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Posts posted by MelodicRain

  1. Looking for a pair of geta for ebody reborn mid feet, to go with this pair of thick socks. Should be as "open" as possible and as little straps as possible, otherwise it will clip with the socks for sure. Ideally it would just have a toe strap (like flip flops) and a high platform.


  2. Everywhere I look it says to crop images to 4:3 for both profile + picks photos - but when I launch Firestorm I clearly see profile photo as 1:1, and picks as 2:1... what am I missing here?


    ^ This looks like 1:1 to me?


    ^ This looks like 2:1 to me?

    So have these been updated to 1:1 and 2:1 respectively?

  3. Just now, Quistess Alpha said:

    Yeah it was unclear, I was assuming the notecards were litterally named red,"Object has been painted red",-1 etc. which is actually convenient in some cases.

    Sorry, I meant the name of the notecard is "Note1", and the color/message is the content.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

    The main things you need are:


    To set a color, you need to use a vector that contains the correct RGB values, red for example: <1,0,0> (check the llSetColor wiki page)

    Reading from a notecard can be a bit tedious, especially if you need more than one line.

    I'm familiar with all the parts of the script other than picking out the correct notecard by matching the file name with the link name.

  5. I'm trying to create a HUD that reads a specific notecard by matching it against what button in the HUD the user clicked, then parse the lines in the notecard and trigger some functions.

    For example, I could have the following notecards stored in an object:

    Notecard name: Note1, with following contents:


    red,"Object has been painted red",-1

    Notecard name: Note2, with following contents:


    blue,"Object face2 has been painted blue",2

    If the user clicks on a button in the HUD named "Note1", then it should parse the Note1 notecard by:

    llOwnerSay("Object has been painted red");

    Of course, "red" and "Object has been painted red" should be parsed from the notecard.


    Can anyone get me started on how to accomplish this? I've gone through a few example scripts/tutorials but they all only read from one notecard.



  6. 1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    If memory serves, you have to upload less parts, then link them together inworld. Just saw another thread with similar questions.

    It works if the mesh only contains 1 link. The moment it goes to 2 or more links the error pops up. I'm pretty sure the uploader can accept meshes with more than 1 link. Upload cost goes up insanely high if I have to separate one model into like 10 different parts to upload.

  7. I have a jewelry mesh that has many tiny parts, which is getting the infamously cryptic "MAV_BLOCK_MISSING" error during upload. I've Googled for the last hour and already tried every workaround proposed:

    • Add a simple physics file like a cube to uploader
    • Add a simple mesh like a cube directly to the model
    • Minimize lowest/low/mid LOD in uploader

    None of them work, even when trying all 3 together. Are there any other known workarounds for this error?

    • Like 1
  8. We should also call out + appreciate the stores that went from no-mod to mod (e.g. Eliavah), and shame the ones that went from mod to no-mod (e.g. BarberYumyum).

    Also, instead of using a forum thread which is next to impossible to compile into an aggregate list, why not use Google Sheets that everyone can contribute? No one's going to read through this thread unless every store is posted in the opening post.

    • Like 1
  9. Inspected an outfit from an avatar but wasn't able to get any info.

    • Item prefix is ".SD."
    • Creator is alias.aura

    Creator profile has no LM nor any marketplace link, and sounded like the type of narcissistic a-hole who'd insult your family just for asking where the store is, so I'm going to avoid sending an IM. The only breadcrumb I found was a store named "Sugarcult" but it only sold furry mods, so it's not this one (and it doesn't resemble ".SD." either). Unfortunately the item did look quite good so I'm curious enough to take a look and grab a demo.

    Anyone know what this ".SD." (notice the two dots) store is and have a SLURL or marketplace link?

  10. Because 95% of creators in SL thinks slapping on a no-mod on every single thing they sell gives them the superiority complex. "Use my godly creation as I've intended it, peasants, no modifications of any kind cause what I've designed is absolutely perfect". There's also the reason that most of them think 90% of residents are imbeciles who don't even know how to resize something, which ties in with the superiority complex. I've accidentally bought no-mod, fatpack, non-rigged mesh accessories before that have absolutely NO reason being no-mod, and when messaged the creator about it, I was told I have no business modding their products. Oh f* off.

    Funny story: I've got a pair of heels from a certain store that starts with a P, and there was a major texture issue on it. I actually told them how to fix it cause I like to tinker with things and probably know more about building in SL than the creator themselves, but guess what? They still refuse to send me a moddable version for me to fix it myself, AND they refuse to fix it as well cause "don't have time".

    Bodies/heads are those things that you can't really live without unless you want to look like you time travelled from 2005, but for clothing/accessories, I try my best to avoid these no-mod snobs.

    • Like 6
  11. OP: "I'm too lazy to spend more than 5min shopping for skins so I'll automatically assume there are no good black skins in SL, because at that one event I went to last week I didn't find any black skins I like. People need to get their ***** together and start sending me black skins right NOW! Also, only skins I will enjoy, anything I don't like will be deleted."

    Also, "white people skins all look exactly the same", lmaowtf. I'd hate to imagine what this person would say about Asian skins.

    Obvious troll or complete lack of common sense. Don't feed these.

    • Like 5
    • Thanks 1
  12. QAvimator used to work pre-Bento days and it was super easy to use - I know you can use Blender/Avastar to create anims, but I was wondering if there are any alternative lightweight apps like QAvimator that are much quicker/easier to use? I'm just looking to create simple poses like close eyes or open mouth, literally 1-2 bone changes and 1 keyframe.

  13. 1 hour ago, Lindal Kidd said:

    Not only are the pictures in different parts of the Profile of differing aspect ratios...the aspect ratio for the LL viewer main Profile picture is different from popular third party viewers like Firestorm. So if you make your picture so it looks right in LL's viewer, it will look stretched in FS.

    You can't win.

    I did not know that. Well RIP at any attempt at polishing up my profile considering there's still a large user base for the vanilla viewer for some reason.

    • Like 1
  14. Not just for the main profile photo, but also for the Picks tab... right now the aspect ratio there is so awkward I'm forced to crop/resize my photos just for this tab, since normal 1024x1024 images look completely distorted. I don't really care if it's some completely random size like 157x157 but can we at least have consistent aspect ratios on ALL images in the profile? I guess they never bothered updating how the profile looks ever since launching SL... the UI looks like something from 1970.

    • Like 5
    • Thanks 1
  15. Even though I'm not using the official viewer it's highly likely it'll happen there as well. I'm using latest Firestorm viewer at the moment, and it'll crash VERY frequently without any error messages. Over a period of several weeks I've observed some patterns:

    • It usually crashes if I pan camera around my avatar or zoom in close to my face (e.g. when trying demos or editing my shape)
    • How crowded a place is (or complexity of environment) has no effect on frequency of crashing - I can be at home alone, in a completely empty sky platform, and still crash every 30sec if I pan camera
    • Graphics settings also have no effect on crash frequency - from lowest to highest
    • It does NOT crash if I leave viewer minimized in background and use computer for other things, even after several hours

    Another interesting thing is if I crash, it'll ALWAYS take two attempts to log back in - first attempt I would log in as a perpetual glowing cylinder, and my inventory would fail to load - second attempt would rez normally.

    I was going to assume this is a memory leak issue or something but it's very odd how I can still crash in an empty sim, and how graphics settings have no impact. Granted this is an old computer, but I'm able to play at ~40-50fps with no issues on medium settings, which is acceptable.

    Anyone know how I can troubleshoot this?

  16. Is there any way to store data from both notecards, and only execute a function after both data are ready? It seems right now it calls dataserver twice synchronously, so the first call won't contain notecard2value, while the second call will contain both notecard1value and notecard2value. Rolig's script is not working for me at all (prints empty) while tomm55's script will print the line twice:

    First print: notecard1value [blank]
    (3-4sec delay)
    Second print: notecard1value notecard2value

    I guess I need to delay the llOwnerSay until both dataservers are executed?

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