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Everything posted by Schutzjr

  2. Look this is happening, so the thumb looks like is rigged to the thumb and wrist, , but the others only shows being rigged to the wrist only
  3. I've wanted to rig some rings on legacy hands but they don't rig as well as they should (?) In T pose everything is good, But when the hands make any movement, the rig is lost.
  4. Wulfie how did you join the last two vertices of the video?
  5. I will try it! ty Wulfie
  6. How do you recommend I could get the shape I want? Wulfie Reanimator
  7. I have tried to make a very simple ring, first with a torus, and then with a circle, but the problem is that they are very extended when I pull them up and I want them thin. I want something like this And when I uploaded looks like this very thick and I'm unable to manipulate.
  8. Schutzjr

    Nube naranja

    Hola comunidad. Llevo unos días entrando a SL y no me carga absolutamente nada, los primeros días me cargaba solamente la cabeza, después ya no, después empezaba a ver partes de los mapas de la cabeza y los huds a la mitad o en dispersión. Hoy en día vuelvo a entrar y ya soy una nube naranja completamente, los huds ya ni siquiera me cargan, ni son visibles. Intente hacer el troubleshooting de el avatar masculino default de sl, lo puedo ver pero a la hora de ponerle mi mesh vuelve a desaparecer. ¿Saben alguna solución y la razón de esto?
  9. Tysm MaxMare this served me well, thank you for taking the time to help me and being so specific.
  10. I'd like to start creating tattoos for SL, but I've honestly looked for videos to create HUDs but haven't come up with any to learn about. Could you share a link or video that could help me?
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