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Posts posted by karenx0

  1. 2 hours ago, Elinah Iredell said:

    Can anyone please explain to me how to use these  new uv style Lelutka evo heads? The features are upside down no matter what I do . They say put everything on and it will look normal I tried  it with the alpha and without, but it was still upside down, they also say put on an evo skin it will look normal, nope not then either. Their frequently asked questions do not include this issue they do not seem to think the features looking terrible is important I guess. The notecard mentions contacting the team if you have questions but I could not find out how to contac the team. Anyway life is too short I could not figure it out. It was frustrating I tried and tried and gave up. It is just a creepy looking upside down head to me. 

    That because the head your are using is not from the Evolution Line, but is from Upgraded version of the Evolution X Line. As in, it depicts as EvoX. So when you say your skin shows upside down for the head, which the reason is that you are wearing the EvoX head, and EvoX UV Maps are totally different from the Evo ones. All Evoheads from Lelutka has upgraded to the EvoX. Which also means that you need to get a skin that only supports/is made for EvoX heads. And one more thing, Lelutka is a BOM head, so the only alpha the folder will have is for the eyes.

    Some EvoX skin stores are Studio Exposure [Tres Beau], Mila, Pumec, etc. You can take a look at these. You can also look at Lueur Beauty as well, although they don't have a huge range of EvoX skins.

    I'm currently using the Lelutka Lilly EvoX head, and skin from Pumec.

    EDIT: One more thing, that I forgot to add;

    When you are looking at the skin stores, before you try a demo, make sure you check if the names on the pictures are written "Evolution X or EVOX or EvoX". You cannot wear a skin that says Evo for your EvoX head.

    In an example: You cannot wear Kupra size clothes for your legacy body. And as that, you cannot wear Evo skins for your EvoX head or the face will be upside down.

    • Like 1
  2. 19 hours ago, thoughtseize said:

    I am looking for recommendations on beds that feature great cuddle or intimate poses. Adult animations are fine but emphasis is definitely on intimacy. 

    You can try BackBone, Bazar, Loft & Aria, Chez Moi, Apple Fall, Black Nest

  3. 11 hours ago, Okovongora Voom said:

    When viewing a product, click the Review tab that says there are 42 reviews and see none of them, or there are 12 reviews and see only two, etc. How can this be? Discourages buying anything.

    Try logging into the marketplace using your SL username and password [the one you use mostly] and then try to look at the reviews? Maybe that might help you out.

  4. 2 hours ago, MeshPromo said:

    I think avaxasher has good potential to be a better dancer as they proved their politeness when the other community members give constructive criticisms. I'm not in the clubbing industry so I can't hire but just letting avaxasher know, there is an adult club called "cage club" that allows "anyone" to dance in their dancing poles. I remember there are few clubs as that. But you'd build a pretty looking avatar, make your profile better as others mentioned, if possible add payment info, and chat in local to get some L$ tips. You can make good quality mash avatar using freebies, but it takes time to find them if you are new to SL.

    I consider constructive criticism a healthy one.. But it's also not for everyone.

  5. 56 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    employment i guess :) the choice to do it for free doesn't make it a discussion about non profit/educational organisation

    (as also the Roleplay forum doesn't allow employment searches there)


    So the non-profit forum is only if someone wants to offer teaching services related to any skill for free, correct?

  6.  So, I'm not sure if this should fit in this forum area..Anyways, I'm guessing that advertising on the forums are not allowed, unless you are hiring or offering your services.

    My thought is, what if I want to offer a non-profit service as a personal stylist, so would be I able to post it under inworld employment or perhaps the non-profit forum? I want to help people 😊

  7. On 10/7/2021 at 6:27 PM, Z3RI said:

    So I’ve bought beds where the avi can sleep under the comforter. Is there a way to tell if the bed I’m about to purchase does that or doesn’t before I buy it and am disappointed? 

    Bazar,  Loft & Aria, and some beds at Chez Moi, rezzes a blanket when you sleep. You can check all three of them in-world. I'm not entirely sure which beds for Chez Moi rezzes it, but I can defo gurantee you, that every bed from Bazar has this system.

    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, Elizabeth Gaelyth said:

    Hello! Yesterday suddenly my head started to look like this when I enable Atmospetic shaders. I don't know how to fix it, I'm using Firestorm. 


    This happened with my Kupra Body when I used the slider too high for the environment to control my shine. And like Skell Dagger said, it's most likely to be your environment for the shine control of your head HUD.

  9. 32 minutes ago, JeromFranzic said:

    All right... time for me to make a meaningful post here. 

    I WANT FLATS! Don't get me wrong, I love the high heeled shoes but sometimes a lady needs to relax a little. Of course I have a few sneakers and slippers like the Pusheen pair I'm wearing here. 

    Can anyone point me to a decent flatpack of stylish flats shoes that won't tank my budget? I recently splurged on several new bodies for myself and a few of my alts so... yeah. Other suggestions welcome. 

    It's casual friday for me IRL (AKA working at home today and monitoring new appliance installs) so I figured I could wear the Pusheens for now. :)


    Hilly Haalan [hh] has some budget friendly flats as well.

    • Like 3
  10. 6 minutes ago, Catrie said:

    I use the Dark theme and all I saw was a block of white that seared my eyes.  No way am I reading through that mess.  Maybe if it were broken into paragraphs, but doubtful. 

    Night rainfall a person, who is picking on Genus, Catwa and Lelutka and calling it ugly, and are not "perfect" in her POV.

    • Like 2
  11. 15 minutes ago, Skell Dagger said:

    As a CSR and manager for Catwa, I'm not even going to bother wasting her time by letting her know that apparently:

    The months of work that go into designing, meshing, rigging, animating, and scripting the complexity of a mesh head and its accompanying HUD(s) will clearly be a doddle for Night when they create their own.

    Good luck!

    And hence, I said; that insulting other's work is easy but they should put themselves in others shoes and feel how much work it takes to make one mesh head. I may not be a creator in SL, but I am a designer in RL, and I can feel their hard work and time on it.

    When find a dish, we enjoy it easily. We may see, that's really easy to create, but only a chef knows how much hard work it is. A creator should be praised, because they put soo much skills and hard work into it. Yes, they might have mistakes and faults, no doubt. And that's why creators update it by fixing that mistake. You don't be a perfectionist in one day, it takes time and skills.

    But people like Night won't understand until and unless they have experienced it on their own. When there's a bad fruit among the other good ones, you pick the bad fruit and throw it away. Night whatever fall is a bad fruit. But Lelutka, Genus, Catwa has people who adore their heads. So do effff with her and her thinking which is ancient than a million years old fossil, and do eff with her foul mouth, which is dirtier than mud.

    • Like 1
  12. I would love to tag the owners of Genus, Catwa, Lelutka and all the other's she talked about, but wasting such time arguing with this lady, I consider that as a waste of time. And like I said, she can just create a mesh head on her own, with perfect looks like she want. The "Godly" type. "Oh, I'm soooo perfect, I might go blind" xD 

    • Haha 1
  13. 6 hours ago, Night Rainfall said:

    Too bad not one of them looks pretty. Each one has it's own issues, whereas with Catwa there weren't any issues if the head was pretty. The only problem with Catwa is the hd line is worse than anything, but the original heads were very pretty. Lelutka heads have so many faults. 75% of them don't look classically feminine at all and have poorly shaped noses (just like the original lelutka line), and how the noses 'form' into the forehead is confusing. I often look at many actresses that are considered beautiful and wonder why not a single Lelutka head even attempted to at least make the noses resemble some of those people. Also, the cheeks on most of the lelutka heads are very ... ragged in the 3/4 view. After reviewing all heads over nearly a full year and trying every single skin I could find (videos soon to be published, but is a very long series that still is being edited) the two that could be perfect are Lilly and Fleur, but there are problems with both which could easily be fixed with more control and range on the sliders.  I'm not sure of that's because the rigging is poor or it's intentional so no one can ever be happy, which would be sad. The way the profile looks on fleur could use work, the brow bothers me and many skins eyebrows sit wrong on that head and it's baffling to me why they didn't just make it good. It's so obvious!  Lilly has some strange fat cheeks you can see in the 3/4 view like a few of the Lelutka heads and no amount of adjustment can correct. Many hairstyles make those cheeks even more unflattering. The nose on Lilly while better than most, is also strange from the side, like most all lelutka heads. Avalon and Ceylon are the ugliest and also seem to be the most popular. The way the lighting casts on those heads is horrendous. This is just my opinion, but I have convinced many of it as I own most every head in the lineup above, except the one with the sausage nose from the side that needs a good chopping off. Genus stole my money on that one, so I was ready for it with Lelutka and luckily avoided that train wreck. I'm working on videos to show these flaws in hopes that the creators will be more thoughtful with future heads. Not to mention all the concealers, contours and other garbage that needs to be worn to make the heads passable which shouldn't even be a thing in a game. I can only hope someone new makes heads and saves us from the depression of mesh heads we are in now.

    Insulting and taking out faults in someone's hard work is a lot easier.  Have you ever thought, how would they feel when someone is trashing their loads of real time given, talents and skills given, and hard work into it as well? Also if you find these heads having a lot "issue" like you keep mentioning about, why don't you be a creator and make your own mesh head? That way you can make the perfect "Godly Look" avi head. And who knows? Maybe we can be perfect goody-two shoes as well, and probably seduce more than 50 men/women in one day? :)

    • Like 8
  14. 16 hours ago, avaxasher said:

    Yea none respond

    That's because you are a week old, and that when a person's profile is empty, no profile picture, no about, no pics, the person who would look at your profile to hire you, the first that would come to their mind is that your account is no longer being used/no longer an active user.

    • Like 1
  15. 6 hours ago, luis Arsenault said:

    Hola..... Mi avatar cuando corre pone cara de tristeza alguien sabe el porqué y como solucionarlo? Gracias de antemano 

    Hola, Necesitas una AO

    • Like 1
  16. On 10/3/2021 at 9:33 AM, firstea90 said:

    im looking for an avatar and new place. please tell me your rates. i had a stylist but she stole lindens from me. i'd like someone to help me with styles and hair and getting a new apartment as well by the 5th ?

    I will be your personal stylist for free. You really don't have to pay anything to me. I had few friends and sl family help me out when I was new in SL, and so I do the same for others too ❤️ 

    • Like 6
  17. 1 hour ago, Caroline Takeda said:

    Oh, yes thats for sure.

    Sorry for not being clear enough:

    I was asking more in general about this Blogotex network Karen mentioned. Do they never pay cash, is it all about free stuff?
    For noobs, by all means go get that free stuff! Thats what I always do, when I release a new ALT into the wild.

    Blogotex is a system used my many trending brand names. Such as SALT&PEPPER, Fake Society, Chez Moi etc. I cannot fully tell you if they pay in lindens or not. Maybe some brands does, I'm not sure. All I can say is, they give you a fatpack of the clothing they want you to blog for during the events. So yes, it is free clothing or decor. If you want to blog, show your interest in it literally, not because of free stuffs.

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