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Everything posted by EphyMusicOfficial

  1. It's God-awful. I don't know how anyone is able to play this game. For context, my hardware is well above the "System Requirements" (which I'm sure are outdated). Here, let me save you some time: CPU: AMD FX 8350 (4.0 GHz, well above the listed "2GHz" listed on their SysReq page) GPU: AMD RX 500 Series (Which is years ahead of the ATI 5000 series, by the way) RAM: 24 GB DDR3 (No, I'm not upgrading to DDR4 anytime soon) Internet: 50Mbps Up/Down (Fiber, so symmetrical.) If I had to guess... NetCode. I ran this game at full spec, I ran this game in "Ultra Potato Mode" (literally turned all the settings to the lowest they'd go), and it STILL ran terribly, even in the "Learning World." So. Does this game require a supercomputer to run? Is their SysReq page severely outdated? Or does this game just run terribly for everyone? Additional Bonus Question: What in the heck is the "m" for in the view distance? I'm assuming Microns because even at the maximum, I could be standing right next to an object and it'd still be polygons for a few seconds.
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