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Rat Luv

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Posts posted by Rat Luv

  1. 1 hour ago, BillFletcher said:

    I would message the owner and ask politely to be let in. I did that for a sim that required 365 days. In this case I had created a new account and wanted to go to my old favorite spots and explained that to the owner, and they did let me in. If you tell the shop owner that you are an eager legit customer they may well let you in. The worse case is that you write a note and it does nothing.

    I think this is great advice ☝️ 

    (ETA - oh oops just read OP's response about no DMs...if you know and trust some older avatars, can you ask them to go into the store and let you know what's there, and then you give them the money to buy the items for you as gifts?)

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  2. 5 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    I recall back in -- 2010 I guess? -- I managed to really annoy a lot of forumites who were posting in a thread pretty much identical to this one by regularly contributing a fashion critique of the team uniforms. I think, in fact, that I made predictions based on how nice the uniforms were.

    Drove some people bonkers! Bwahahahah!

    I think you should do this here too 👍...as long as you remember to add a note about how they would also look in SL :) 

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  3. It's nearly that time again, when SL residents rez their prim TVs to watch the Euro football championship in world 

    Sweden didn't get through this year, so Orwar has said he's supporting Scotland 😮 And LL said they are bringing in more Moles to moderate the forum during the Dutch matches, in case Sid, Alwin, Dorientje and Archangel become rowdy 🛂

    Will you be watching Euro 24 in world, and who are you supporting? Will Americans and Canadians be adopting a team? I think Scylla might support Ukraine? We'll let Ayashe sit in the England fan camp if she likes, because she liked onion bhajis when she went to London :P

    Should we have a forum sweepstake (within TOS)? Also, this is a thread for any Euro 24-related events in world 🏆 

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  4. 6 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    @Innula Zenovka's signature says:

    “The fascists of the future will tweet a lot of made up Winston Churchill quotes.”
    Abraham Lincoln.

    Oh, I saw the Lincoln "99%" one on someone's profile inworld :)

    IRL, I once took a pic of some graffiti on a wall in New Orleans and shared it on IG, and everyone was like "Yeah, love REM! I didn't know you were a fan!" I thought, I had no clue it was REM lyrics 9_9 I was  a bit disappointed it wasn't a street poet xD

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  5. On 5/22/2024 at 2:21 PM, Charlemagne Allen said:

    You are forcibly physically entered into Second Life by magic. You are stuck in your avatar body. What do you do?

    Make friends with scripters...fast ;)

    Find abandoned land with rez permissions and build a skybox (Rat has fallen 3000m and landed perfectly, so I know I won't be killed if I fall from a height B|)

    Start up a profitable taxi service for anyone else who has been isekaied and is worried about teleporting 🚖

    Probably drive my taxi over a sim crossing and crash in the sea and die ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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  6. 6 hours ago, Carolyn Zapedzki said:

    What are people's thoughts on Sploders and Camping?

     I miss them, they are great for noobs just starting out.

    Me too, I loved sploders...I do like a flutter 🤑 Or the 2L per question trivia machines...the questions used to repeat, so I memorised so many facts about US baseball just to get the money...and can't remember anything about it now 😉

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  7. 5 hours ago, Charlemagne Allen said:

    2. The Obvious Troll: This type goes for the most basic shock and are really quite boring. They usually have either disabled or racially-charged avatars and they spam loud noises. These people are really quite boring, so it's best just to mute and report them. They may also spam huge annoying particle effects but this is not as common. In any case, just mute them.

    These are the types I encountered the most 9_9 Someone was always leaving full bright red and blue prims in the public sandbox, which made this horrible loud alarm noise...🙉 And flooding the sandbox with cubes of Mario and Bill Cosby, and some other guy with a beard?

    I remember one day sitting on the roof at a store called Pixeldolls while a group of griefers were orbiting everyone who came in...I could see shoppers whizzing past me into the sky with their legs and arms flapping xD Well...I suppose it was quite annoying, but it was also a bit funny to watch...

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  8. 22 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

    On the other hand, not to play language police, but "paedophile" has some pretty serious connotations, at least to me, and however abhorrent or illegal bumping of underage pixels may be, it doesn't have all those connotations. 

    It's not something you would just have a 'passing interest' in, though? :/

    "I like Victorian RP,  I've always loved the clothes and household items, but it's not practical for me to buy them IRL...so SL Victorian sims fill that gap!"

    "I'm a firefighter in a RP community, it's just a bit of fun in the evenings and helps me unwind after work and meet new creative people!"

    "Oh, I like to go on SL and RP being a nonce...just RP though, I don't care for child abuse IRL!" o.O

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  9. 24 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    I hope you'll be happy to hear (as a professional), that of all the written vs. "movie versions" by Dick and Vonnegut (at least), I always preferred the written version.

    I preferred Bladerunner to the Androids book, but only because I'd seen the film twice before and really liked it, and the book is so different, especially Roy Batty's character...but it is the first place I ever learned about kipple :)

    The Man In The High Castle is SO much better as a book than the series, though...👍 

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  10. Steve Albini died :( He produced the original In Utero by Nirvana and also was in Big Black...this is from one of my favourite totally peeved with the world albums ever - and always makes me go bananas when it comes up on my exercise bike playlist!


    He also produced this AMAZING album 🔥


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