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Posts posted by karenx0

  1. 9 hours ago, micheala2020 said:

    im looking for a job for money

    If you reply the same way in a RL job interview, pretty sure, they wouldn't continue it and will ask you to leave from there itself. You may feel it's a SL job, but even a SL job is somewhat common with RL one.

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  2. 11 minutes ago, Quistess Alpha said:

    Why are you looking for a job? it sounds like a silly question, but it goes a fair way to determining if you'd be a good or bad fit for certain jobs.

    I'm going to add something with this question as well.

    @micheala2020 It's always a good idea to post what skills you have or what type of job you'd be comfortable doing it. You might say "doesn't matter". But doing a job that you are not comfortable in, I don't think that'd be a good fit for you, and you'll be wasting the Owner's time. [No Offense.] Post your various skills that you have, add what you don't know but you are willing to learn. Let know what type of job you'd be comfortable with. And then you can either wait, or search on the in-world employment forum that's in your type.

    Some people seeks to be a dancer or escort, as that's their type or comfortability. While some already mentions it first they do not want a dancer or escort job. I would say, take some time out to figure out your skills, your type of job, and then you can work on it.

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  3. 11 hours ago, imnotmoonbyul said:

    I have other coworkers, and they do have other SL jobs, but I must say, none of them take any of their jobs seriously, I do.

    No one takes a SL "job" seriously unless you are a creator or offering any services. Rest are just for fun.

  4. 24 minutes ago, imnotmoonbyul said:

    Well, I was offered way more lindens than I expected for a job where I would do "almost nothing", so... I preferred to stay with them and have a weekly extra income. Later on, it started to get more serious and my boss gave me way more responsibilities (I guess I was the only one making the cut), while the payment remained the same. You can't expect someone to stick to 100L an hour for a person investing 50 hours of her life Inworld. I believed in this project cause that's the kind of person I am. I have other coworkers, and they do have other SL jobs, but I must say, none of them take any of their jobs seriously, I do.


    Like, if you have multiple interests... where does your loyalty remain?


    I was happy having an Inworld job and serving to that purpose, until I realized how much they were taking advantage of. I’m a passionate driven persona, they saw that and took me under their wing, but you know what they say: the grass always looks greener on the other side…


    Leave and search for another? Use your own skills to create a business? Having multiple interests doesn't make you disloyal, but it proves you're really skillful!

    But who am I to say sumthin to you? Your SL your wish sugar! I be mindin my own business 😂

  5. 27 minutes ago, imnotmoonbyul said:

    Hello, this is an ALT account I'm using to send this message. The reason? My main account is currently being employed and I'm afraid my boss could read this.


    I'm looking for a job related to store, brand, real estate management. I have experience Inworld as a realtor, but in truth my day-to-day chores are those of an administrator / manager. And I speak various languages as well.


    My current pay is 100L an hour with a maximum of 50 a week (or 5000L a week), so I'm expecting to be offered a higher salary no matter how small the change is, considering I can stay online up to 50 hours a week.


    Though my using an ALT account to write this message might seem shady, I'm looking for a serious job where I'm treated with respect, and being paid the amount I deserve for my time and knowledge.


    I'm in one of those businesses where everything is so new that most of the job tends to fall in one person. I'm not being paid fairly and on top of that I have to put up with harassment from one of my boss’ friends.


    I just want to connect with people who take working as seriously as I do, for I love to work, not wasting my time.


    (I'll be contacting any possible offer with my main account)


    You do realise, you can have multiple jobs with one avi, right..? It's not RL, that you can be doing only one job... 🤔

  6. 3 hours ago, Zopper said:

    That sounds great, but alot of people now days want to get an mesh job for clothing for example done, just to regret it and ask for money back? What can you do in situations like this. To not look like you are scamming people, lets say they saw my ad contacted me inworld payed first and got their mesh/ jewelry made, what if they dont like it regret it etc? What if someone wants their money back for example theres alot of ways this can play out and im just making sure i know everything, what would i have to do then? Or how can i go by this?

    Don't take the full amount before hand, take half first, and tell them that it's a no refund.

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  7. 3 hours ago, Zopper said:

    Hello! Had some questions about inworld employment, let’s say you are wanting to get employed maybe for an custom meshing job inworld, how should the payment go by? Ive seen alot of people use tipjars? Just wondering how to go by this the right way

    Just post as "Mesher looking for commission" for the topic and as for you info you can add samples of your previous work. You can also mention what kind of meshing it is, as in for clothing, or is it for objects. For your payment like Sam said, ask direct Ls. Don't use tip jars, this is not hosting or DJ'ng. You're using your skills, hard work and time for this, so tip jars payment should be out of the question.

    Lastly, you can add your contact info, inworld, discord or email. Well email is optional, people prefer inworld or discord more. And as for the samples, if you put some pictures or a mp link, or even a flickr for your previous work [portfolio], if people like what you doing [can be objects or clothing or anything else], they'll contact you directly.

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  8. 21 hours ago, Lia2LaRue said:

    I would like a pack of BOM underboob t-shirts in various colors/ design.  If you have actually seen anything like this i am interested to know where.  If you have a link for this item i will look at it.  I am looking people who have actually seen this item on mp or inworld and know for sure it has been for sale recently.  No guesses please.  ty

    A sample of a picture would be more better...

  9. On 11/17/2021 at 8:51 AM, Afkgirl101 said:

    Hi everyone. I am currently using the LoveMomma which consists of only BoM items for the body. I really want to love this body but the use of clothes for it is so limited. Can anyone help in finding clothes that just use system appliers or clothes for the LoveMomma body itself? And that are actually high quality and cute? If anyone could assist me it would really help greatly. Also how can I continue to get the word out to more creators to create for this body?

    I'm experiencing SL pregnancy with Lovemomma as well, I'm on my 20th day of the 1st stage. I buy their clothes from Astralia.

  10. 2 hours ago, victoravatar said:

    Well i mostly like pop genre that's why. And SL is a game after all idk why ''im asking too much'' but also the clubs i used to host at that was a few years ago i dont remember their names or the location maybe they even have changed the sim by now idk id have to look over my landmarks from a few years ago chances are 0 though lol and ik that not having experience sucks but u gotta start from somewhere right .-.

    Club illusion (formerly Havoc), you can play any genre except for Country.

  11. 13 hours ago, victoravatar said:

    I want to try out being a DJ on Second Life. It will be my first time. I've been a host before a few times but never a DJ. I would like to do pop songs only! That's the only genre i want to dj. You can msg me in world if i don't respond here. In world name : Victoravatar Resident. I speak english good but it is not my first language. Also I don't want to use a mic. :D

    Club Havoc takes up no experienced DJs. They also have a time for no mic use. So you would have to check up on that when you apply for it. And Club Havoc has been newly renamed as Club Illusion as well.


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