL/1.0.2l zlib/1.2.8 nghttp2/1.40.0
    J2C Decoder Version: KDU v8.0.6
    Audio Driver Version: FMOD Studio 2.01.08
      CEF: 81.3.10+gb223419+chromium-81.0.4044.138
      Chromium: 81.0.4044.138
    LibVLC Version: 2.2.8
    Voice Server Version: Not Connected
    Settings mode: Firestorm
    Viewer Skin: Firestorm (Grey)
    Window size: 1920x1027 px
    Font Used: Ubuntu Font Family (96 dpi)
    Font Size Adjustment: 0 pt
    UI Scaling: 1.1
    Draw distance: 32 m
    Bandwidth: 3000 kbit/s
    LOD factor: 2
    Render quality: High-Ultra (6/7)
    Advanced Lighting Model: Yes
    Texture memory: Dynamic (512 MB min / 10% Cache / 10% VRAM)
    VFS (cache) creation time (UTC): 2021-2-17T21:29:57 
    Built with MSVC version 1916
    Packets Lost: 33/2,436 (1.4%)
    May 17 2021 09:39:45 SLT

    • Thanks 1
  16. It might be changes in the viewers, I say this because I have the same problem in Firestorm, and a newer version of Singularity, but for an older version of Alchemy it worked as it should.  I also checked all of my settings to ensure snap was not enabled.


    I went as far as to go on my opensim region, and test it with Firestorm and I had the same behavior as you are having.  

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