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  1. Joining the crowd of being a returning player (played roughly around 2016-18, then dropped off the game, an found a spark to come back.) I'd say hardest for me is actually finding active Sims, and of course, crying over dead sims I use to go. Active can mean different things to different people, but I typically think of it as a sim I can walk into, and have there be a decently crowded sim, or whatever, and have a really active Local chat. Of course, reading the whole "How SL culture has shifted from local to IM" post, is very true. I just miss walking into a sim and just being able to strike up a conversation with anyone in Local chat. Now its basically only clubs are active, an everywhere else is just Idle Simulator 2019. x3
  2. Heccuuuu yesss *highfive* If you ever wanna hang out, don't be shy~ My IGN is: Doujii Im always on the prowl for other demon/oni people to hang out with!
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