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Madi Melodious

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Everything posted by Madi Melodious

  1. My body actually comes with something like this. I suspect some of the reason behind the modesty panels is LL doesn't want people derendering clothing. I have a underwear set that sits so close to the body that if you try to derender it, the whole body gets derendered.
  2. An this is part of the problem as I see it. Why don't the just come out and say that instead of just blowing smoke up our butts and hoping it comes out our ears. Just come out and say we have a reputation problem here and this is what we are proposing to fix it. Then ask us for feed back. Asking us for feedback is basically what they are doing under the table with this big thread. I actually think they see this thread as a god send; they don't know how to work this out which is why it has been open so long. Even with 230+ pages of nonsense, finger pointing, blame, and all around general helping of chaos. There are some good ideas in here, workable ideas that can be implemented. Much better ideas than what have dictated from on high.
  3. This is one of those things I've been saying before joining SL. Children are not sexy, nude or otherwise. If you look at a nude child and the first thing you think is sexual, you are the problem not the child. What "annoys" some people is I apply that to both sides. The save the children side, and the pedo side.
  4. Still won't change a thing, other than deprive them of a source of revenue. The bad guys will still do the exact same thing but now they will just stick to private sims. So, unless the lab wants to stick a linden in every sim on the grid 24/7, my point still stands.
  5. You have yet have her try to frame you by saying you said something or did something when you clearly didn't. I find it best to just ignore her.
  6. ((snipped for brevity)) You must be a lawyer in RL. This is actually a pretty good compromise and its very workable for everyone. In a situation where a child is expected to be nude, such is in the long ago suggested bath time example, the modesty paneled skin is required. Result no nude child, so no tos violation. In public all child av must wear appropriate cloths. No nude child avatars, so no tos violation. This is actually a win win for everyone. LL gets their naked child free grid, new content gets created for child av's, people get to keep years and huge dollar amounts of inventory. Bonus if the lab comes out and says "yeah that is what we mean" they get off pitch fork and torch crowd's radar.
  7. An as it has been over and over, what they want is impossible with the current platform the way it as. Here is what is going to happen. Those of us that really enjoy the platform and play by the rules will give up some of our freedoms, lots of money, and time so we can continue to enjoy it in the size we choose too. We will eventually, after grumbling a lot, conform because it will be the best in the end once the bugs are worked out. The bad guys, the once who are cause the problems. Weill kick back with a beer after the last ban. They will create a new account, upload non-compliant skins and bodies, and proceed as if nothing happened. That is what is going to happen. What the Lab is trying to do, despite good intentions, will not stop the problem and in the end might actually make it worse.
  8. Oh come on. Where is your sense of humor. We have been "discussing" this for 5 days now, the thread is over 200 pages, we have beating almost every possible topic to death, and resolved nothing. The thread is winding down. We can get a few laughs in before Whatshisname Mole comes along and close it all down.
  9. My typist just muttered something under her breath about bottle of rino tranq and a dart gun.
  10. My adult alt and her husband placed open collar scripts in their wedding rings. They replaced the chains with hearts. When they go skating one will "link" to the other and they will follow each other with a chain of hearts between them. It's very romantic. 🥰 Don't tell her I said that. She is still mad at me from the time I rented her hot tub out to a bunch of furries. How was I to know they were shedding. 🤔
  11. Oh don't' get me started on this. This behavior should be confined to adult land. I've had to ask people to remove their bondage gear at some of our events. One couple refused and I removed them. 😎 Would you believe there are people in SL so entitled that they think a cute, adorable, little AV shouldn't have the ability to punt an adult from an event?
  12. One of the things that I have been mulling over for a while now is having filing false abuse reports added in to the TOS prohibitions. I don't mean a mistaken report or two or something the governance board determines isn't a TOS violation. What I'm talking about is when someone lands in a sim and just basically files a bunch of AR reports to see what sticks.
  13. This is something I've wondering too. I really don't see being topless as being nude ether. I'm why they want a modesty layer on the chest of child avtars too. Very odd I think.
  14. I'm not sure why we need a modesty layer for the chest of child avatars at all. I can understand the bottom modesty layer but until puberty there really is no difference between the chest a girl or boy.
  15. My skins cost me 4800k, each. I have three of them.
  16. Have you heard something? I have heard a few rumors too that the cause of all this has something to do with legal issues. If that is the case, I really wish the Lab would come out and say we have to do this for legal reason. An frankly, if that is the case then all our "discussions" here are moot.
  17. I'm still waiting for a good reason that applied alphas won't be good enough.
  18. No, but thank you. It isn't like I'm having a creative block on how to redo her. This avatar represents a loss to me in RL. This goes back the therapy reasons in thread. So, it's lack of ability its emotional.
  19. Alive and well, and still in SL. I encountered her over Erminea a few weeks back.
  20. Don't you just love it. One of my best friends inworld wanted me do customer support. I responded. "nope. I wrote the script. You are the one that wanted to sell it."
  21. I'm going to leave that one in there because there is so much humor in a spell check correction.
  22. ((snipped most of the comment to save space)) Okay. I'm good with that. I don't really want to remove the moderate regions ether. I'm also not really against nudity, adult nudity, on public moderate land. I just don't want people telling me that "fair" that I be confined to fluffy paradise of puppies and gumdrops because the size of my avatar. An no, I don't think I should be running around on adult sex infested land as this avatar. Truth is I would never do that with her. I have an adult alt for that, if I chose to do that. People just telling me to "age up" or change avatars really don't get it. I've been trying to "age up" for several days now. It's very difficult for me to do because this little avatar has a very special and deep meaning for me. Asking me to abandon her to me would be like losing something all over again. What I really want is it just to be encoded in writing somewhere that the burden of proof isn't on me to prove my innocence if some adults in the Blake, or wherever decide it's time to get naked. The tos seems to imply that but not in a clear way. Just to be clear I'm not looking for a loophole in the tos that says I can go skinny dipping in the Blake if a bunch of adult avatars show up to do it. I can't join them, but I also don't have to flee the sim because someone took their top off.
  23. I'm in a group with Lucia Nightfire. She said she needs to go check out her thread. I think I warned her away.
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