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  1. Apple Ridge! It is an awesome community, and has reasonable rates with amazing houses and shops! It is kid friendly and a very friendly community. Working emergency services, and other interactive roleplay experiences. SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Netherwood/60/52/21
  2. Size: 4,096 Price: L$4,000 (L$1.0/m2) Prim Count: 1,406 Rating: GENERAL Landmark/SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ellesmere/201/110/150 + There is a wall placed around it to give you a general idea of size and boundaries. That can be returned upon purchase.
  3. Are they still doing M-W-F releases, or is that up in the air now?
  4. This has been reduced in price to 33000! great deal!
  5. This amazing parcel is still available! It's been cleared off completely [save for the sale sign!] It's great for putting up your home and shop or making rental parcels for generating income! If you have any questions, you can send me a Notecard in world [cynthiariviera] or a message here on the forum!
  6. * All items will be cleared upon sale or beforehand.
  7. Small 1024 Island for 600/week Flexible arrangements, there is housing available w/some furniture [or] speak with the owner [Notecard: prinsezza.resident] about putting your own home and items up! As is, there is 100 prim available to continue with your own decorations or rez items out for use. Clean slate there are 351 prims. Moderate zone
  8. Looking to sell a half-sim mainland parcel. [nothing wrong with the area, we're just downsizing!] Linden: L$35000 [1.1L/per meter] 32,768 m2 [1/2 Sim Parcel] 11250 prims Moderate TP: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Zumanus/182/105/61
  9. Don't you put that evil out there! 1 second. Shush yo' mouf! LOL
  10. I'm not sure if that was the actual roll out or just people abandoning for a shot at something else.
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